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Sydney Harbour kings AWOL - Broken Bay Bream


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The last three days were lined up to Hit Sydney Harbour for the (currently) elusive Kingies. The long planned trip with @GordoRetired, was washed out AGAIN and as he was tied up the following day golfing, when my buddy Steve rang and said did I want to take my boat to Broken Bay to chase bream and Jewies - Mrs Pickles gave me a leave pass (she loves fresh fish - now our staple diet), so the response was “yes”. (Remember Gordo, “you can’t eat golf balls”).

We headed out early (Steve driving & pulling my boat in the drizzle) and launched at the Parsley Bay ramp at 5.30 am as sun was trying to push through the clouds - no Rain at Brooklyn😊. We had some freshly frozen prawns off a trawler in Hawkesbury from our previous river trip for Flatties and Jewies and I had a few frozen “green eyes”from the week before the rain -when squid were easy to catch, so didn’t stop at live bait grounds at West Head.

We had a somewhat disappointing day finding “quality fish”, fishing Eleanor, Juno, Flint and Steel,  the BB Middle grounds and the mouth of Pittwater - it was too lumpy and choppy to head out to the offshore flattie grounds so hung in where the sounder was showing fish.

At each spot we caught one or two fish and only one (52cm) Jewie, no flathead, a few bream and several tailor. HOWEVER we smashed (got smashed) by shovel nose (8) and sleepy sharks (7) and too many chopper tailor to count😞😞. There were no birds working surface bait schools and not many bait balls on the sounder.
We were using a variety of rigs and mostly light leaders (6lb - 12lb) and two outfits with 30lb and big flesh or squid baits for Jewies (only got the one at the middle grounds).

Any day is a good day enjoying Gods’ creation with mates and we did come home with a very meager feed, but far short of expectations - more incentive to try again tomorrow (and yes, I didn’t forget the banana).


Edited by Pickles
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Hi Bob. At least I know where you are talking about in this report. Always good to get SOME fish even though an ordinary day , by your standards. Can't be much longer before the Kings turn up, although this rain is forecast to hang around for a while. Hope your fortune changes soon. Neil

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Good stuff Bob, can't complain about a feed of fresh fish - Mrs Pickles has got it right. 

1 hour ago, Pickles said:

Remember Gordo, “you can’t eat golf balls”

Who knows maybe @GordoRetired will surprise us with his favourite recipe in the kitchen section 🤣

Cheers Zoran

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10 hours ago, big Neil said:

Hi Bob. At least I know where you are talking about in this report. Always good to get SOME fish even though an ordinary day , by your standards. Can't be much longer before the Kings turn up, although this rain is forecast to hang around for a while. Hope your fortune changes soon. Neil

Cheers Neil - I hope so too

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