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Posts posted by rickmarlin62

  1. seabreeze shows 7 day forecast..they have downgraded next week to 4mtr peak swell but the southerly starting sat  will be good for us who are waiting on this water to roll over...I personally don't use ww..and seabreeze and others can be wrong quite often..rick

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  2. hey baz  seabreeze is predicting same..a good southerly wil push that warm water in harder and a big stir will have the reds up in shallower feeding...you wont get up there when its 6mtrs but as soon as it dies down get up there straightaway...rick

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  3. try anchoring on the shoals a couple of miles north and burley and fish floating baits...try putting a livebait out under a float 15ft deep...kings cobes longtails caught there regularly..also nth edge of reef at mermaid,,same deal..there is also some shallow reef just south of lighthouse couple hundred mtrs off beach..burley and floaters again...lokk on google earth you can see it...rick

  4. at one stage the whole of broughton isl was lit up by lightning for about 20 seconds...think they call it sheet lightning..i thought it was s#%t lightning...got a bit of bycatch..one bonito one tailer..6ft wobbegong...and something smoked 350mtrs of line off me in one run then bitten off..prob a shark....was fun trip though...rick

  5. Hey omally  these reds are from broughton island  you can get big reds off sydney..i mainly chase them out of the bay..its getin harder to get them out off the central coast  so an hr and quarter drive is value..rick

  6. hey baz..it was a pretty good show where we were sitting..wind went from nth east  anchored perfect catchin fish to blowing 25knots from sth west watchin lightning hit broughton...scary stuff..we only got two small fish after we hung back  so we ran home at 10.30 in between cells..flat run  doin 20knts all way back...the fish are there mate..plenty of burley an big strip baits or slimy heads are the go..if you start getting pike use pike head with butterfly fillets 6 inches long  pin up thru nose and wait for mr red to eat it..rick

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  7. definetly pacific Bluefin..i worked on a longliner for a couple of years ot of port stephens..we fished up an down coast from mooloolaba shoals  out to the seamounts and down as far as gabo island..in three yrs on the boat we got two pacifics..190kg/230kg....they are still out there but rarely seen....they used to be caught wide of eden a few yrs back..im talkin 100/120nm out..we got ours off yamba  and port stephens...rick

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