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Posts posted by Scratchie

  1. Hey Chuck, 

    Use the search engine on the site and try to find specific information you are looking for. 

    As for the fish names, it represents the contribution you make to the site over time and changes with your post count. 

    Regards scratchie mod team 

  2. 23 hours ago, GoingFishing said:

    As always, top stuff Jeff.

    A true master and fishraider.

    Thanks Sam! 

    21 hours ago, Smobaby said:

    Well done won’t be long and you’re going to have a new career teaching fishing for a living 

    Cheers mate! But once you add the word “career”, then suddenly the fun is taken out of it. I prefer to teach keen fishos and watch them become addicted!!! 😄

    • Like 3
  3. 1 hour ago, Berleyguts said:

    Great stuff, Scratchie! That was a good listen! I don’t normally listen to podcasts or too much talking on the radio as I prefer to read (or listen to music) but that was a good listen! 😎

    Cheers Baz. Hopefully that reinforces what I’ve been telling you! 🤔 There’s a big snapper waiting for you up there with your name on it! “Just keep casting” 

    1 hour ago, kingie chaser said:

    I just heard that every K-mart/Target & Lowes within a 200km radius of Port Stephens have sold out of green singlets, I know this because Im trying to buy one now 🤔🤣


    I only just listened to the podcast & there are some fantastic tips in there, one in particular that stuck with me from our first meeting with scratchie up at PS & that was about not driving over the fish to your drift start point & changing the start of your drift point to scan the whole area, I have been using that ever since!

    The other is the jighead size being the light as possible.


    Thanks for sharing your passion & knowledge Jeff.  


    Looking forward to catching up in September :biggrinthumb:



    Haha 😂 He snuck that info out of me! I’m a fairly superstitious person. In fact, there are several ways to drive to the boat ramp. If I use my boat I drive one way and a different way if I’m travelling on someone else’s! Yes I’m weird! 

    1 hour ago, big Neil said:

    Top stuff Scratchie. What a fantastic ambassador you are to Fishraider and even the wider angling community. The depth of passion you have for your sport has no limits. Cheers, bn

    Thanks BN. Mate you sum it up in your bio! 
    “Give without remembering and take without forgetting” 

    Theres a lot of give and take on this forum that is unforgettable! 

    • Like 3
  4. Thanks guys and thanks @mrsswordfisherman for putting up this post and your support as always. 
    As you can tell I’m a very proud fishraider and I just love giving back to a site that has taught me soooooooo much! 
    Since joining the site I’ve read nearly everyone’s fishing report (actually all of them) and I’m still learning from your posts all the time. 
    There have been many fishraiders that have had an influence on me starting with @swordfisherman who really inspired me with his enthusiasm for fishing and his preparation on every trip! You watch someone like that and no wonder he’s a gun fisho! 
    Then there’s been some past raiders that taught me gamefishing and everything they know in that field. Then I paired up with a good mate @dom that was when the real passion for snapper started especially with soft plastics. I’ve listened to plenty of you on how to catch the humble flatty for instance. Nearly all of my mates that I fish with now are fishraiders. Fishing with @Woodsy1 and @back cruncher we’ve shared plenty of memorable moments. 

    So this site has given me so much and will do the same for you! You get out of it, what you put into it. 
    And finally, thanks to @Aerialangler for his nomination for the podcast. I’ve taken Kent fishing before chasing snapper (with Baz) and we often exchange texts when he’s headed up this way! 

    Hope you all get something out of the podcast and I hope you are all proud to be fishraiders! 

    tight lines, 

    cheers scratchie!!! 

    • Like 6
    • Thanks 1
  5. What an awesome report of the days events! Always nice when everyone gets a fish especially of that magnitude. It’s a fair effort travelling that far out not knowing if it’s going to be fruitful or a baron wasteland. I could tell your excitement when you messaged me. Glad you put up report! Well done Kent, very envious! 

    cheers scratchie!!! 

    • Thanks 1
  6. Nice work Pete! Gees that spot looks familiar haha 😂 Glad you could pull something from there. We did three drifts in that area and all we got was an ass smacking by a good snaps!!! Good to see you get out mate. I know you’ve been hanging for a fish! Well done 👍

    cheers scratchie!!! 

    • Like 1
  7. 17 hours ago, Yowie said:

    A few nice reds there.

    A bummer about the rod and chair. Need another rod I guess, they are a bit hard to repair for normal use.

    Cheers yowie! A bit disappointed about the rod but it was my fault. To keen to get the kingy off and back in the game!

    17 hours ago, blaxland said:

    Well at least you got fish good to see. How did you break the seat? A bit of covid weight happening?


    Haha! It was actually Tyrone. Snapped at the base. Just another example of the meaning BOAT. 

    17 hours ago, Smobaby said:

    Good feed there hard to replace favourites but it will be fun looking $$$ them seals have the life have seen them on the rudder of cargo ship before don’t know how it got there as the ship was empty well out of the water 

    Thanks. Yep, time for a new rod. Landed plenty of snapper on that including my two PB’s. I’ll make a display of it with my mould when it’s finished. 

    17 hours ago, kingie chaser said:

    I just wish I could be half as lucky as your worst day Jeff




    Haha! You just need to go out fishing as much as I do! 

    15 hours ago, GoingFishing said:

    Ahhh....one of those days Jeff. I know what your talking about ! 

    You persevered and thats how you get the results!!! Still a few nice reds there and better luck next time on the string pullers.

    Im also curious to know how you broke a chair !🤣

    Its days like this that make all those other days just so much more special ! 

    Cheers Sam. Perseverance is the key. Don’t let a little breakage wreck your day. I always take two rods anyway! 👍

    15 hours ago, 61 crusher said:

    Bummer about the double breakage & the loss of a pair of screamers nevertheless it sounds like you & @tyrone07 ended up having a good day out by persevering 👍

    Cheers Dieter! We always have a good day regardless 

    14 hours ago, campr said:

    Pity about breakages but I wouldnt mind my tough days ended with a bag like that.

    Thanks. Just hope they don’t happen all the time. 🤔

    14 hours ago, Hoods said:

    Yeah Scatchie, based on you're previous reports I thought You could come up with a better excuse than that!!

    Still, Its much better to make the news than read about it...

    Nice bag all the same.

    Little to report up here, but some rumours of good Pearl Perch on the northern ground (other than my PB 86 snap on plastics thanks to your's truly)

    Cheers, Hoodz

    Haha! Can’t win them all. Grateful for the ones I do though!
    Awesome Hoodz Where’s your report? 

    14 hours ago, Pickles said:

    Pity about the rod Scratchie, good you could bag a few Reds though. 

    Cheers. I was a bit upset until my next cast anyway! 

    6 hours ago, tyrone07 said:

    Plenty of casts in between fish that was for sure but we worked hard and got a few. Top company and a cracking day either way, the dusting is just a common occurrence when I come up.

    We always have a nice day on the water! The dustings a are part and parcel of angling with light line! Sometimes you need to accept that the fish will win occasionally. I’m happy with that. At least we found them! “Just keep casting”. 

    • Like 3
  8. G’day raiders, 

    Just a quick report from up here today. Headed out with fellow raider @tyrone07 in very dark conditions this morning and hit the island. We struggled to get a good drift and find any bait, but we kept at it and soon found a patch of just legal and rat kings. We both landed a few (all released) but this wasn’t our target. 
    Moved around a few times but still couldn’t find any bait. Then out of left field Tyrone comes up tight and this fish starts peeling line. Telltale signs of a good snaps and then pop! Leader crunched and gone! This was pretty much the story of the day. Next it was my turn to a solid hook up only to have the braid snap for no reason at all. Add to this, I broke my favourite rod and a chair in the boat, things were looking grim. But we still managed a few snapper for Tyrone to take home and spent a nice day on the water! 

    cheers scratchie!!! 

    • Like 18
  9. 13 minutes ago, JonD said:

    It's funny, I was just reading an old report of yours where you posted locations to fish up around your way. I was especially interested in the shore jewfish spots which I'd like my son to have a chance at. Like the snapper jewfish are pretty rare here now.

    Plenty of Jew up here atm! I’ll be honest in that I have not targeted them for ages. I’m always drawn to the ocean. Might have a go on the weekend if the tides are good just for something different. Usually in the estuary the window is quite small to target them although usually plenty there! 

    • Like 1
  10. 34 minutes ago, kingie chaser said:

    All good scratchie, I get where your coming from.

    It's still a long way out & many unknowns at this point.

    And that's got nothing to do with the weather!

    As long as it's not during school holidays there shouldn't be any issues booking something up there even a week out.

    It won’t be school holidays that’s for sure! Should be no dramas with accommodation. Weather??? 🙏🙏🙏

    • Like 1
  11. ****UPDATE******

    Fellow raiders, 

    Just wanted to let everyone know that at this early stage please do NOT make a booking for accommodation on the current date given.

    To give ourselves the best chance of a successful meet, the date may need to change depending on weather and restrictions at the time. Unfortunately this may lead to a few drop offs and I completely understand but I really want to achieve a successful weekend if possible. So you may need to be flexible but I will endeavour to give everybody two weeks notice. 
    At this stage the 11th-13th September is the soft date but I will start looking at confirming something mid-late August. 

    Any questions please post here or pm me! 

    cheers scratchie!!! 


  12. Navigating open waters will always come down to experience and the confidence that that experience gives you. 
    There is some great advise in this thread already from experienced skippers. 
    In my opinion, the fastest way to gain knowledge in the open sea is to take an experienced skipper with you. They will be able to explain how to let your boat find it’s rhythm and alter speed and heading to make the ride more comfortable. Leaving any headland can be daunting depending on swell/tide/geography etc. 

    Best advice I can offer.......

    Take an experienced skipper with you.

    Look at say two weather forecasts and find the medium. 
    Look for conditions that are suitable for your boat and when starting out, look for conditions that improve throughout the day. 
    Take your time, have all your safety gear and make sure your boat is in good working order. 

    Just as a guide in your boat as you are not experienced, weather wise! I’d be looking for a 1.3m swell or less at 9-10 secs apart with winds less than 10 knots. But remember that the weather can change at a moment’s notice, so that’s why you look for an improving forecast. 

    Good luck! 

    cheers scratchie!!! 



    • Like 1
  13. 27 minutes ago, the skipper said:

    I don't suppose there could be a change of date please ?

    As it is my 40th wedding anniversary on the Sunday and if I go it could be my last.

    Just putting it out there but no problem if it can't change.


    The Skipper

    Anything is possible Paul. Depending on restrictions at the time and a long range forecast I’ll be looking to pick a date in from mid-late August! 

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