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Everything posted by Blackfish

  1. Well that certainly looks the goods, excellent effort.
  2. Sargent Baker and a Male one at that. Never eaten one but I'm led to believe, boney and not the first choise of many.
  3. Barracouta Thyrsites atum. Usually meaning colder water. Also poor eating quality I'm led to believe.
  4. Buggar Neil at least you weren't to far down the track.
  5. Blackfish

    Gummy shark

    Didn't think School Sharks had spots like Gummys. Juvenile Gummys of what Ive seen have spots, happy to be corrected. Had a reasonable School Shark swimming around me as I was snorkelling off Shark Island (Cronulla) last year, it had no discernible spots. Caught a nice Gummy off National Park 2 weeks ago.
  6. Thats this week end mate, sorry but not enough notice for me ....... otherwise, mmmmmm.
  7. Blackfish

    Ocean Perch

    That one is a Helicolenus percoids I recon to. (Common one)
  8. Not sure whats happened above but there is a Fishraider post on this but having trouble posting link. Tomorrow. OK I see now. Just click on the 2007 Link and it take you back to post with a lot of info on the "Doctor"
  9. Confirmed "Eastern Wirrah Acanthistius ocellatus."
  10. Confirmed "Eastern Frogfish. Batrachomoeus dubious."
  11. Eastern Frogfish Batrachomoeus dubious would be my guess to. Thats the third from Brisbane waters, must be heaps up there.
  12. Ok, Ive asked the boffins down in the lab and they say Quote "Its called "Lordosis" and basically a forward (Downward in fish) curvature of the spine. Morwong, Drummer, bream etc have all been caught in this condition.The spline and Ptergiophores (Bones at the base of the dorsal fin) are intact and fully formed" I had to ask as I'm not that clever but did know in most cases not a injury. Thanks Boffins.
  13. Long fin/Yellowfin Pike Dinolestes lewini
  14. Ok I'm calling it a Banded Rockcod. Epinephelus ergastularius. Juvenile. Happy to be corrected but pretty sure thats the fish.
  15. Parrotfish have beak type teeth and Wrasse have canine type teeth. Basically Parrotfish use their teeth to scrape algae off rocks and Wrasse eat crabs/prawns etc.
  16. Nice Blackfish. Rabbit fish have venomous spines so be careful with them, there is a few up at Long reef as well as Newport. Entrance Bommie and around that area there's heaps. Oh, also another common name for them is Black Trevally(no idea why) or Spinefoot and a few more.
  17. Thats great JaniFin and is that a dog in the second pic. Great times with the family.
  18. Male Crimson Banded Wrasse Notolabrus gymnogenis
  19. Fricken awesome JonD, bet you daughter did well.
  20. Blackfish

    boat porn

    Whoa, that is some serious boat and yes I'm excited. Cootacraft niccccce
  21. Looking forward to the report there Jani. Cold over here at the moment ...... nothing like you though.
  22. Could be wrong but I think Duck creek is closed to fishing.
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