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Daughter no.2 caught 1 too


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With the fishing obsessed elder sister some 350km down the coast fishing I took the oportunity to head out with my middle daughter (not a die hard fisher but more of a wildlife lover and photographer).

We enjoyed about half hour of photographing seals before the rocking action and staring through a big lens started making her feel a little off colour. We decided to head away from the seals to try and locate a giant loggerhead turtle I had seen a few days before (not normally found in our area). 

On our way we spotted kingfish smashing through schools of bonita with hammerheads also getting in on the action. My daughter put one surface lure cast right on top of around 20 reasonable looking fish and isntantly got a solid hook-up. After luckily dodging a few seals and sharks she had a solid kingfish of around 90cm.

During the fight I turned off the engine, which wouldn't start under the key turn meaning I had to result to pull cord starting. It was quite funny as I notified marine rescues straight away of our engine fail, during the radio conversation I stated we were happily drifting south from the offshore island, my conversation became distracted as the hamerheads decided to take a close look at our boat!!!

We decided to pull the pin and head home in order to find the issue with the engine. Another fun little trip and one where my younger girl can tease her big sister who is bream fishing today.

















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2 hours ago, big Neil said:

Great photos Jon. What are the birds? bn

They are reef egrets, they have a few spots we often find them hunting at on different times of the tide.






Edited by JonD
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3 hours ago, nutsaboutfishing said:

I'd be interested how you'd rank the fishing skills in you family.  Let me get you started. Dad number 3. Lol

I started at age 3 ( dad no. 3) so 50 years of fishing now. From a very young age I worked on just about any charter boat I could and bought my own boat aged 12.  From that age my school attendance became very poor, also split parents who had no interest in us kids meant I had the freedom to fish as much as liked ( or could get away with from school). 

The beach side of fishing I learnt more from being under the water than simply wetting a line from the surface. I also like to experiment and not simply follow rules that have worked for others.

I mostly enjoyed bigger fish even in the early days back in the UK, targetting porbeagles and threshers from my 12 ft boat.

All my kids enjoy fishing but the eldest is the hardcore one who fishes most days. She will often outfish some of this country's top anglers but still lacks the knowledge on where to find fish. I've let her take the boat herself where she's not fished as well as when I put us on marks. This is due to not really getting to grips with the electronics, positioning and drift speeds etc. Saying that side by side when I put us over fish she normally outfishes me 5/1 on kings and snapper and around 20/1 on bream.

Game fishing she will take on anything you give her from broadbill fishing all night to taking on billfish on spin gear, you won't get that rod from her hands once she's hooked, not even when she was a little kid.

My daughter is dating the current Aus bream junior ( non boat ) tournament champion and is fishing with him in Mallacoota which by all accounts has been kicking his arse the last few day. She loves using her $20 outfit to prove it's not about the gear, saying that the boyfriend has taught her heaps on bass and bream fishing.

Her freediving skills and scuba diving left me for dead around 3 years ago and though we don't mention underwater hunting this is where a wealth of knowledge is gained. She recently took out the nationals in Eden for the women's side of the sport. The freediving has also gained her much respect through the scientific side of marine life. Collecting samples from game fishing comps, sexing game fish and right down to the small tropical species has made her very well known. 

Shes recorded around 150 species outside the normal range and collected several unusual species for museums and university studies. She also leads uni students and teaches them techniques for collecting data. Both daughters will be on a new tv show soon to air called get smart and the eldest has also been on sbs and several news presentations over the years.

Sounds impressive but the eldest is a nutty as a fruit cake, a bit like a big silly puppy with way to much energy ( not even the tristhlons slow her down). Often she is so excited about some little fish she finds you can barely make any sense out of her garbled words.

I Personaly feel we know very little about fishing, this is backed up when we freedive or scuba a spot one day and find numerous species then the next day the same spot has nothing, that's something only the fish can tell us. For me I just love being out at see, the sight of an albatross etc coming over to check us out is every bit as good as catching a fish. 

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8 hours ago, JonD said:

I started at age 3 ( dad no. 3) so 50 years of fishing now. From a very young age I worked on just about any charter boat I could and bought my own boat aged 12.  From that age my school attendance became very poor, also split parents who had no interest in us kids meant I had the freedom to fish as much as liked ( or could get away with from school). 

The beach side of fishing I learnt more from being under the water than simply wetting a line from the surface. I also like to experiment and not simply follow rules that have worked for others.

I mostly enjoyed bigger fish even in the early days back in the UK, targetting porbeagles and threshers from my 12 ft boat.

All my kids enjoy fishing but the eldest is the hardcore one who fishes most days. She will often outfish some of this country's top anglers but still lacks the knowledge on where to find fish. I've let her take the boat herself where she's not fished as well as when I put us on marks. This is due to not really getting to grips with the electronics, positioning and drift speeds etc. Saying that side by side when I put us over fish she normally outfishes me 5/1 on kings and snapper and around 20/1 on bream.

Game fishing she will take on anything you give her from broadbill fishing all night to taking on billfish on spin gear, you won't get that rod from her hands once she's hooked, not even when she was a little kid.

My daughter is dating the current Aus bream junior ( non boat ) tournament champion and is fishing with him in Mallacoota which by all accounts has been kicking his arse the last few day. She loves using her $20 outfit to prove it's not about the gear, saying that the boyfriend has taught her heaps on bass and bream fishing.

Her freediving skills and scuba diving left me for dead around 3 years ago and though we don't mention underwater hunting this is where a wealth of knowledge is gained. She recently took out the nationals in Eden for the women's side of the sport. The freediving has also gained her much respect through the scientific side of marine life. Collecting samples from game fishing comps, sexing game fish and right down to the small tropical species has made her very well known. 

Shes recorded around 150 species outside the normal range and collected several unusual species for museums and university studies. She also leads uni students and teaches them techniques for collecting data. Both daughters will be on a new tv show soon to air called get smart and the eldest has also been on sbs and several news presentations over the years.

Sounds impressive but the eldest is a nutty as a fruit cake, a bit like a big silly puppy with way to much energy ( not even the tristhlons slow her down). Often she is so excited about some little fish she finds you can barely make any sense out of her garbled words.

I Personaly feel we know very little about fishing, this is backed up when we freedive or scuba a spot one day and find numerous species then the next day the same spot has nothing, that's something only the fish can tell us. For me I just love being out at see, the sight of an albatross etc coming over to check us out is every bit as good as catching a fish. 

Can almost seeing you bursting with pride over your daughters. Well done mate.

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