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Snapper time - Take 2


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After my last unsuccessful trip out chasing Snapper it was time to give it another go. Saturday morning saw me up and out the house early, driving away from the Roseville ramp at around 6.45am. First stop was off Middle head for a few livies. Burleyed up and within seconds I was surrounded by perfect size Yakkas. Did not take me too long to get 7 or 8 in the live bait tank so pulled anchor and headed off towards Foul Ground. The conditions were perfect, a light breeze with and not too much swell so even in my little runabout I was able to motor out at a nice comfortable 18 knots after logging on with Marine Rescue.

I often drift Foul Ground, however previously I have had more luck on Snapper when at anchor, so dropped the reef pick and sent down some baits. I was fishing a live bait around 2-3m off the bottom and a 2 hook paternoster with cut pillies on 4/0's on the other. 
First fish up was a Pig Fish, even though I recognised what it was I was not too sure how good they were to eat so back he went. Before I started this post I Googled Pig Fish and now know that I threw back a premium eating fish. Ah well, next time I catch one I'll keep it and give it a try. 


After a while I finally got one of my Targets, a Snapper, no pictures as it really was not photogenic enough, read too small, so back it went.

The bite was pretty slow so moved to another spot on Foul Ground and hooked a Rock Cod. OK enough of that and headed off to another mark about a mile away. I had barley got my line in and I was onto a fish, I could tell by the head shakes that it was a Snapper but again it was under size, going around 28cm. This was followed by a Mowong, this one went around 33cm, but not a favorite of mine to eat so back it went. This was followed by 3 decent size Flathead, this was confusing as I was over reef expecting Snapper and other reef species, I guess I must have been close to the edge so the Flathead could not help themselves and snaffled the baits. Hey, no complaints from me as I love eating Flathead. Then it was time for the pickers, bait went down, tap tap tap, hooks came up clean, re-bait and back down, tap tap, etc etc. Time to move again.

Decided to head closer in to Long Reef, this is when I experienced the highlight of the day. While motoring along I saw a Whale leap out of the water, full body clear and slam back down. This was right on the line I was traveling so kept going and out it came again and again and again. I cut the motor and sat back to enjoy to enjoy the spectacle which must have gone on for at least 10 minutes. I left him jumping around and having fun and headed on.



As the Whales continued their journey North I headed on towards Long Reef. Got to my mark and sent down the baits. Within seconds I got the first hit, I knew it was a Snapper by the head shakes and this time it went over 30 so into the ice it went. Finally one of the target species on ice Who hoo. This was a great sign so back down the baits went only for me to be disappointed. I had caught the only Snapper that was at home on Long Reef that day, all the rest were at home due to Covid lockdowns so were not out to play.

I did land a couple of reasonable size Trevally but threw them back as I was too focused on Snapper. Then it was pickers, Rock Cod, Wrasse and those annoying things that are stripped black and white with yellow fins. Bait thieves and a pain in the bum. The problem with them is that as soon  as they find where the baits are going down they seem to hang around and just keep pinching the pillies. So time for another move.

This time I headed to Iggies Reef but not for long. A couple of Rock Cod were enough so time to head in.

I was a fun day with beautiful conditions and I manged to at least come home with a decent feed.


  Stay tuned for Snapper Time - Take 3, coming soon to a web site near you. 🙂

Tight lines All

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Great report and pictures Gordo. You certainly worked hard for your feed but what a reward being so close to the whale at play. Got me thinking... do whales know what's above them when they breech. Anybody had any near misses with their boats? bn

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On 10/9/2021 at 4:37 AM, big Neil said:

Great report and pictures Gordo. You certainly worked hard for your feed but what a reward being so close to the whale at play. Got me thinking... do whales know what's above them when they breech. Anybody had any near misses with their boats? bn

There was a case a while back where a whale breached and landed on top of a small boat so it does happen. I also saw a picture in the news of a whale with a series of cuts down it's back where a boat had driven across it.
Here is the story https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-06-17/teen-out-of-coma-after-whale-lands-on-boat/100224444

From my experiences I have found whale's to be quite curious creatures. Some years back we were shark fishing out near the shelf and a pair of whales came right up to the boat, within 2 or 3m, one of them surface right next to us and I would swear that it was looking at us, it had one eye out of the water and seemed to be checking us out. At the time we had 5 or 6 lines in the water with baits at various depths and although they swam around us for a good 5 minutes they did not touch one of them. As they left they appeared to be heading straight at another boat so we radioed them to let them know that they were on the way. A short time later they radioed back to say that the whales had visited them to check them out too. We were fishing the Port Hacking 100 game fishing comp and that evening in the bar there were a few boats that reported getting a visit from the curious pair.   
Another time I was out only 1 or 2k off Sydney heads and had a group of 6 whales come right up next to me, they again swam around for 5 minutes or more all around the boat checking us out.  
So I think that if they do hit a boat it is quite by accident.

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