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Everything posted by AlbertW

  1. Makes sense haha, they probably aren't that aware as they can't see you or your shadow
  2. Yeah I've decided on my game plan, I'll get there around 7 and go for yakkas then chuck it out for a jewie on two circle hooks and if I don't get any yakkas from the jetty I'll just have a quiet little flick with some soft plastics
  3. Cheers macca, how do you use squid jigs on a paternoster rig?, I've been hearing a bit about it but don't really understand the full concept
  4. Thanks rebel, I’ve seen dylanfisho and his mate catch kingfish from a school of them at lavender, I might just try for yakkas and squid tomrrow and maybe chuck out a few soft plastics
  5. I might just try to catch bait for my usual Sunday session then, cheers
  6. Cheers I might turn tomorrow into a session to catch bait if I can get anything on soft plastics
  7. I’m actually fishing there tomorrow night and I forgot to mention that haha, what type of squid jig would you use at night, just your average medium sinking rate and should I use the glow in the dark ones? True haha, I’ll take whatever I can get
  8. Hey Raiders, Im going out for dinner with family to Lavendar bay at around 7pm I'm thinking of flicking a couple of soft plastics after dinner and I've got the basics such as a warm coat and head torch but I'm looking for any other advice or tips. I'm thinking of using a glow in the dark gulp prawn but I don't know much about lure fishing at night and would love some suggestions. (I'll be fishing landbased with a light setup) Cheers, Albert
  9. Big thanks to @DerekD from me as well, you took your time to take us out on the water and taught us the ropes of kayak fishing even though I didn't do my homework, Cheers Ben, thanks for helping me out on the kayak with the coordinates and line tangle, I agree with you on the salt part Ben, I had to hose everything down when I got back I also got a massive tan line around my leg haha.
  10. Congrats man! I also just recently got my first kayak- also a hobie outback, I have the same wheels as well and I've only launched it once but i recommend what restyle does, but the wheels we have do not fold down and I just pop the wheels out and leave them on shore and retrieve them when I'm packing up my outback, you can also put them inside your kayak in the holes like green hornet but I have a livewell there. Happy Fishing, Albert
  11. My parents want to head down south and are looking at going down to jervis bay then eden and lake entrance
  12. There's only a very slim chance of hiring a boat so I think it's most likely going to be landbased the entire trip.
  13. Cheers sloth, I'll research jervis and nelson bay
  14. Cheers macca, I'll keep that in mind.
  15. G’day raiders, Im currently looking for a place to go in the upcoming school holidays. I’m located in Sydney and my parents are pretty happy to drive up north or south along the coasts for long stretches. We’re just looking for someplace with good fishing, good food, scenery and good activities , we’ll be going up for around a week with 6 people and looking for hotels or waterfront airbnbs/ rent houses. I want to try to target my first jewfish/ kingfish and other Pelagius basically the bigger fish but smaller species like bream, snapper etc are also welcome aboard on my plate. We don’t really have a budget and might splash out a bit. For the fishing I’m trying to not go beach fishing as my rods not big enough and it’s not my cup of tea at the moment( might get into it later) Any recommendations and advice are welcome and appreciated. Cheers, Albert
  16. Hey @big Neil, I don't know much about rod tubes but I would recommend a 3 pc or more travel rod inside your suit case. That's what I did for trout at Queenstown. But if you're going for a heavier rod which you probably are then I'd advise to call the airline and ask them or you can pay for extra luggage I guess. I was writing an article about transporting rods after I got back to new zealand and I guess its time to finish it now. If you decide on the trip good luck with it and I hope you tick off the bucket list like I did. Cheers, Albert
  17. Looks like Lil' flatty go to you first haha, I don't use computers that much either so I only picked that up when I was reading articles and other websites. They were really good, their meat was soft and I didn't bother taking the skin of I just cooked the skin first and off it came.
  18. Good on you pickles! The baby jewies are also getting pretty active in the harbour, I've met a lad who caught 4 in one hour on soft plastics
  19. I didn't see him catch the four but I believe him because he hooked up on a good one when I was there, apparently there were a few jewies swimming up along with the jewfish he hooked up but the 4 he caught were tiny, only 30-40 cms
  20. Yeah it was found inside of the belly cavity, the fish was a chonky one though so both are possibilities.
  21. Hey Raiders, This one’s a long one so feel free to scroll to the bottom and read the TL:DR Headed down to Sydney Harbour and arrived at 9am today in search of bream. Arrived at the wharf and met a fellow fisho who had caught 4 jewies, a snapper and a flatty in a span of one hour! I started the day off pumped because of the good news but after a couple hours of nothing on my paddletail I started to loose hope. At 12 I then changed to a rocky area and started to use bread instead, after a bit of berleying a few small silver- dark fish started to show up and I let a ball of bread slowly sink unweighted on a long shank, after half an hour of they “bream” coming up and brushing against the bread and a few nibbles, finally a big dark shape came out of the deep and swallowed the bread whole. At first I thought it was a bream as it pulled so hard and it ran my line and tangled it onto a submerged shopping cart. I managed to tire it and pull it towards the shopping cart which untangled my line, after a risky move I pulled it up onto the wharf and revealed that it was a blackfish! This was my first time catching them and I only targeted blackfish once which was with Derek and big neil using weed and under a float which explained why the fish were circling my bait. After quickly dispatching the fish I had to change rods as the line was messed up and tangled due to the fight. Using the same rig I continued now full with confidence, a bit more time passed as a small crowd of non fishos gathered around me as I managed to hook onto another one and it was a chonker, nearly bloated in size. It was getting late now and after a final tiny 20cm blackfish I called it a day and got a hotdog for lunch *hint hint* and then headed home. My theory for why the blackfish were taking the bread so willingly was because the hot dog place threw what I presumed was expired bread and both the bream and blackfish were used to eating the bread. After taking the two fish home I cleaned them and found this white stuff in the fat one’s stomach does anyone know if it’s fish oil or is it just their organs or something? Then I poorly filleted them, scaled them and covered them with spices and fried them for dinner. TL:DR- Arrived at Sydney wharf, caught nothing for 3 hours, nearly gave up but gave a new spot a go, managed to catch 3 blackfish- two legal, went home and fried them up for dinner. Fish Caught Blackfish x 3 2 legal and one undersized One 39cm and one 37cm Tiny little snapper x 1
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