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Port Stephens- Finally on the water


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G’day raiders, 

Gees it’s been a while since I’ve managed to get out for a fish! Between work and kids sporting commitments and crap weather, the opportunities have virtually been zero for me! 
So after a text from fellow raider @Peter Nelson  to say I was keen to get out was an understatement. 
We hit the water at 5am and didn’t bother chasing livies and headed straight up to the island. Began our drift with plenty of good signs but with the curse of the full moon, things were pretty slow. We hit a good ledge and Pete loads up and lands a good fish! Phewww at least we didn’t donut as that’s the way it was looking. 
We tried a few other areas to no avail but kept persisting. Changed areas again and with a consistent drift we kept casting. Pete changed to bait and managed a few nice pannies. I used more plastics than Kim Kardashian but settled with a darker lure for a darker day! At the end of the second drift I came up tight and the reel starts singing but it spits the hook. I cast out again and bang I’m on, and into the net goes a decent high 60’s model fish. Finally on the board and we reset the drift. We reach the same area and bang I’m on again, but this time it’s fully loaded and the reel screaming. A solid fight  and some tense moments as I felt the fish grinding the jig head but into the net she goes and a solid 80cm plus fish! 
We change locations again and as we pull up I was distracted by my phone and turn to see Pete accidentally pick up my rod to cast. I said “you gunna use my rod now” lol. He apologises but I said nah don’t be silly, give it a go! So he casts out and without even a wind on the line he’s on to a screamer. Good fish into the bag and we decided that that was enough and we headed for home! We broke the full moon curse and got to hear the reels scream, so a successful day all round! Thanks for the day Pete! 

cheers scratchie!!! 





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That’s a cracking bag of fish Jeff and Peter! A fitting return to the water indeed!

It certainly sucks to have a long hiatus from fishing. Fortunately it’s because you and the family are conquering the world on a number of fronts! Besides, whiskers needs some time to make a few whopping babies for future generations 😎

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Jeff. I think you have put the " full moon No fish theory " to bed.

Persistence pays off even when conditions at first seem doubtful. 

Great haul of beautiful fish and almost makes up for all the lost time not being on the water. ALMOST!!


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Thanks for all the comments fishos! It was just great to get out there and definitely the fish were a bonus! 
For those interested…….

I was using a, 

atomic offshore snapper stick 10-25lb

Okuma ITX 4000 hispeed

20lb braid and 20lb leader 

TT 1/4 6/0 jig head 

Gulp yakka snack 7 inch. 

The other thing we noticed was that the fish were spawning. This will mean they will congregate in numbers around a small patch of reef and be very territorial. Perfect time to nail a few good ones on the inshore reefs 

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1 hour ago, Scratchie said:

Thanks for all the comments fishos! It was just great to get out there and definitely the fish were a bonus! 
For those interested…….

I was using a, 

atomic offshore snapper stick 10-25lb

Okuma ITX 4000 hispeed

20lb braid and 20lb leader 

TT 1/4 6/0 jig head 

Gulp yakka snack 7 inch. 

The other thing we noticed was that the fish were spawning. This will mean they will congregate in numbers around a small patch of reef and be very territorial. Perfect time to nail a few good ones on the inshore reefs 

Good info, Jeff! Thanks. 🙏 

I might be a chance for dusting the cobwebs off the gear on Friday (woo hoo!)… haven’t discussed it with the trouble and strife yet. 🤷‍♂️ 😂 Still not sure if my finger will stand up to holding a rod for long after the surgery. Keeping an eye on the weather.

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11 hours ago, aquaholic73 said:

Hi scratchie, do you usually prefer 7 inch gulps  over 5 inch  ? I only ever used 5’s , just always assumed 7’s a bit big for average snapper. Cheers 

Hey mate, 

To answer your question in short, yes I always use 7 inch because I’m looking for those larger models. Although, on very tough days I will change multiple plastics, colours and different sizes to try and entice the bite. Snapper are a  very aggressive fish and you will still catch a 35-40cm model on a 7 inch. The other reason is that I don’t seem to get much unwanted bicatch. 

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