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Everything posted by Welster

  1. The distance off rules have never been practical in my opinion. With a river full of people doing water sports it just isn't happening. I have always read those as be sensible and courteous and give everyone the maximum distance possible. That might night be technically correct but I think it's the reality.
  2. I was initially disappointed to see they have removed the young adult licence. After reading the new handbook they have just combined it into the general licence with similar restrictions for under 16 year olds as the young adult licence. The upside is they should be able to get the 5 year version without renewing every year. Also it's good to see the rego label has gone.
  3. It was great to meet you and hear about your study. Good luck with it. I'm looking forward to seeing your findings.
  4. Thank you Swordies for putting on a great social. Also a big shout out to Harold and HBA learning centres for sponsoring the weekend. It was great to meet you guys. Congrats to Sacha and the other prize winners.
  5. I would be switching it over. It should hold charge fine for a week. That way you can be confident you have two freshly charged batteries. Actually what I have been doing on my boat that has two identical batteries is connecting the charger to one battery and running small jumper wires to the other so they are both on trickle charge. On my old boat I could isolate the batteries from the electrics but still use the 1-2 switch to charge both batteries together. The original battery lasted around 11 years before dying and the second back up battery was still going strong for around 6 years when we sold the boat.
  6. I have an old 2500 to symetre and starlo stix 2-4 kg and its served me well. I am no expert but don't rate the new symetre as much. I'd probably go the Stradic over budget and a rod around 100 ish. I think the trion mentioned above is around that! Don't forget the braid will cost you around $35 for 150m
  7. I wouldn't have any thing over than a new tech engine. Easy turn key starting every time (no pump this twice lift throttle half magic formula blah blah), quieter, less fumes, more economical, better resale.
  8. Have a great trip Yowie and let us know what your up to. No fishing for me this weekend, I might just stay indoors and attend to my tackle.
  9. Just an update for those that may be interested. Today I received the please explain usage letter from the NSW government, Road transport. I have filled out the form and will report and will report back what happens.
  10. That's good going getting a 40cm reddie from the hacking, well maybe not for you but I'd be stoked! Well done again.
  11. It would be worth your while using the search function for Roberta's posts. A regular posted to the forum a few years ago yak fishing in Forster.
  12. Gee I could do with a day like that! Awesome fishing well done.
  13. Interesting read fab 1 working through the fault. I'm guessing most guys would throw plenty of parts at that before solving it.
  14. I haven't seen mine come back yet but that would be good. Did you only just start getting billed the higher amount?
  15. It's very cool I saw this as well. I wonder if it's a mating thing? We were out a few weeks ago near Lilly Pilly and heard a massive belly flop sound, the mate I was fishing with said he saw what he thought was a big ray hit the water. Unfortunately I missed all but the aftermath.
  16. Spot on. A lot of your points apply to every ramp. It amazes (annoys) me boat users want to spend so much of their time at the ramp getting in everyone's way, instead of on the water.
  17. Thanks Dave. On following phone calls they insisted I had to be below 2m high on a three axle vehicle.
  18. Great photos and report. Your reports are always informative. Sunday sure was a great day to be on the water. Not many boats around at all.
  19. The world would be a far better place if that was the case.
  20. Welster

    Be careful guys

    Well dine Fab 1. You handled this exactly the right way. Thank you for looking out for those who are unable to do so for themselves.
  21. A good few sessions you had there. You came up trumps all three times. Great to hear your daughter is loving it.
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