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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. A nice bag of reds there. Great effort
  2. Looks like the as much fun you can have without using dynamite 😜 Still not sure why you did that 🤔 You can never have to many sheds imo! Could have used that for when your in the dog house with the missus 🤣
  3. Nice work, what are the soft vibes your using?
  4. Im sure its brought you many years of joy & now moving on to give others joy. Its one of those facts of life that when we move on or forward we must leave something behind. Just think what the new boat will bring.............................when your allowed to get it
  5. I love brisket & have cooked it a few different ways. Dry rubs are essential but every cook/chef will have their own version, I would use sweet paprika, cayenne, black pepper, thyme, garlic powder, onion powder, mustard powder, sea salt flakes, brown sugar. There are some really good premade mixes around if you don't want to buy all the separate ingredients. If I am going to cook it in the oven I will seal/brown the meat either in a pan or on a BBQ. Put it in a tray, wrap & cook it for 12 hours or more @ 80*C depending on the size. The slower the cook the less shrinkage & loss of moisture. Always let it rest for at least an hour if not 2 before slicing. This is based on a 5 to 6kg brisket. Doing a brisket in a smoker is a whole other story again Anyway here is a master class lesson from the legend himself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dpV4_rK_XYM
  6. Older type??? What exactly does that mean? Jim. you need to be a bit more specific mate! Fyi all- Old single 121.5 MHz VHF frequency transmitters are redundant & have been replace by units that transmit in both 406 MHz UHF & 121.5MHz VHF. The 121.5MHz VHF signal is used to locate you position by aircraft while the 406MHz UHF signal is picked up by satellite. Everyone who goes further than 2 nautical miles must have a 406MHz unit. The 2 types of 406MHz units available are GPS enabled & non GPS enabled. GPS enabled is preferable as its accuracy will locate your beacon down to around 100mtrs where as the non GPS version could only be accurate to a 5km radius. So if you value you & your passengers lives its better you spend the extra $50 on the GPS enabled version. https://beacons.amsa.gov.au/about/beacon-types.asp#1215-MHz-beacons-no-longer-detected-by-satellite
  7. Missed this thread somehow 🤔 Nice work, looks like the missus might join you more now you have shown her how easy it is 😢😁
  8. Great point, forgot about the squelch.
  9. Ok, my mistake then! Didn't say you run on 12V just implied you knee about it.
  10. Imo the 2 main things to check would be the ground wire & the antenna connection to the back of the radio. If either or both have a bad connection your signal strength will be weakened or interrupted. @zmk1962 is very good with 12V electrical so maybe he could offer another opinion on it?
  11. Sweet! I know how busy the place can be during hols! Just want to say I personally appreciate you in even the thought of putting together something like this Jeff. I know you get a lot of satisfaction in taking people out seeing them enjoy themselves & while this isn't an official FR event I know it takes up a lot of your time in just monitoring this thread, conversing with everyone & then putting the details together so again its much appreciated Whatever the date is I would love to have a decent crack at those snaps under blue skies & a moderate swell 🙏🙏 If I come home empty handed I would still be stoked just to have a decent day out on the water with fellow raiders 😉
  12. All good scratchie, I get where your coming from. It's still a long way out & many unknowns at this point. And that's got nothing to do with the weather! As long as it's not during school holidays there shouldn't be any issues booking something up there even a week out.
  13. Good points above, its does pay in most situations to have a back up. I know when I go bush I have 2 or 3 uhf's, 2 GPS's plus paper maps etc. What are the issues your having with the 27mhz? Could be bad aereal connection if your getting static?
  14. Nice, I presume at times she would use the motor drive setting or it might be called burst these days on these type of speed/moving pictures. I know I used to use.mine a fair bit on my old 35mm when taking pictures of racing cars or similar action shots
  15. Wow, if your daughters put those pics to shame they must be amazing! Looks like a juvenile amongst them? It would be incredible to be near one of those huge schools of 100's of them when they are migrating/chasing food!
  16. I dont own my own boat capable of being outside but I've been out on plenty of charters & friends boats & I would feel cautiously confident enough get outside the heads myself. I think when starting out it pays to try & get out in what I would call 'ideal' conditions just to get to know the boat, have a play at speed & basically get familiar with it in open water, this will build up some confidence & get you ready for when the conditions are not so ideal. What I would look for regardless of experience is things like you mention, swell, swell/wave timing, swell direction & wind direction. Depending on these conditions these will determine what spots you head to & for how long. I think many people get in trouble by just looking at the weather when they want to go fishing & forget that they have to get back! So looking closely at forecasts from various sources like BOM & things like seabrease or similar where you can look at the timeline you will be out for & when you will need to return, not nessacarily want to return! At the end of the day..................IF IN DOUBT DONT GO OUT! And dont be afraid to just turn around! I went out once from the Hacking attempting to go to the Peak with someone who was trying out a newly purchased 5.5 Formosa with a 150hp suzie & the forecast was for less than 10knts & less than 1 mtre swell & we got about 1/4 of the way there & it was more like 1.5/2mtr chop with the swell coming from the east but made worse by a S/NW wind at 20knts & it was like being in a washing machine, we ended up not wanting to push it & just came back in & fished around Bate bay. I've also been about 5NM south of the hacking with a 2+ mtr swell in no wind & it was fine, the wave timing was long so about every 2 minutes this 2mtr + rolling wave would come through & we would just roll over it. Caught quite a few good sized flathead that day but when they wave came through you had to hold onto something! Sore lets the next day though 🙄 Your better if not comfortable to just coming back into say the Hacking or amore protected area & enjoy some inside fishing for the day then struggling with conditions & not enjoying the day! Make sure your safety gear is all in date & correct & if you can take someone with you, its always good to have company & also a second opinion!
  17. Very true & sometimes your also not fishing in the right place. You can have the best set up, the best bait etc if its not their usual habitat area then your not going get any takers. As they say, location location location! Move locations & try again.
  18. Maybe next time use the thermomiter & take the fish out at 65*c & see what you think. As for the salt, its just a preference, I find table salt contains things like anti caking agents that affect the taste Manufacturers may include additives in table salt to prevent clumping. These additives are called anticaking agents and may include: potassium ferrocyanide calcium silicate silicon dioxide yellow prussiate of soda iron ammonium citrate So essentially flaked salt or rock salt is more pure & imo you just end up with a better tasting end product. I do have table salt in my cupboard but the only thing I use it for is when adding it to water to boil pasta etc. Otherwise on my actual food when finishing I will use some kind of flaked salt, Murray river pink salt, Malden sea salt etc, even a cheap Saxa pure rock salt used in a mill tastes much better that table salt. I also measure in weight, not say cups, 1 cup of table salt will weight more than 1 cup of rock salt due to the shape. When I did this curing I just used Saxa pure rock salt & ground it up a bit finer in my pestle & mortor.
  19. Interesting terminology, but a nice haul none the less. The shark would have been some fun!
  20. Not really https://marinerescuensw.com.au/boating-safety/marineradios#:~:text=Basic entry level marine radios,offshore coastal and overseas cruising.
  21. Hi Paddy, what type of salt did you use for the curing & brining? I find the type of salt also makes a difference to the end result. For the cured fillets I use either a fine ish rock salt(because its cheap😜) or if Im at work a flakes sea salt which is best but its expensive(its ok when I dont have to pay for it), I never use table salt. When I brine for hot smoking, same thing with the salt but I do a liquid cure which would be in this ratio- 250gr brown sugar 250gr fine rock salt 2.5ltrs water This would be for 2 fillets & I would leave it in this for 24hrs. I know in is hard to monitor in the smaller S/S portable smokers but I try to keep it internally at a constant temperature & also try not to let the fish get over 65*C as it will tend to be over cooked & dry At work I have the luxury of using a large combi oven & able to control the temp spot on & also use the internal temp probe in the fish to. Still even if you just have a small portable style smoker you can monitor the temp of the product with a cheap food thermometer, like this one I use for the same thing. Personally I would rather work on the temperature of the fish over the heat inside. I know there are so many ways to do things & each to their own on what works for each person, its is subjective to your own tastes.
  22. @Yon, thanks for the recipe but really it will get lost amongst all the fishing reports. To give all members a better chance of see anything food/recipe related you are better off posting things like this in the right place- https://www.fishraider.com.au/forum/42-the-kitchen/ Also what is pre mix fish spices?? I know what I would use spice wise in a Moroccan dish but it doesn't help the majority of people, just saying. Would be great if you could re start this recipe in the "kitchen"
  23. My suggestion on the burley is not to have it to wet, just moist & also can use some cheap coles bread through the mix, say 1 loaf per 20ltr bucket, forget the sticks & other things in it. Also if weed is not working try prawns, Luderick are actually omnivores, they do & will eat-prawns, nippers, pipi's & worms. If they are there but finicky then mix up your baits. Good luck next time
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