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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Watched this one today so it makes a bit more sense now. An old 2012 vid but probably still just as current? https://www.youtube.com/?gl=AU I dont have a taco so its not going to help me now but like I was saying its good to know for my own future reference.
  2. You might be right, I'm not sure how it will work with the new connections but I just did a quarterly claim & it wasnt any different to normal. I am presuming if your travelling the same route as before & not using the other lanes/connections then you should still be able to claim the full journey?? I guess I will find out soon enough.
  3. As far as I am aware its still called cashback & thats what it says when I claim it back online. TOLL RELIEF & M5 SOUTH-WEST CASHBACK Payment is made by the NSW Govt. E-way does not have your M5 South-West Cashback and Toll Relief payment records. Cashback can't be claimed until after the second business day of the month. M5 South-West trips made when registered for Cashback do not count toward Toll Relief. Before opting out of Cashback, first claim M5 South-West trips. You are currently registered for Cashback
  4. So sounds like the cost will be the class B charge minus the class A charge if I read it correct? I dont really need it right now but hey you never know when it will come in handy so Im going to apply to. Still I wonder how this will work with the M5 cash scheme??
  5. Thats a kayak 🤔 Thats about 7K just in electric motors! Well hey, when your that age its better to blow it than to leave it to the kids 😛
  6. Not something I would buy myself as its something that is easily made from something like an old screwdriver ground down to a point, but I just use a knife as well. In saying that there are cheapish options out there like the surecatch verson which is under $20 I also have a wooden club as well now for if I get something large into the tinny that wont easily calm down Imo its more important to know where the brain spiking points are in the different fish. http://www.ikijime.com/ I have never used wire but seen it done by japonese people on youtube, seems tome like it wouldnt be an easy thing to do in a rocking boat?
  7. Nice solution. Thanks for sharing Ron
  8. try getting the information from the source & ring them
  9. Thans Zoran, like I said Im new to it so just tring to get an overall understanding. I'll keep reading
  10. You mean West 😉 If you went 3/400mtrs east of Kurnell wharf you would be on dry land.
  11. So if what your saying is the mechanic is not nessacarily correct in his findings? I can see a boat with 3 more passangers & full of fishing gear is going to perform a lot differently but will it still get to max WOT?? I know when I just have 1 other person on the tinny makes a lot of difference in my overall speed & as they are up front my hole shot is normally a bit quicker. Doesnt mean I need a new prop though right! I guess thats where you need to find the balance?? Of course I onlyhave manual trim so all things are not equal I guess?
  12. Interesting subject that I have never had to think about just having a tinny but I like learning about these things for future endevours so doing some reading. Sounds like there is a bit to it in the hull shape & weight balance etc. Still I have to wonder why in a 2001 boat/motor combination its now coming to light 19 years later that the prop is the wrong pitch? Just my curiuosity kicking into gear 🤔
  13. I have NRMA as an insurer for my tinny & havent had an issue with them but then again I havent ever tried to make a claim. Any insurer loves taking your money but its when you get to a claim process that set the better ones aside from the not.
  14. Well done, as in other threads I keep suggesting its a very under utilised fish for the table. Similarly with some other species as well. Talking about having to buy bait what about using metal lures like Halco twisties or similar? They are cheap as chips & they work well to.
  15. The question was asked & you can only go off the info provided
  16. The OP cant have been to interested as its been 2 months since he's been here & hasnt responded to his own thread
  17. Yeh I think they use one in higher HP Mercs. What is the actual model anyway?? I would think if you have good telltale flow that maybe the thermostat is not opening at the correct temp? The one you bought looks like the right temp @110*F which is what Merc recommends. When you say its over heating what gives you the idea it is & what is it actually doing??
  18. I noticed on a youtube I just watched that the gasket on the for the thermostat housing needs to go under the thermostat but over the top of the poppet diaphragm. Is that how you installed it @lakelad?
  19. Whats the pressure/flow like coming from the telltale at idle? When you changed the impeller did you just change the blade or did you fit a whole kit including the gasket?? The thermostat also sounds like it could possibly be the incorrect temp rating, was it an OEM part?
  20. Its definately an under appreciated & under utilised fish as are many others in Australia, mainly because of a lack of knowledge on taking care of it & ways of preparing it but thats what happens when you are spoiled with options as we are.
  21. Well you have to say that what will work for one may not work for the other & it depends if you want to fisg for both on surface, midwater or bottom so there are some lures thay may be able to do it all & others that may not but hey they are all worth a try. Blades/Vibes(soft/hard/metal)-probably 20+ brands in there & just as many variations! Crossfire's OPS bent minnows Crankbaits Nomad madscad's Shimano Coltsniper Rockslide Berkley powerbait & shimma shad Buying lures is the easy part, it learning how to fish with them that is the harder part!
  22. I dont know Josh Nilands method so cant comment but your original method sounds like what I would do. So in this method is there any salting or is it just natural?? Personally imo covering it defeats the purpose. As a chef I know the whole dry aging thing is continuing to grow & lots of meat perveyors are getting into it for their customers(E.g The meat emporium) Its a great way to tenderise & develop more flavour in the meat. Anyway let us know how it ends up. Good luck.
  23. Hi Zoran, I guess thats what external storage is for! I currently have 3TB of external storage plus its even cheap these days so you dont need to hold large files of data on your PC. I have been into photography since I was 10 & nearly even went into 35mm developing but glad I didnt as it wasnt to long before digital started to emerge & got into that from the onset. Like anything hobbies take time but when you dont have a wife or kids your hoobies become the centre of your existance really & while I have dropped a couple off the gap needs to be filled by something
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