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Posts posted by rickmarlin62

  1. yeah mate..hope you and yours are well.....lots of guys used to play tricks on each others boats at tournaments I used to fish...hang bananas from outrigger clips...and put one or two free swimming nanas in the live bait tank...all in good fun of course...rick

  2. jews or kings wont stay alive long in a keeper..if you are going to target them seriously get serious and take a good size esky with ice in it...even smaller fish for eating should be kept on ice..gives you better quality fish to eat...rick

  3. many game fishos believe bananas are taboo on a boat...I personally have caught a 90kg stripe with a banana skin rigged over a skipping slimy..haha.go figure..it works..rick

  4. definitely jacks in the creek...caught them from the bank at the road bridge into town and further upstream..fish top half of tide going upstream then come back as tide drops..ps  plenty of muddies in there..we jump in and snorkel in the clean water on run in .and use a forked stick to pin the muddies then grab them..rick

  5. the jail can be very shallow on low tides..back creek gets a buildup of sand at the entrance and gets too shallow to drive thru..saying that we have pushed the boat thru then got going..same as hat head creek...Minnie woul be easy for you...we ve launched 2 tonne pride bahiamar with diesel no probs...you can catch mackerel 1/2 mile from Minnie on close reef or hit sandon shoals or nth solitary...unreal place...rick

  6. you launch at the very bottom of the sand in above foto  as far into the corner as possible..you can launch large boats so long as you are quik..muck around too long and bogging is imminent..we drive on drive off..drop off passenger and circle till they back trailer down then drive on or winch on fast then get out quik....wooli is not that bad if you are capable and have experience with bars and reading a sea...rick

  7. sounds like a good combo..trouble is there are so many rods n reels to choose from these days..for spinning you are better off going 10/11 foot   .bit more punch and extra length for keeping lures off the rocks..rick

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