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Everything posted by warnie

  1. Hi col... no to broken bay tournie this year as i have committments that weekend but yes....... to the sydney tournie coming soon after as that looks to be the one not to miss...... i am going back up to port this weekend and taking the bigger gear with me...... finally with the break in the dismall weather of late for kinder conditions it should be a bit more comfortable to venture out wider..... Cheers Warnie....
  2. Col.... How good does that look now!!!!!!! What do i think.......Patience........and tonnes of it.............good onya mate well done... Warnie.....
  3. Hi Andy Broken Bay is one hell of a hard area to obtain slimies certainaly with any reliability that is but running over certain areas does allow you to locate them on the sounder and jig them up namely...30-40 fathoms directly in front of newport reef........likewise from long reef out to and especially long reef wide...and around boultan's reef... interestingly if either of these areas hold bait schools in numbers then we generally work that area for a number of hours .......if no enquiries are forthcoming then we move on to greener pastures.... these would include Broken bay wide 33'46.21 south 151'.39.42 east and would most definently include the 24/24 Bait station at 33'.46.00 south 151'.45.00 east hope thats helpfull to you andy and most importantly for now!!!!!!! ......as the baitstation area has been fishing good for a while.... Cheers Warnie
  4. Hi Grimo just to clarify when you say live bait grounds.......are you referring to the best area to fish with livies or the best grounds to obtain the livies.......Cheers Warnie....
  5. Well Clifford Let me say the first thing for you to do is recheck that your drag settings on the reel are correct this is of vital importance to you even if you go to the extent of doing so before every trip..... i my self tend to go a bit over the 1/3 rd drag setting and am not advocating for you do likewise but more for the fact of illustrating the point of been confident in the tackle and knot's been used..... i have come to the conclusion and i know a lot of the boys will not necesseraly agree with me here but i see the conversation rate of hookup with marlin in trailer boats starting off in the early stages like yourself improve out of sight by useing a wind on leader ......... it will give you so much more latitude at the buisness end from abrasion with the fish being from contact from tail kicks....bill swipes and the like as well as more protection from the fish landing on the wind on after jumping than as assaposed to the line keep your leader's to the lures around the 2 mtr mark allowing you to bring the fish alongside the boat for you to easily grab a hold of its bill for hook removal or take pic's etc... use one around the 250-300lb if need be......start off with outfit's on both your riggers and see how you fare...i bet if you do the above it will result in a totaly differant result.... Clifford i doubt the marlin you mentioned tail wrapped itself or died but more likely to of had its head down and been stubborn this is were the drag setting is vital in helping maintain that constant pressure and after that amount of time differant tatics may have to be applied to get a better angle on the line the first most preffered choice is to drive off the fish and we are not talking 20 mtrs off it........it can take what seems a hell ov a lot of the spool to get the angle to flatten out and can quite often take repeated go's at times....last week i fought a blue marlin on 37kg stand up on sunset for an hour and a half doing just that to try and subdue him with the leader eventually giving out in the end.... keep at it.... and if you do go up to port PM me and i will give you the marks to were it's happening presently there's sure enough action around to keep you on your tippy toes..... Cheers Warnie...
  6. AchJimmy its always good to study the section showing wave direction in conjunction with the graph you are looking at with particular interest is the interval's between the waves and with it showing around that 9-10 second period then that is leaning towards being favourably....that of course is relating to outside.... Cheers Warnie....
  7. Daniel.... i will be honest in saying that i for one was glad they halted proceeding's for day one for it sure looked narley out there........ and if that projected forecast holds true i will most likely not even bother in getting out of bed.. Cheers Warnie....
  8. Hi smokinjoe Great to hear your first interclub started of as a memorable one for and as you say it is an event that has to be fished to truly appreciate the number of boats involved..... The beginning of this years interclub for me started of badly and this trend continued on through the weekend starting off with me doing two tryes on the trip up leaving me stranded in town resulting in me to have to make a please help me phone call to arrange to borrow a spare trye of one of the four wheel drives that was parked at the boat ramp to get me mobile again so as i could arrange two new ones in town... next day saw me putting the boat in the water and when preparing to set the outriggers up to my shock and horror a gust of wind toppled them both overboard into the water were i saved one but the other plunging straight down into the depths. .....bugger due to the cancellation of the first day this allowed me to arrange a diver to search the bottom at the area but alas to no avail.... Fishing on sunday started with me down on two of my crew and rod duties were handed over to the person who was supposed to be there on seeing and learning on how it all comes together having only just caught his first marlin 3 weeks prior to this.... This was a lot of pressure to ask of him in a tornament situation but he stood up proudly and we got to place the tag in a nice stripe of around 90kgs........ Unfortunently the next two fish that took the bait's both being blacks of around 80kgs were not as obliging and never gave an inch........and he got to learn quickly that keeping pressure on the fish and getting line back can be hard work......with both fish winning there freedom and our intrepid angler sore in places he never knew he had...... a quick discussion resulted in him asking....... would it be okay if i could take the next one and with that the line screams off i pick up the rod and gently lean back on it and come up tight.......... resulting in a blue marlin of around 150kgs exploding out of the water........ Oh lucky me!!!!!!!!!!! This thing took of greyhounding straight for a boat not to far away were quickly i made a decision to sunset the stand up 37kg outfit and apply pressure to try and slow him up.............. well i did say try........ for the last jump resulted in scaring the bejesus out of the crew of the boat ambition with the marlin cascading into the water no more than 5 mtrs away from the back transom....... doing a 90 degree left turn switched on the afterburners and greyhounded for the horizon....... with lucky me!!!!!!!!!!! on sunset on 37 saying now would be a good time boys to go after him...... well that would of been the plan if i was driving the boat but it quickly came to light they both had no idea how to drive a boat...well one with twin throttles at least.oh oh!!!!!!!!!! well for any one out there who has fought a fish on 37kg at sunset for an hour and a bit with nothing more than your trackies to protect your vital parts from the pressure that it can excert will know how i feel today......so bring it on next weekend for round two but just quitely...... im driving!!!!!!!!! Cheers Warnie....
  9. Chris... are you in the position of been able to hole saw in a bigger bung say 50mm by chance which will then incorprate the pea size hole in the process of cutting in the bigger hole?????? Cheers Warnie...
  10. Hi Daniel I will be up there this weekend all been well for the PFT.... and leave the boat up there ready for the interclub for the following week.... as you say should be good fun... Cheers Warnie....
  11. Shane..... The way im going through crew at the moment god forbid i might have to give that one a thought........ Shane dont know if you are aware or not but i had a wardrobe malfunction on the first day of the tournie on the weekend infact the first hour of the tournie one of my crew members was ill with seasickness so ill in fact we had to do a mercy dash back to port and was at the stage of organising admitting him into hospital he was one very unwell chappy even up untill as late as today turns out he was suffering from a bad back and was on pain killer medication for such....... so he did'nt want it to interfear with the weekend fishing and thought it prudent to double his doseage of medication (just incase) along with dropping panedine forte like they were cough lollies!!!!!!!! all combined with the rough conditions.......well lets just say i have never seen anyone as bad as he was.....and was relieved when i got him back to that ramp and on solid ground...... And Chris (Aero) This shane is not that shane although i can see were the confusion could lay as that shane (being wilson)will most likely skipper this shanes new boat (check his user name) thats getting built as we speak when it comes along... wow....... hope that wasn't to confusing....... Cheers Warnie.....
  12. As you say many different ways... but basically to get it to swim and track straight as a rule this involves some sort of weight to get its head down and whether this is to be achieved via simply chin rigging with a sinker for example or via the many other commercial methods sold on the market........also the breaking of its backbone will get the gar to do that enticing swimming action that is so highly sort after.... Cheers Warnie......
  13. Hi Waynie didnt get a chance did you???????? to have a reef bash at all...... would of thought there'd be some hungry snapper swimming around up there that would of been willing to play ball..... Cheers Warnie
  14. Seriously boys.....weekend of the 16th.. ...........bom,bouy,and to a lesser degree seabreeze and the rest of them.... they have trouble getting the weather right for the very next day...... and most times the afternoon update on the day resembles nothing of like that that was issued earlier that morning on the same day..... sorry to sound so cynical...... but sucking it in and see for the weekend............ along with haveing a look yourself on the day generally will avoid the biggest dissapointment..... my guess would be definently take a raincoat.... Cheers Warnie......
  15. Well looking on the brighter side at least one fish got to get to sport a bit of plastic for it's effort so the weekend wasn't totaly unenventfull.... ahh yes the interclub......... it sure is rolling around as you say......... how full on is that tournie !!!!!! which i am sure you are fully aware of...... anyways i have to get over this weekend first that been the shell harbour open tournament goodness knows how the weather will be for that one and then next the PFT up at port so i have a busy schedule coming up .........how about yourself any thing else besides the interclub????? Cheers Warnie.....
  16. Hi col... How did you go on "True Blue" on the weekend did you get amongst them??????? any visits to the weigh station..... Cheers Warnie....
  17. Hi there Capt Hook to best answer your question would be to first explain that all the Game clubs are grouped into zones.. for example central zone encompasses...Broken bay, Sydney,BotanyBay,and Port Hacking Tycoon would fall into the northern Zone and would fish against boats from his club on pointscore days and other clubs of his zone.... You have heard made mention of the interclub at Port Stephens which is run on the last weekend of feb and the first weekend of march which is a highly contested tournament between boats clubs and visitors This would for excample put these boats made mention in direct competition against each other or in any of the tournaments that are run by each individual club up and down the east coast... there are a number of categories involved in two divisions that been Capture and T&R so the answer to your question would be YES.......if Tycoon had fished T&R in that tournament Cheers Warnie.....
  18. Well nath i can tell you from experiance that whether it be due to either a bad terminal connection to the battery and when i say bad i mean an inspection of the terminal connection will not reveal anything if down slightly on voltage to the battery (like due to a lay off over winter for a couple weeks) even if a slightly discharged battery to number two...... although running on number 1 that will be sufficiant enough to cause my starboard motor to run like a dog???? mine as you know are yammies but i have now come to accept this situation when and if it occurs.....im suspecting in my case once the voltage drop's below 10 volts there is not enough there to operate the fuel pump why in my case it only effects the starboard and not the port i can only speculate...sounds like your experiencing that similar dilemma to your one motor Cheers Warnie.....
  19. I will answer that question for you on pitchys behalf as he is not a member of this site he however is a friend and a member of my club that being SGFC and fishes comps actively but as a rule in boats that have back decks as big as your lounge room so he is very proud to of taken his own boat called "out there" and mixed it with the big boys and done well.... the motto there is you dont necesserily require a half million dollar boat to catch marlin and do well in comps..... it is well with in reach to of a lot of those with trailer boats with in reason of course Pitchy is the one in the pic with the yellow gloves holding up that garfish.......eh sorry marlin Cheers Warnie....
  20. And in the red corner i reckon a striped tuna would give him a run for his money pound for pound there would have to be hard to beat.... with there never say die and never give up attitude...... Cheers Warnie...
  21. Steve The slimies off port on the weekend were jumping on any jig you care to mention that was dropped down to them resulting in full strings every time i admit to not knowing what i used as i just picked up what looked tinsely and cheap however i do go for the one's with the bigger hook range rather than the smaller ones...but saying that they can be tempermental at times but a jig in particular that never fails me is the sabaki rig in the green prawn and is deadly so deadly in fact that anything that swims down there wants to eat them so get plenty.... honestly anything that you can spool up with braid will do the job..... fast or slow retreive it matters neither for as you noticed how the boats hovered over the bait schools that they considered to be balled up and under duress they jig directly from that school and tease and stop there retreive on the way up delibertly to arise the interests of a marlin and the more interest the better....it is a case then of getting the marlin to switch over to baits allready set ready in wait.... or feeding one back to him when he follows a string up... this is harder than it looks but it is highly effective and some boats have got it down to a tee... A 6-8 ounce snapper lead is around the norm for both the jig and for dropping down a bait back down to the bait school and we have the line marked in 10 fathom increments to help take the guess work out of how deep you are to hold at...And as im sure you are allready aware of....... the use of a circle hook is the best way of ensuring a solid hook up and are very forgiven.... this of course is just my preferance and methods will differ greatly between boats Cheers Warnie.....
  22. Sorry steve i was pre occupied first by a boat that was fishing with me that pulled two blacks out from around me that was giving me friendly stick...and was on the radio trying to talk to a mate on the shelf who had hooked up to a nice black with a female angler on the rod and it was nearing the three hour mark at that stage... we found out later the fight went for four hours and the fish weighed in at 117kg and fell short by 2 odd kgs for it to be considered for a record claim...How must of that female angler of felt after that epic slog we were told she never complained once........good on her. i did however meet up with Oz (netic) and mate who were at the ramp..... Cheers Warnie....
  23. Pretty sensational weather i thought up at port those two days especially saturday were you could of made it out in a bathtub... good to see you got on to a fish.... as the carpark lived up to its name with the amount of boats around... interestingly on sunday a floating fad of sorts had drifted on the scene and some of the boats were getting dollies from 10-15kg at will anywere with in co-ee of it first thing in the morn so i rocks up licking my chops over the thoughts of a feed of dollie to take home with me cracked open the ice in the esky and rubbed my hands in anticipation.... and proceded to run a livie past the fad.......so i thought but a Striped marlin thought otherwise and took a liking to the livie and promptly ate it..........oh well so much for dinner !!!!!!!!!! but a keen fisho on board and a marlin virgin who had been watching the action for the weekend and patiently waiting for his time to come around got to have his turn.... although i regret not bringing home dinner i must admitt watching some one catch there first marlin is a feeling hard to beat and at around 110 kg it was a healthy stripe for him to have a first go at..... he like you enjoyed a . at the end of the day... Cheers Warnie...
  24. Nudge... I reckon the Jim Bean Blacks were flowing thick and fast afterwards....... and with Pitchy haveing a smile from ear to ear Got to love it when it all comes together.... how you want it to like that and with a short bill on the last day to boot thats akin to getting the power ball in lotto..... well done goes to "Out There" Warnie... PS...Just had a thought that will figure well in central zone standings so be prepared for he will most likely want to attack the next one outta broken bay i would presume.......
  25. Hi Dave.... Guess you best get used to the joys of game fishing for im sure getting done over like you did wont be the last time it will happen but as each time it happens you get to know a lot better not what to do in the given situation of which what has allready been suggested to back the drag off would of been the better option...... a lot of guys will tell you after a while....... a feeling will develop were by the pinging and the crackling of the line you will get to know when its time to back it off but you would want to still maintain at least a min of 8kg of drag on the fish...... and the change in direction of the fish and the belly in the line alone would do just that.... its a fine balance and combination of a few things along with a certain amount of luck that can come into play that eventually gets to wear the fish down.... maybe in this instance on joes part it done him a favour there and then rather than battling it out in worsening weather copping waves over the back and then getting done an hour and a half later with the same result and maybe still not getting to see it....... here lays the funny part ask any one who loses a fish and it dosent seem to hurt no way as much if you at least get to see what it was that you bust off on... so to answer in part your questions i would say (1) no (2) yes (3) YES (4) more than likely THEORIE The reason the line broke...............gee numerous reasons as said line pressure excerting way over stated 24kg particuarly with that much line out and change of direction by fish as you said nick in line lure running up leader and then raising interest of another fish which in turn comes in to contact with line..... The line picking up an object in the water for example a bit of weed just enough to add more pressure to an allready stressed line the list is endless the result been the same we all go through it hopefully the result next time will be in you favour.... Cheers Warnie....
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