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Everything posted by Ryder

  1. I remember you posting this before. http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=74124&hl=ollie Good Luck
  2. Congratulations mate, tick another one off the list. Good work too to Gianni, your guide. Haha
  3. Very nice. Killwell maybe?
  4. I would love to do one of those "mothership" trips in the Kimberley. Comfortable accommodation onboard, and your own guide on the runabouts. You can fish day and night. I have been to the Sir Edward Pellew group of islands out of the McArthur river. We stayed on one of the islands, fishing was just OK, accommodation was a a bit spartan, food was great. We got GTs, Queenfish, Spanish Mackeral, coral trout, sweetlip, cod, Moses perch, red emperor, etc, Great range, but not so in numbers.
  5. Ryder

    harbour today

    Now your just rubbing it in. Haha Great work again. Nice shot of the lip hooked surgeon.
  6. scrub the black stomach lining out. Better yet cut out the entire rib cage for boneless fillets
  7. Ryder

    harbour today

    Nice job mate, I hope I can join you soon. I not allowed out tomorrow, stuck at home packing up.
  8. Oh if you only asked earlier. I've been digging out glogged drain pits for a few days. Full of leaves, compost but alive with big worms.
  9. No Stairway, more like Midnight Rambler on the harp.
  10. I think that's a young Jack Alvey.I have my grandfathers letters to my mum that mention catching 150 flathead in a week at Forster in the 70s. They were retired pensioners, growing veggies , fishing, and sharing the catch and the veg around the neighbours, plus the home brew. The neighbours would return the favour. Whenever a relative went up Grandad would send them home with a box full of frozen fillets. They definitely took every advantage they could. Money didn't grow on trees, but Oysters grew on rocks.
  11. Mate that's awesome. Your confidence must be sky high, and thats key. King as by catch and a big Jew, what a great day . You will be wanting the metre next. I know you've been trying hard for the silver, and It was a great surprise last week. We were so excited for you. This week you have blown us away.
  12. Nice work Trevor. Great weekend to be out getting a few. Some good size in there too. Did you notice any females in roe?
  13. Watch out using tea, it can be over powering. I tried it for a recipe that called for smoked tomatoes, ended with Tomacco.
  14. I'm thinking kingfish Kings don't have big bitey teeth like tailor. They hand feed them on Lord Howe .
  15. I have had problems with FC Rock. It starts on the second half of the spool. I had it replaced, and I was ok for a while, but the problems started again in the second half of the spool. It just wasn't up to the 6lb breaking strain, more like 2lb. It was never exposed to sunlight/ chemicals. I have switched to Nitlon, and so far so good.
  16. Great work mate. my dad used to tell me about making knives from files and big hacksaw blades. Amkr, there is an old movie about Jim Bowie and the 1st Bowie knife. The blacksmith throws a meteorite into the mix. And says something like ' a little bit of heaven or a little bit of hell'
  17. Well deserved mate. I know you put in the hours.
  18. 2008 same spot.https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pi4suARIIhE
  19. http://www.9news.com.au/national/2015/09/02/18/36/great-white-shark-filmed-menacing-fisherman-in-sydneys-northern-beaches That's longer than most guys boats
  20. That's a great range of species on pillies and prawn baits. If you add bread, you could add a few more to the list. Mullet, blackfish and gars.
  21. 2. Big Nose? Who are you calling Big Nose?
  22. Dog Toothed Tuna still twitching. The best ever. The worst, cuttlefish with sea urchin roe, pooh!
  23. I feel for you, it's a reel pain. If the is kelp on the beach, there is kelp in the water. I had an epic battle with an anchor rope off Dee Why. Watch those waders, they're not recommended beach fishing attire.
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