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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. G’day raiders, Just a quick report from up here! Thought we saw a window of opportunity to head out and chase a few reds. My mate never really cares about conditions and this trip was no exception! He put us on the spot and first cast I was on to an unstoppable. Good signs ahead. Next was his turn and he couldn’t stop his either! Managed a few different drifts and somehow dodged the impending storm! At least we can say that we landed a few and made it home safely! cheers scratchie!!!
  2. I’m out tomorrow rick! Bugger the wind and swell, I don’t get seasick! Haha! I’m in a 19ft Edgewater so might be a bit wet but see how we go! Can’t catch fish at home! Cheers scratchie!!!
  3. Smacking them as usual yowie! Love your work! Cheers scratchie!!!
  4. Sounds like a nice day on the water KC. A shame you didn’t pick up that red you were looking for but you managed a feed, a dolphin and whale watch tour all in one trip! Nice 👍 cheers scratchie!!!
  5. Great to see you back on the water mate! And you found a feed. Gotta be happy with that! Cheers scratchie!!!
  6. Good on you champ for putting in a report! It was a nice snapper you caught and as you said it was pretty tough fishing yesterday. I headed out with @back cruncher and we struggled with mixed currents/wind and no wind. We caught a couple small ones and I lost a thumper but that was all. It was nice to have a chat with a fellow raider at the ramp and don’t be shy to put in a report of your ventures! Send me a pm next time your up here and I’ll be happy to show you around if I have the time! Cheers scratchie!!!
  7. Nice work champ! Definitely a few quality flatties there! No estuary snapper as bycatch? Haha 😂 Cheers scratchie!!!
  8. Sounds like action a plenty! Awesome and keep the reports coming! Cheers scratchie!!!
  9. Always nice to get a first! Sounds like a nice place and a good way to kick back and relax. Cheers scratchie!!!
  10. Good work yowie!!! A king on a handline must be great fun! Don’t think I’d want to fight a Ray on one though! Cheers scratchie!!!
  11. What a great day out on the water zoran and Maria! Nothing like a bit of rivalry to keep everyone focused. By sounds of it, the score is one all. So that means another trip! 👍 cheers scratchie!!!
  12. Thanks champ! Great idea. Tried it today on two trailers that looked perfect but no success! Will keep trying though! 👍
  13. @Oz98 No apprentices here mate! Just two stubborn bastards that stick to a plan! 👍
  14. Thanks heaps for the replies fellas. I should have mentioned that there is no real timeframe. Im happy to travel if the trailer is registered at the right price. Not really concerned on condition if it’s registered. I’m not looking to pay too much as it is just a small project and will defeat the purpose of getting the boat for a bargain if I do! @franks thanks a million champ for your kind offer. I may take you up on that yet depending on my success on finding one first. I have your number! Just thought I’d put it out there to all you good folk hoping that someone may know or have one laying around! Cheers scratchie!!!
  15. Thanks guys! Looked there. Will keep looking. Was hoping someone might have one laying around!
  16. G’day raiders, Just wondering if anyone has or knows of somewhere I can get a hold of a cheap trailer for a 3m tinny! I managed to pick up a boat and motor for a steal and want a trailer so I can give it to my eldest for a birthday present. Please post here or send me a pm if you do! Cheers scratchie!!!
  17. Thanks Adem. We work really hard for our target! Just keep casting 👍
  18. Awesome report! What a fantastic experience and a fish I’d like to tick off the list. Well done 👍 cheers scratchie!!!
  19. Giddy up alright Pete! It was a great day, thanks!
  20. Various gulps but pilchard was pretty good!
  21. Friday and Saturday look horrible mate! Sunday looks fishable but will still be bumpy. We generally find our fish in 8-20m of water.
  22. That looks amazing! Would you like to tell us about your journey? It would be great to have a report with it! Cheers scratchie!!!
  23. Ouch Baz! That’s what I’m saying. If you didn’t have bad luck, then you’d have no luck at all. 😂😂😂 Let me know when you have a Monday off!!!
  24. Lol BN. I’m just the luckiest fisherman you know! No skill involved, “just keep casting”!
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