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Everything posted by nbdshroom

  1. Thanks a lot guys. I appreciate all the kind comments. @Stewy - Thanks a lot Stewy. I look forward to catching up and wetting a line very soon. @Jeff - That was still the best hairtail session I've ever had (bagging out, and mayhem in the middle of the night yahooing in the Hawkesbury). You killed it that night and yes I haven't forgotten, one day I'll get you that coffee lol.
  2. Nice catch mate. I think I'd prefer that longtail over a king to be honest. They go forever.
  3. Nice one Jeff. Killer haul in those sublime glassy conditions.
  4. Awesome report. A long time waiting makes it so much sweeter.
  5. Fantastic work. Sounds like a great day out.
  6. Well done. Yes the size limit for yellowfin bream is 25 cm and from the picture, it does check out on the brag mat. I'll amend the opening post to avoid confusion.
  7. Well done. Sounds like a good session with some whiting for a good feed.
  8. That was nicely written. Some really good tips there.
  9. Yes I have caught jewfish on the 125mm whipbaits in the white lightning colour. I prefer the squidgie fish when I can get them but the lures usually come bent out of the packet so that is one huge downside. The whipbaits are a little hardier, come our of the packet straighter and are better suited for fast moving and deeper water because they have less resistance travelling through the water and that makes it not as laborious to work them. They each have their place. The first fish is a tough one to crack. You can't go wrong with a paddle tail and if you persist, you should see results. You could always get both and see what you like better.
  10. Depends on the species. Flathead will take anything so long as it's worked along the bottom. I would choose longer hardbodies to prevent biteoffs. Yellowfin bream prefer diving hardbodies which are short and fat around 38-45mm long in natural colours. Particularly browns, greens, blacks, clear with some accent of red or orange for the underbelly. Whiting prefer much of the same as bream when sub-surface but on topwater they love poppers and walkers worked without any pauses. Yellow, pink and white are a big hit on top water. Tailor, they prefer expensive lures that have just come out of the packet...
  11. Yep, probably a painted grinner. Topic has been moved to the aquarium section.
  12. That's an amazing trip! Cod galore.
  13. Well done Mike89. Props also to Derek for showing you the ropes.
  14. Happy birthday Donna. I hope Stewy spoils you today.
  15. That's a top mulloway Stewy.
  16. Well done Donna. That's a top fish. Also, good on Stewy for getting one too.
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