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Everything posted by nbdshroom

  1. Happy birthday and I hope you get stuck into some fishing real soon.
  2. Any chance that it is some kind of albino?
  3. Well done, I can feel the excitement of your report. Can't wait to get back out there and put in some more time.
  4. That's a nice and fat one! Don't worry about the bite, I think she knew you two had a special bond and was trying to make a connection. Yeah, plenty of raiders out today at addiction symptoms o'clock, but no cigar.
  5. Hey Paul, how light were you guys fishing? 6lb line and Xlb leader? Thanks
  6. Thanks guys, sweet and short but it kept the withdrawal symptoms at bay!
  7. Thanks a lot, will have to get some resin heads one day and give it a shot!
  8. Hahaha, that bream was the quintessential barra! It had the full vertical leap with hang time and horsey shakes.Those wild prawn's look the goods. Massive tailor too
  9. Nice work and first report. Which plastics/jighead got the 40s bream?
  10. The other day, I had the pleasure of showing SargeRX8 around the spots near my place. With limited time and periodic rain, we weren't expecting much but we did get stuck into some action! SargeRX8 with the first fish of the day, a decent bream to kick things off: A tiny flathead! You not impressed mate? Haha: Double hookup!!! That was such an exciting moment! Had my fat bream (check out the girth!) peel off drag and soon after the same thing happened to SargeRX8. We just looked at each other and couldn't hide the grin on our faces: My also smallish flatty: Till next time!
  11. Nice one Johnny! Sounds like you didn't have to jump into the water
  12. Such a face palm moment, I can't believe this! edit: Phew! Backflip welcome here!
  13. Nice EPs, bream and jewies. I hope this incoming rain over the next few days doesn't shut em down. Can't wait for this video!
  14. Nice one scratchie! Never thought you would be putting in a luderick report! Great work on making the best of a situation and seeing that amply rewarded. Don't give up on the plastics though. I can't give any specific advice for SPs off the rocks but they slay many species and usually catch decent sized fish once you get the hang of it.
  15. Top report and fish as always. That is a nice 37 cm bream, they go hard! Only a matter of time before you land more 40+. I think finding them first is the hard part and it looks like you have that box ticked. About the EP, if they are averaging 30's then it shouldn't be too long to find a 35 one in the bunch. With all jew respect, I do not think you are necessarily over-jew for jew according to the jew-ration. The jew is a bejewelled catch and one must not mull(oway) too long on even getting in a jew-l with one for one's sanity!
  16. Thanks Matt! Good luck in your bid to get a nice EP.
  17. Thanks! Thanks for the compliments! Not a great SP fisherman by any stretch of the imagination but it's definitely enjoyable and hope to have some good ones (including with new SP users, one day) in the foreseeable future.
  18. That's a cold summer! Lightly hooked but nice catch nonetheless. Hope you remember your knots next time.
  19. Nice one mate, I know that woohoo feeling. Sometimes one must let one rip! Grats on the PB, marvellous fish.
  20. How big was this cormorant? Sounds like a big fish took the rod and an even bigger bird took it.
  21. nbdshroom

    Frugal towing

    Is that a boat meant for a toddler? haha. I reckon I'd sink!
  22. Haha, good report and healthy digs at diesel. Great flatty, I'd be over the moon with that one!
  23. Cheers, it wasn't straightforward but she came around in the end! Thanks man! With all these gear changes piece by piece from a 9 dollar outfit it's just really opened my eyes and helped me understand the effect that each new piece brings.
  24. Good stuff again. You guys certainly have a great blueprint for catching kings!
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