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Balmoral Beach


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Morning Raiders,

I had a little excursion on Sunday and after not being able to get out on the water for 3 weeks because of assessments and my schools AFX (annual field exercise) for my schools Cadets program I was finally able to take a mate out for a fish on Sunday. We arrived at around 8’o clock ish and started off at the wharf, wind was howling as I tried showing my mate how to cast and rig up a running sinker rig with pilchards. At 10 o’clock after not much action on the wharf I left my mate and his dad to experiment with bait fishing while I went off on the beach with suspending lure similar to the double clutch but smaller. Adrenaline started pumping as I started to reel in one fish after another in total I managed 8 tailor and 1 bream all caught in one hour, not bad for my first time using divers. All of them where either barely legal or just under so I released all of them anyways. My mate’s dad managed to pull out a 31cm bream on the pillies and was satisfied with that so they went home. Had a little lunch break and was back on it. Unfortunately the tide had receded and there were no more tailor schools so I decided to call it a day at 1pm.

Thanks for reading,



(couldn’t fit any more photos)


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You are a well-ordered young man Albert and you will definitely go places in life and in fishing. Your dedicated approach to everything you tackle will pay off down the track. Good to see that you are passing on your experiences to others whilst perfecting your own. Well done. bn

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