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Everything posted by nbdshroom

  1. How is your fishing going Meiji? Any progress on any of the fish on the wishlist?
  2. Wow! Pics for sure. Congrats on the record and even then a 97 cm flatty is not to be sneezed at! Any tips on getting decent flatties for us mere mortals?
  3. Haha, that is a pearler of a report! Senate approval is no easy feat! About the loss of fish, was it knot failure or something different each time? However, it did sound like your gear was a bit too light for the conditions.
  4. As they say, good things come to those who wait. Fantastic solo effort.
  5. Interesting report! Good luck next time!
  6. Nothing quite like rocking up to the fishing spot and showing everyone how to get the job done!
  7. UV lights have a combination of UV and visible light (unless you got one from a science laboratory where it is likely the whole output is UV for short wavelength UV). I guess the visible component is for safety reasons so people can see that it is on. As UV wavelengths are adjacent to the blue/purple end of the visible spectrum, they are often that colour if they consist of the visible. LEDs usually emit visible light so you can take your pick over what colour that may be. However, technically the colour depends on the bad-gap of the semi conductor material. If you make the bandgap large enough, there is no reason to believe why you cannot have a UV LED.
  8. Haha, *take 10 with the net ... gets fed up and lifts it in* Good video, I enjoyed that.
  9. Ahhhhhhhh scratchie, that is no good!
  10. Well done! It seems like this period is conducive to jews.
  11. Congrats! I haven't gone beach fishing for ages but your report is inspiring.
  12. Yes, the fish can see. Stick to darker colours for a silhoutte effect against the moonlight.
  13. Great stuff! That flatty looks very dark.
  14. I agree, i was just about to say the same thing - some very competitive match ups.
  15. Looks like a great weekend with friends. I chuckled when I saw that photo of the loss of a lure/fish.
  16. Thanks for your informative report and I enjoyed reading about your adventures. I also have found the bream off the bite. I've had most success near the low tide point on either side rather than a rising or high tide (which is strange I thought). A question I have is how heavy can the jighead be if it is to be effective in a strong-ish current? Anyway, good luck for your jew fishing sessions!
  17. That is a good picture djbazzab! Btw, what is your view on the silver fox colour? I haven't got anything on them yet.
  18. Great bream! How big was the largest one? What techniques were you using on the z-mans and were you working them off the bottom?
  19. Haha, that puts a whole new spin on the technique of 'trolling'.
  20. Thanks Jeff, I will give this a try next time the mullet are around.
  21. Mate that is a big bream! I yearn for one like that. I always seem to get small ones on bait so I switched to SPs.
  22. That cuttlefish is big. It makes the king look small even though that one is 80cm!
  23. They look to be of decent size. Any tips on catching mullet? Can't seem to get them interested.
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