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Everything posted by nbdshroom

  1. Thanks Stan! Cheers! Thanks! Yep, I agree. They are the most economical choice and they do catch fish. I've only had a few tails chewed off since I've used them. You'll love em!
  2. Thanks Ben! Cheers, I would have been happy with any size, I call it beginners luck! Cheers, I'm satisfied with those fish esp the EP!
  3. Good fish and report. Took me a second to realise why the sunset was so special. The picture was upside down! haha
  4. Went fishing during arvos along the Georges at several spots for the past two days. The weather was great - nice and sunny, just the way I like it. I tried to get some fellow raiders to come along but for one reason or another ended up doing the mission solo. On the first day, as the light was beginning to fade along a runout tide, the bream decided to play! Hit 3 decent models (all approaching/on 30 cm) in the space of ten minutes as the mozzies began to swarm around me! Got a few other takes but couldn't connect. Finally things settled down and I was able to land a flathead before calling it a day. Day two, tried going for my first EP. It was generally slow, I didn't get any bites except for the hookups I managed to land. First was a 45 cm flathead. Then about an hour later, the EP hit. Was just hopping my lure along the bottom when I felt a massive lunge and sudden heavy weight on the line. I knew it definitely wasn't a bream, thinking it was a flathead but really hoping for my first EP. When it broke the surface of the water, lo and behold, it was a decent EP coming in at nearly 38 cm. I was stoked! Considering the fish I usually catch, It was a pretty tough fight - heavy weight combined with strong tail kicks in and amongst snags. Thanks goes to Kingfisher84 for tips and mentoring! Now I can rest easy knowing that I got the first one out of the way. For gear, I used 6lb braid and 6lb fluorocarbon throughout. The z-man plastics did all the damage.
  5. Yeah, where you get to the beach, just take about 5 minutes to stand at the top and just really focus on the sets of waves coming in. Some beaches are rather featureless and seem uniform throughout, however a lot of them have sandbanks, gutters and channels and the waves that roll over them give you clues. The areas where there are channels (perpendicular) that lead out to sea are where the rips form and usually are connected to the gutters which run parallel to beach. It might help to identify what isn't a gutter such as sandbanks if deciding on a spot. I find that helps narrow it down for me.
  6. Mate your killing it! First the massive trev and now kings. Those 40s bream are not too shabby either!
  7. Imagine trying to catch giant squid or collossal squid! You would need a squid jig as big as a person.
  8. Very generous mate! I commend you and your friends.
  9. Silly him, how can you expect to catch a bald-headed eagle on such light gear. His reaction is priceless! I'd probably react in the same manner!
  10. Holy... How does one (or several) people winch that up onto the boat?
  11. Mate, it looks like the snapper are beginning to hybridise with squid and thus, are starting to gain a more streamlined shape for jet propulsion. They work a bit different though, they suck water in through the mouth and force it out through their anus.
  12. Mate that looks fun. A bit of everything there. I like the shots with the fly outfit in the background. Will have to give it a go one day
  13. Fantastic effort! Put the hard yards in and earn the reward.
  14. Haha, I cracked up on 'fat head'. Definitely enjoyed that read. May you have many happy fishing adventures together.
  15. Cmon doggies, don't let the warriors do that to youse! That was crazy from Barba in the gathering of that kick!
  16. How do you guys do it?! Sounds like an alien invasion there - squid on the roofs.
  17. Good stuff! I heard about this report before I actually saw it here. It must be getting a lot of people excited!
  18. You are killing it! That's defin itely a great session. I haven't had one half as good as that!
  19. Yes, definitely a good day with the wind/current/sun. The big mamma looks fat and in pristine condition.
  20. Great footage and post production. I'd love to drive along a WA beach and just stop off and fish.
  21. Nostalgia. Always good to catch up with lifelong mates.
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