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Posts posted by rickmarlin62

  1. hey neil..these are the [otolith bones] they sit in a bulb of fluid where the spine meets the head...they are used for balance in the fish..also counting the rings on them gives their age..if you look into the gill cavity of a jew as well as other fish you will see a bulbous looking base where the spine starts..prise away the outside layers of bone carefully and you will find the otoliths or  ear bones..floating in spinal fluid....rick

  2. I suggest you lay the tubes cut open on newspaper and salt heavily both sides..roll them up in the newspaper and put in freezer or similar bags and place in fridge for two or three days..the salt sucks all the moisture out and they should be heaps tougher...also best way of doing pillies...rick

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  3. glad to hear you got home in one piece..they deserve all the accolades they get for a great job done...ive been towed in to Swansea from 5 miles out when I blew an alternator in an inboard...any fundraiser would be greatly appreciated as they don't get much from the government..my mates in the one at Swansea...rick

  4. very hard to land them at the bridge from the shore..they just run straight thru the pylons...we chase them in the boat occasionally..live squid fished mid water..50 or 80lb line lockup and hang on..been plenty of undersize kings at the bridge and out round moon island.....rick

  5. I was using  1/12th..and a hook that only has a weight on the shank..i think 1/24th...I use half a worm..pop them in half with your thumb nail..then thread enough on to sit straight...I was fishing the back of gorokan..4 miles from the entrance..ive never tasted a difference...the hardest part is tryin not to move them too much...rick

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  6. no1  wirrah cod..not very good eating..no2 male crimson banded wrasse..fair eating fresh but don't freeze well..the kelpfish are rubbish.ive never heard of anyone trying to eat them...the drummer have a black stomach lining but don't let that put you off..best to fillet then skin and debone ...great eating..rick

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