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Kiwi Dan

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Everything posted by Kiwi Dan

  1. Hello all, Thought id chuck up a quick report to break up my working day. Fished MH and Syd Harbor on Saturday with a couple mates. I launched early from Tunks and gathered some squid under the Spit then went back to Tunks at 5.30 to pick up my mates who were keen to catch a king. It was hard going with the rain and wind coming and going in patches but it didnt deter us. We fished about 15 differnt spots throughout MH and SH for nothing but small snapper and a bream or 2. Everyone I chatted to on the water were kingless aswell. After spot number 13 we decided to pull up a mooring on Seaforth and cook up a few snags for brekkie. Normally this always brings on the kings but today not even that worked. The day went on and the only king report I had was from a mate who dropped a rat at the boat. I decided to fish Quakers for our last ditch effort before heading home. We sat there for about 30 minutes with a few legal snapper coming on deck and a couple just under size. It was great to have the fish flapping around the deck to boost team morale, even if they werent the target species. We had a mixture of fresh squid, fresh frozen squid and pillies out all around the boat. Once the snapper hits slowed up I gave the "5 minute" call till where off and right on queue the rod I was holding loaded up and started pulling drag, it had a little bit of weight to it and then I felt the head shakes. After a short fight I had this 69cm Jewie in the boat flapping around. The funny thing is that I was sitting up the front of the boat and there was 1 rod left in the holder I brought along as a spare, I thought stuff it ill chuck a hook on this and a half a pillie and lob it over, I grabbed the first hook I could find in my tackle box, the hook was a slightly rusty old thing which has been in there for years. We already had 4 rods out with well presnted fresh squid strips on them but it was the humble pillie which done the damage again - go figure!! We hung around for a little while longer before calling a day. There were also a couple guys who downrigged near us and were nice enough to give us there left over fresh and refrozen squid, unfortunately we couldnt convert that into fish but thank you all the same. "Everyone is more then welcome to donate to the Kiwi Dan charity squid foundation" O well, back to work for me. Cheers
  2. Very nice fish mate, lies no lies, texts mis spelt, small fish, beleivers, non beleivers bla bla bla - End of the day. BLOODY AWESOME FISH MATE.
  3. Hvar Croatia for me. I didnt get to fish there myself but I watched all the locals and fell in love with the place. And the WOMAN certainly make up for any lack of fishing.
  4. MH harbor is good mate, but a long way from Coromangel or Othe Bay of Islands.
  5. getting your first boat is unreal, well done. And awesome sambo.
  6. Im pumping up for a fishing marathon session this weekend while the is away. Plan to fish collect squid Friday arvo and night then throw out for a Jew and have a sleep for a few hours. Then wake up and squid again then pick up a mate and his mrs and will target kings all morning then what ever else in the arvo. Then pull the boat home for a quick freshen up, restock on food and clear the system, quick stop at the servo for more fuel then back into it Saturday night for another overnighter chasing squid and jews then kings sunday morning before pulling the pin at 11ish. Itll all be taking place in MH and Sydney harbor so anyone around come say gday.
  7. Hi Raiders, Last Friday night I found a number plate on the ramp as I was pulling my boat onto the trailer. Plate number J94917 Send me a PM if its yours or you know who's it may be. Ill hold it for a few days and then drop it to the RTA if nobody claims it. Unfortunately this was all I caught on Friday.
  8. Well done Erroll I think ill treat myself to a midweek fish this week.
  9. aweome squid mate well done
  10. good effort on the king mate. I feel like a feed of Bbq fish now after I read your post.
  11. well done mate, im hoping I get my mojo back shortly.
  12. Ill be hitting tunks at 4pm this arvo to chase whatever moves in the harbor this afternoon and then gather some squid for future king sessions. Probably be off the water by about 11pm, anyone out there come say gday. Tomorrow off to the races for some more punting and drinking madness and then a long night. Sunday arvo fishing the harbor and then Monday morning more fishing!!
  13. well done mate, im going to have to hold out till next year to try for my first fin!!
  14. My roughie for the day will be Alessandro Volta number 22 come from the 11. Might get bashed around a little at the start but im backing it to get out. Couple dollars E/W
  15. Well done Geoff, that is a meaty king. I think I saw you lads out there as well. Were there 3 of you in the boat? I was in the centre console al wearing a red jacket and look a lot like Brad Pitt (okay so the last bits not true)
  16. well done mate, that kings a screamer. Im a huge fan of downrigging solo as well.
  17. well done buddy, that jewie is an absolute stonker!! you could feed the whole street with those monster fillets.
  18. Gday all, the wife is getting her hair done after work so ive decided im going to go down and chuck squid jigs around at the spit from the shoreline to try and gather some bait for a king session this weekend. Come say gday if your down that way. Ill be on the Manly side from 6ish till about 830
  19. well done mate nice king there.
  20. GREG what are you thinking breaking up a formidable Dan and Greg force!! Best of luck in QLD mate, im sure the Sydney kings will be glad to see the back of you.
  21. thanks mike, I might give the main harbor a whirl tomorrow.
  22. Smokem with brown sugar and a little salt and they are unreal.
  23. You can sleep with ease mate, I have managed to go out fishing just not in my boat. Isnt it a law that no keen fisho is allowed to go 90 days without fishing. Thanks for the advice guys
  24. Hi Raiders, I havent used my boat in about 3 months and the fuel tank is still half full. Is it okay to top up the tank and continue to use it or should I empty it and start again? Also if I should empty it, where do you empty it? Any advice is appreciated.
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