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Flatties wide of Sydney Harbour


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Hey Raiders,

Got out with @REELCRAZYand my youngest on Sunday. Plan was to prospect for snapper around some of the deeper reefs up the northern beaches. Headed out from Roseville. All good at the ramp. Outside of the heads the conditions were OK without being amazing, decent swell running and a 15 kt westerly. 

Started out at a couple of lumps off Manly Beach in about 50m, no dice. Headed a little north, no dice. Headed deeper, no dice. Over three spots the only thing we were catching were sergeant baker which seemed to be more than happy to smash our baits. There were a few snapper throwbacks but overall disappointing. Headed to a deeper spot (60+) not far from a spot where I have caught snapper and flatties. After a few minutes all the rods went off and we were onto a triple hook up. All good flatties in the 45cm category. We got the baits back down and for the next 30 minutes brought in a procession of flatties with baits barely hitting the bottom. 

Ended up a with a good feed for a couple of families. A couple of fish over 50 and a  quite a few smaller legal throw backs but generally all right about 45cm. All fish caught on fresh baker or flattie rib cages. 

Got back to the ramp at around 1130, happy campers. 

Cheers for reading,


PS - apologies for another flattie report! 



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17 minutes ago, Bluebenbomb said:

Being a landfished fisho now seems like such a disadvantage after seeing you catch!

Yes and no. It's a big ocean out there and you can waste a lot of petrol driving around for nought!

Well done @dlvbw!

27 minutes ago, Isaac Ct said:

Great stuff mate, don't mind the same reports over again as long as you are catching something, unlike me. Haven't been able to fish for probably lose to a month.

Well done.

Yikes, hope all is ok. Not often that you can't get out! I'm facing quite a barrage of uni work in the next few weeks, so it might be slim pickings for me as well :( To add insult to injury, my uni holidays this year don't coincide with school holidays, so the boat trip my daughter wanted may not eventuate.

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9 hours ago, Bluebenbomb said:

Well done on the flatties, great job on feeding the family.

Being a landfished fisho now seems like such a disadvantage after seeing you catch!

Happy to take you out if you are ever keen mate. PM me. 

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4 hours ago, Rebel said:

Top teport.

Young guy seems to be enjoying himself.

Well done.

He is a total FROTHER!!!!!! Literally jumps on the fish when they come over the rail (possibly foolishly). My eldest loves it but gets VERY seasick......................

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