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Everything posted by Welster

  1. That's awesome Jeff. Thanks for taking the time to post it. If only Stacer were that smart!
  2. Great session mate. We didn't have the same good fortune further south.
  3. Good work Rah. Old school Hammer drills are the pits. I have been been thinking about a new bigger rod rack for ages. Being a chippy you'd think I'd have it done by now.
  4. Some say yes some say no. But I think in some ways it improves the chances because it's easier to swap jigs if it isn't happening. I like the knife jig idea too. I have also heard of some people using a chrome slice as the weight on a bait jig for an extra option
  5. I'd take.... 1 light rod with snap clip attached for eiter a squid jig or metal slice if the surface fish turn up. Can also clip on a hook to float a bait down or light jig head. 2. Probably another light rod with either a light running sinker or sinker, swivel and trace 1m or so long. 3 medium outfit for trolling or live baiting. 4 heavyer outfit rigged for live baiting or poor mans down rigging. It doesn't take long to change the rigs anyway. But it's nice to have a squid jig ready for followers and being able to quickly change for bust ups. Btw I have never fished the harbour
  6. How does the bait board double as a ski pole. I find the switching over annoying when on holidays considering the ski pole has braces that require bolting in.
  7. Killer bait board Zoran. Well thought out. Also Gabm a small net from an aquarium makes catching the livies much easier.
  8. Yeah so would I. Maybe shoot me a PM of what you need. I'm in the Holsworthy area if u r local?
  9. I have a Stacer one if that helps?
  10. I had a large live bait tank/ cutting board combo on the stern of my previous boat it held 50-60 litres of water and was great for livies and bleeding fish. It didn't to upset the performance of the boat at all. That boat was a 5.3 Quintrex and generally only two people fishing in it. It had the drain set up so I could choose to half fill it or completely fill it. If I was you I'd be figuring out a way to strap an esky in position with a towel or something protecting the paint. Fill it up and go out for the day and see how it goes. I have a mate with a 4.5 quintrex that uses a screw top container for his. Mounted on the rear step ( I assume your boat has one). He has a bracket made up that uses the ladder bracket and a strap around the top. It's mounted on the opposite side to the driver and the boat performs ok.
  11. I think you wouldn't notice. They commercially fished the harbour before the sudden stop. My understanding is the Europeans had the lowest advisory levels in their standards. We changed our standards to match theirs and soon after the harbour was closed to commercial fishing. Its the long term accumulation of the chemicals that could cause a problem.
  12. That would be nasty, although similar to a centre console . If I was only fishing I wouldn't have one either. But as a compromise they work for us.
  13. I have a Stacer bow rider and prior to that a quintrex one. They are a great all round boat. You would need one in the 5-6 metre range to carry 6. I think you'd really need double the budget though. Obviously going outside you need to carefully pick the days. I generally fish with 1 other person. Three people total works pretty good with one in the bow rider section. Four would be a squeeze for fishing IMHO
  14. Welster

    Recycling again.

    Cause you can and by the sounds of it a top bloke.
  15. Welster

    When tyres let go

    This happened to me on the previous boat. On the way up the coast a motorcycle policeman pulled me over saying there was a bulge on the inside of the tyre. So we promptly found a nearby tyre shop and replaced it. We did speak about doing the other but they said no real point. A couple of weeks later heading home the other tyre blew on the way home with damage similar to the pic above. It was a stinking hot day and I was close to home on the m7. The tyre pressures were checked before each trip and were around 60 lb as we figured they had near to the maximum load on them. The tyres were around 10 or 11 years old. So I think despite visibly looking good they were past the use by date for each tyre to both fail in the space of two weeks.
  16. Great catch and a good report. Sounds like you couldn't miss.
  17. There's no better way to get the little ones hooked than action like that. Well done.
  18. Nice flatty Paul congrats on your PB. A couple of nice fillers there! What bait were you using?
  19. Hopefully. Good luck let us know how it goes.
  20. No. It wasn't as easy a run out as I was hoping. It was my first run out there though. It wasn't bad we pretty much had to stay under 20km/h or have an uncomfortable ride. In a 5.7 Stacer bow rider.
  21. Hi Farvos, It was yesterday. The earlier the better and livies seemed to be the go. Our yakkas were huge and I think smaller would of been much better.
  22. I was hoping to catch my first mahi today but that fell apart boat side. I did manage a nice flatty on Saturday though that is like to enter. Both pics are the same fish.
  23. Awesome day by the found if it. Nice squid catch.
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