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Smashed my bream PB by 10cm! (41cm/1kg)


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Feel like I've finally joined the big boy club!


Decided to take a break from my usual soft plastic flicking around the inner west and went back to basics with some bait fishing near the Gladesville bridge last night.


Have been having some luck at this spot recently with a couple of high 20's flounder, low 30's bream and also a fair few large blue swimmer crabs that I keep managing to catch on a fishing rod (is this normal....?). Just been using my standard run of the mill 7" rod with a Daiwa BG3000 with 12lb braid / 12lb mono leader.


Anyway after only being there for 5 minutes I was already on and had a bit of a fight on my hands. Roughly 5 minutes later managed to land this beast and you couldn't wipe the smile off my face. Previous bream PB was 31cm.


Caught a couple more smaller fish before I called it a night but nothing notable.


I'm usually a strict catch and release fisherman, ESPECIALLY with bream due to their age, but after multiple friends pestering me for the fish I catch and just the sheer size of this guy (really wanted to weigh him as he was fat as anything..!) I made an exception and kept him for someones dinner.`


(Also yes I know this body of water isn't the best to eat fish out of but one fish / month is the dietary advice currently.)





Edited by Berrero
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Nice fish mate & congrats on the new PB... there are some cracking Bream around Gladesville area - my PB from that area is 45cm but I have seen others catch them 50cm+ from that stretch of the Parra River.


All my monster Bream have been taken on bait- i reckon its pretty hard to fool a 40cm+ bream on a lure these days, but it can be done I am sure.


Look forwards to hearing you got a 45+ modem in the future.


Tight lines


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Cracker of a bream especially shore based in that area. I once fished the rock cliff on the southern side of bridge. We experienced a cockroach experience that left us running. There were dozens of them that came out and flying!! Never again...

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Now that is a solid bream

Well done

Also I think that the recommendation is fish caught west of the harbour bridge should not be eaten. And fish east of the bridge should be eaten in small amounts as stated by DPI.

  • No fish or crustaceans caught west of the Sydney Harbour Bridge should be eaten. You should release your catch.
  • For fish caught east of the Sydney Harbour Bridge generally no more than 150 grams per month should be consumed.


But great fish nonetheless 

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Following the several recommendations here the fish was disposed of.


Makes me terribly sad because it was a beautiful fish. I wish I knew this before it was taken home. There's no signs on the waters edge either like there is in Rodd point.



Going back to strict catch & release now. Friends can come out and fish if they want a feed 🎣


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  • 1 month later...
On 4/1/2019 at 8:51 AM, Berrero said:

Following the several recommendations here the fish was disposed of.


Makes me terribly sad because it was a beautiful fish. I wish I knew this before it was taken home. There's no signs on the waters edge either like there is in Rodd point.



Going back to strict catch & release now. Friends can come out and fish if they want a feed 🎣


Mate, it wasn't your fault. We all live and learn.

Really well done on the PB!

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There seem to be some thumping big bream about lately down here in the south coast also. My daughter has pulled a few 45's over the last week but her best was right in front of our house and a crazy 54cm.

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