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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. Cheers Pete! Well my first jewy was not much bigger that and the rest is history!
  2. Now your telling me there's such thing as carp too??? Your killing me, I haven't laughed so hard in ages! Sure why not!
  3. G'day raiders, After a call to fellow raider diesel, the decision was made to hit the Nepean this arvo. After some recent success from diesel, I was pretty excited by the prospect of getting stuck into a few bass. A bit different from the usual fishing for me and after the last fruitless fresh water trip with trout scarer and fish less again, the plan was hatched and we started flicking the banks. After about 20mins, I here from diesel, yep, yep, yep! I thought he'd got his lure stuck somewhere again but to my surprise he was on and landed a nice 33cm bass! Then it was my turn and after diesel promising me a fish he didn't disappoint! No, it's not the lure. It's the thing attached to but you probably need to zoom in! Lol We then, walked the banks for a while and diesels mate landed a couple of little 20cm bass and I was still yet without a take or a real fish for that matter. I was starting to feel a repeat of the last fresh water trip and we started heading back. We got back to where diesel had caught his bass and I changed lures for the tenth time and then it happened after my seven thousand cast, I felt a tap, tap on the line. I lift to strike, nothing! Then I feel a wobble as I continued to wind in. The lure felt like it had the weirdest action and I retrieved it to the bank and what do you know! I tried to throw it back in before anyone would see it but it was too late and diesel said see, told you I'd get you onto a fish! We then left and I couldn't help but laugh all the way back to the car! They makes my last 2 fresh water trips, 5000 casts= one 8cm bass! Give me the big blue anyday! Thanks for the arvo diesel and I guarantee you next time your up my way, I'll get something to pull your arms out your socket! Thanks for reading! Cheers scratchie!!!
  4. Good on ya Roberta! A timely reminder to check all your gear whilst travelling! Not matter yak or boat! Cheers scratchie!!!
  5. Standby guys! The logistics are massive but I'm trying!
  6. Congrats Pete. It was a great fish and you deserved to win. That's the beauty of fishing, there is always next time! Cheers scratchie!!!
  7. Ok you got me Roberta! I'll speak with the swordies in the new year and organise one! I'm sure a few people would be interested. Don't want to hijack this thread. It was a great post and good to see some fellow raiders catch up with spawned the thought! Tight lines! Cheers scratchie!!!
  8. Thanks for sharing kel. That's what fishings about sometimes, the journey! Well done on the fish too mate! Cheers scratchie!!!
  9. Don't think the weather will be any good today, however the breakwall is a good place or the rock wall that runs from the Stockton ferry north in the park. Especially if your throw SP's! Good luck! Cheers scratchie!!!
  10. Hi all, for the amount of raiders that are now bitten by the bug of yakking, I think a social comp is in order and the best person to plan this comp would be Roberta. We all know she is the godess of the yak and her input and guidance of this forum is widely respected by all. I think this would be a great way for all us FR to get together and learn a few things! So Roberta, over to you! Chewers scratchie!!!
  11. I'm thinking they look like sweep! Not sure but that's my thought! Cheers scratchie!!!
  12. Ask your local fish shop what they use to fillet fish. I'm sure they wouldn't spend more than $100 for a knife! Cheers scratchie!!!
  13. Awesome catch! And as always , the young fella shies the old man up! Be proud, remember you taught him all he knows! Cheers scratchie!!!
  14. Good on you grant! So now it's up to you Roberta! Yak comp Forster! Port stephens, I don't mind! But what a great way to get together and fish! I'm sure we'd get the support of FR and sponsors for some prizes! Cheers scratchie!!!
  15. I was using fresh slimey! Didn't manage anything else today though!
  16. I live in port stephens! And it's about an hour from Forster! I think Roberta should organise a comp? What to you think?
  17. Great stuff uke and welcome to raider! Sounds like you had a great day on the water and a few fish to go with it! Well done! Cheers scratchie!!!
  18. Great spot, and I have had a few go's at it. It is the best time ATM to target Jews along that wall. Especially after all the rain we gave had, they would be pushed out the river and onto the beaches. You do need livies though but if that don't work some big mullet fillets should do the trick! Chewers scratchie!!!
  19. By the looks if it all us yakers missed out! Great day in the water but I've fished pittwater many times and don't find it the most productive area! I think we should have a fish raider yak comp! And I think Roberta is just the person to organise it. All in good fun but with bragging rights! What do you think? Cheers scratchie!!!
  20. Your on fire yowie! Well done again champ! You know your area very well and it's great to come home with a feed! Cheers scratchie!!!
  21. Have a look in gps marks! I put a heap of them for Sydney. You should find a few grounds there! Cheers scratchie!!!
  22. Unlucky mate, I'm on Stockton beach now and just dropped something of size. The wind though is blowing its butt off! Time for a sausage sandwich! Better luck next time! Cheers scratchie!!!
  23. Formosan, You've found your calling as a fisherman I think. That was a brilliant video and really highlighted how well this site sponsors product works! You could see how much you both enjoyed your venture and I agree whole heartedly with your last comment. There's no place like Aust!!!! Keep them coming! Chewers scratchie!!!
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