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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Get it inspected 😜 I have fished out if a later model with a 150 inboard, did ok although more of a family cruise about than a dedicated fishing boat but hey that's what you might be looking for?
  2. Mark Guest rates them! But then he would when he just get given them for free
  3. @Jack741, seems like there are many other suggestions other than the ones you originally outlined which is normal for forums & people will give thier opinions. So tell us what is your max budget, that will cut some of the chatter out & put to rest what is off the table! Personally I dont get why you buy a nice rod $300+ rod & then want to pair it with a "no frills" reel?? Sorry but out of what you have mentioned I dont think I would be very inerested in. Im happy to give you other suggestions as well but that again depends on your budget.
  4. Sorry, I dont get why you would have an 8 or 10pc rod when you can just get a decent telescopic?? Way less hassle imo & you cant lose 1 of 8 or 10 pieces πŸ˜‰ 🀐
  5. Bugger πŸ˜ͺ Could aways be worse Jim!
  6. There is no need to over complicate it. By all mean keep reading & looking at info on all things in relation to line class, types of line, rod ratings, rod types, then rigs etc. You never stop learning. Nothing wrong with what you intend to use, just get out there & fish πŸ™‚
  7. I dont know, do you live in Australia πŸ™„
  8. What model is the reel? They can vary in drag for the same size quite a bit. I have a 4000 Symetre Fl & has 7kg of drag but a 4000 stradic has 11kg of drag! Either way I think your reel will be fine with the rod
  9. Both, also coupled with the casting/lure weight. It also depends a bit on what the rod is designed for & what its made of as to how its affected by line & lure weight & action. High stick even a decent graphite rod on a small to medium sized fish & the tip will snap. Everything has a breaking point, if your not using what is recommended then somethings got to give right, even big gear can fail if its being over extended. But thats what having a drag is for, if you catch a big fish on a light rod your only chance is to try to tire the fish while using the drag, line & rod as close to its limits, sometimes it will work, sometimes it will end in losing something.
  10. Hey Donna, Im curiuos about the success rate on those?? I just start the motor up & move back in the opposite direction to the drift & snag. I get my lure back probably 90% of the time Im snagged. So Im curiuos if the loss rate on those is still 10% or more??
  11. Nice effort, just goes to show what a change in weight can do! Also can.you take some more scenic pictures, I'm trying to figure out where spot x is 😝
  12. If you dont have a lockable trailer hitch pin then I would be getting one, they are only about $15. I got one about 3 weeks ago, cant believe it took me so long to get although my safety chain is locked to my tow bar. If I had a very expensive boat I would also be getting an additional coupling lock. Unfortunaley councils need to be constantly pushed until you get some action, I think we are lucky at Botany as I see a guy come daily to empty the garbages & clean the fish cleaning room which is a great little facility. If you were to sue them for food poisioning they might start to take action, a bit like not filling pot holes of fixing trip hazards on pathways.
  13. At Gymea baths you can catch anything from bream/squire to Salmon & Kingfish & everthything in between. You just got to be there at the right time.
  14. Thats why I cancelled my landline, but now I get it on mobile as well πŸ˜’ Annoying! Probably one factor is I have had the same mobile number for about 25 years & when you sign up to something for an online account of some sorts they share your details with some 2nd or 3rd party. IF I do answer to someone selling me some rubbish I just give them the old Seinfeld line 🀣
  15. I dont disagree at all noel but I think its not about the device more about that generations obsession with social media of which this & any forum is a part of. Its all a popularity contest to them. You only have to look at the numbers of people being fined for using their phones while driving, total halfwits! I travel into sydney CBD for work every day(well used to pre CV19) & see it by the bus/tram load, its very sad, very little socialisation or just greating happening any more. The thing is these day even for me as I dont have a landline my mobile is my main form off communication & also it helps me organise my appoinments via the calendar, helps remind me of important dates like family birthdays, I do 3/4 of my banking by phone, bill payments etc, I havent even worn a watch for about 15 years so I have to check my phone just to see the time! In the end I couldnt do without my phone but it does not control me, I control it πŸ™‚ Its one reason I enjoy going bush & not having mobile access for a while.
  16. You can get telescopic fly rods which can save you time because you can just leave it rigged while moving locations then pull it out & start fishing again. Here's an example https://reyrgear.com/products/first-cast-travel-fly-rod
  17. Could have been worse! This guy was in a rush to................... When people rush, normally someone or something ends up getting hurt Congrats on the snaps.
  18. Pretty much a similar result to 1918 I'd say 😬 Its a question that comes up quite often, has technology improved our lives or not? I cant imagine life without it. I dont think it matters about age at all, you either embrace change & learn or dont. That is in respect to anything in live
  19. It's a bit like that old 90's TV ad which I can't find that about where we would be without mining. The ad shown the old dial phone disintegrating in someone's hand, along with the furniture calapsing then the house, the cars then our cloths disapearing etc. There are things in life that are a necessary evil but we can't do without. Everything we have done lleading up to when man went to the moon by design is done by computer. There is no going back to the dark ages but sure we have to make it as secure as we can but nothing is foolproof. People can be fooled in person, loke the scam where tradies going around to elderly people's houses & telling them their roof needs fixing or their driveway needs re concreteing to hand over money & the so called tradies just don't come back. There are a million ways the be scammed, electronically is just one!
  20. The water was way warmer than the outside temp so when you stand on land with just your budgies on for 30 minutes the water aint to bad 🀣 Great report, some good feeds coming. I have no issue cleaning fish(scaling & gutting) with fresh water, once the fillets come off thats a different story. After the fillets are off nothing gets washed in any kind of water, shouldnt need to imo!
  21. Good day for it, well sort of. Probably not good paint curing weather but then there wouldnt be much fishing going on today!
  22. I agree but also disagree with that statement as well. What the internet does is open up the world instead of you having access to one small portions of it. There are so many outstanding things/products that not available here so if you want it you have to get it from OS. But also finding things on your own doorstep wouldnt happen without the net. How do you find out about them, google usually! The lazyness comes from readliy available things like Uber eats etc, so you dont even have to cook anymore, I agree with that bit In a time poor society we now choose to get things delivered, even from from across your own city, I'd rather pay $10 postage than spend 1.5hrs in traffic & spend $15 on fuel. Sometimes lazy is just smart thinking imo !
  23. There are so many good boats out there & as you say trying to get something that suits everything you want can be hard. I love the idea of the Stabicrafts, they look solid & think they could handle just about anything(not that I've been on one) but not sure about the cabin space? Just looked at those Extreme game kings, they look great to as do the Barracuda 7's There are a lot of Haines guys on here so Im sure they will chime in soon Im sure with that budget you'll get into something great, touch choice though!
  24. If it can happen to govenrments & big business the where do we stand as individual 😬 Im sure they are far far more better equipped for such attacks than we are by just having anti virus software etc! Everyday we are being attacked in many ways including scam emails & MMS messages, its only going to get worse & unfortunately leaves you feeling less secure & having the attitude that everyone is out to get you so dont trust anyone. I sometimes get 3 or 4 fake paypal or other ones say Netflix emails a day in my junk folder & sometimes 2 or 3 fake MMS a day saying rubbish like "sorry we didnt get this information to you earlier" with a link. They only need 1% of people to fall for it to make their cash!!
  25. At the end of the day mate its great to have some knowledge when going into these things but its also about what you can afford to! I have no issues with my Mercury 25Hp 2 stroke with excessive smoke or reliability which is 10 years old now but not so many hours. Easy to work on & service it myself. Good luck when the decision comes but if you can take someone that has some knowledge then it could save you some hurt
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