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Everything posted by Welster

  1. They really are clever creatures. They are just unlucky they taste so good!
  2. Nice fish, post and pics John. Your posts are always interesting. Not sure I'd be brace enough to jump in the water after seeing a shark. Actually I know I wouldn't!
  3. Correction. 1 for @Squishy and 0 for @amkr.
  4. Well done Donna. Cracking fish. Why is it the girls always outfish the guys?
  5. Great report Jenno. You never seem to miss.
  6. Great post fab 1. Hearing stories like that is always worthwhile.
  7. Nice report and a good day on the water. Sounds tragic when you can get livies so get 6 squid instead. That same laziness has cost me over time as well. I have seen people dip the rod tip in the water and wrap their line around the crabs so the can't let go.
  8. That's huge especially of the beach. Congrats
  9. Great feed there. Well done on the king, sounds like a top day.
  10. Welster

    Sea Anchors

    I had no idea the parachute material ones were expensive. It has been in our boat since I was a kid and I'm 45 now. It would be over 1m when opened up. The other funnel type one maybe 40cm. It will help if I was you I'd probably just get a bigger size.
  11. Welster

    Sea Anchors

    I have two a large parachute type one that's probably over 30 years old and a smaller funnel shaped one made out of tarp material or similar. I much prefer the parachute material it rolls up into something around the size of your fist and really slows the drift. I am considering getting a smaller parachute one to replace the funnel one. You are welcome to borrow mine if you like to try them.
  12. The Hank you describe sound exactly like Paikea as Fabian suggests. He was a regular contributor to fish raider. The last I remember he sold his Tournament and had a new boat on order. He hasn't really posted since. Hopefully all is going well for him.
  13. Nice work. You sure have those flatties worked out.
  14. I started taking a screenshot of the weather info when I was out fishing.
  15. Sounds like heaps of fun on light gear.
  16. Well done Arman (Mr Magoo) and Reece on taking out the JB Whitsands tournament. It looks like you guys cleaned up. Highest point scoring boat, Highest point scoring junior, most tagged shark. That's a mighty effort, congrats.
  17. Mate get yourself a better pic with a hat or something red and wack it in catch if the month. Great catch well done. What general area were you in?
  18. Nice @pauls. That's a good feed you have there. Bloodworms or beach worms?
  19. I know you can get biodegradable ones. I am yet to try them though. I am interested to here people's ideas too. From the boat I sometimes run one out a fair distance to keep it away from the other lines.
  20. Catching a Surgeon is something I'd love to do. Well done.
  21. Welster

    I have learnt-

    Very funny fab I thought I had a monopoly on silly mistakes. I have learnt when you have a live squid out and drag set right towards the back of the boat whilst sitting in the bow rider section a rail mount rod holder isn't the best place to put it! Although the new rod and reel is much better. I learnt when skiing in winter skiing up to the beach at speed doesn't end well. I have learnt when trolling by myself out side if the bung plugs aren't tight they can vibrate out and disappear. I have learnt it is very difficult to launch the boat with the strap across the back. I have learnt it is best to check the boat starts before being launched into a river with fast running tide. I have learnt you can't swim as fast as a boat being pushed along on a windy day. I have learnt it is best to have the boat trailer connected to the car when retrieving the boat. (We use to use a rope on a ski boat trailer to put it deeper but somebody didn't connect it to the trailer). Following on from the last one I have learnt holding onto a sinking trailer whilst dog paddling doesn't quite work.
  22. 38cm flounder that's solid! Sounds like a nice night regardless of it being quiet.
  23. Great fish well done. Enter it in COTM for sure. What is with nursing the fire Extinguisher? Did the boys try to steal the catch?
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