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NRL 2023 Season Chat


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Bit of turmoil at the Dragons (as I mentioned must be going on) seems one player has been granted immediate release, and Ben Hunt has asked for the same, but.......incoming coach Flanagan has said he won't let him leave, some board/management members are saying the same, might turn ugly? Of course it might just be Ben Hunt trying to push his importance, or, it might turn into a Dragons V Gordon Tallis thing where he sat out a year because of his integrity, stay tuned!

Edited by noelm
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1 hour ago, Rebel said:

Ben Hunt;s contract is in place till the end of 2025.

Does somebody want to buy it out ?

Don't think so.

Gossip is Bulldogs have the money to pay the remainder of this season, then worry about next year. Titans have the box seat, he wants to go and live in QLD again. Dragons are saying, "NO WAY"

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Hunt is on big money, if the Dragons had some brains, they should let him go, pay him nothing, or he stays, then use the 1.2m to buy some others to bolster their roster.

Edited by noelm
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19 minutes ago, BaitDropper said:

I think there's more to come out with this Hunt Saga..

A culture issue at the Dragons ????

Yep, it’s been going on for a long time, even, even before the famous BBQ thing. Players always getting into off field “issues”

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Yeah, but do you think it also could be a culture issue with management Noel ??

It seems, that other clubs, from the top down, seem to get over the usual off field drama's, but if things aren't good on the management side, it seems filter down. also seems to be an on going thing at St George.

They were a proud club, what's gone wrong there


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12 hours ago, BaitDropper said:

Yeah, but do you think it also could be a culture issue with management Noel ??

It seems, that other clubs, from the top down, seem to get over the usual off field drama's, but if things aren't good on the management side, it seems filter down. also seems to be an on going thing at St George.

They were a proud club, what's gone wrong there


There is a dozen “issues” with management, first it’s the “old boys club” mentality, then there’s the St George V Illawarra board members who can’t agree on anything, then there is how they handle problems, sacking coaches without a ready replacement, inept negations with future and present players, almost non stop off field drama. It all starts at the very top, and if that’s not right, then the rest just crumbles into what they have now. Lots of good players have fell by the wayside and got moved on, lots of young talent was never recognised and went elsewhere. It’s not just money to fix it, the well run clubs have a solid foundation, there is lots of jokes about the Roosters salary sombrero, but they have been audited lots of times, Melbourne are very well run, they had drama years ago, but that has settled now. You need a club that players want to play for, clubs in a shambles have to pay way over market value to attract even medium players, and the downward spiral continues. Coaches like Bellamy and Bennet know how to nurture a player, not just how to play, but how to be a decent human being and plan for the future, it’s all rolled into a big ball.

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I guess, the truth in what your stating, can be seen in the turn around this year in the Warriors. Basically, the same infantry, well, they did get some good buys, but they have always managed to do that at times. There attitude and performances this year, by far exceed previous years, so they have that "set up" where the whole club is on the same page..

I sat in a pub, back in the early 2000's on the shire, Oatley pub from memory, where I and 2 others were the only Storm supporters there, when St George faced the storm in the grand final, there supporters were passionate, They never got up that day, but credit to their loyal supporters, we drank with them for several hours afterwards, no issues, but it's them that have been suffering.. Only one team can win every year, but Jeez, you at least want your team to be trouble free and competitive...

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Go to QLD at origin time to see passionate fans…the entire area is a party, the Caxton Hotel is a riot, fantastic time, then on to Lang Park/Suncorp and see what real game atmosphere is all about. I have never been to a World Cup at Wembley, but I can tell you, it would never be as good as Suncorp in a decider! Been there, and love it. Saw Wally’s last game there, Mal Meningas last game there, the last game at “Lang Park before the remodel and name change. The old footy stadium was kind of OK at origin time, but, Accor is a dead zombie land by comparison.

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QLD easy win, NSW were never in it, too much enthusiasm, skill, determination and spirit, they just kept turning up, QLD doing a “Queenslander” as predicted. Third game in Sydney will be dismal and boring.

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NSW lost their way.

Foward passes & not grounding the ball,seems to be the new era to win games.

They are saying NSW needs a new Coach. Who will put their hand up ?

Benny Elias,was aked the question this morning. No answer.


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There was few dubious passes, the grounding the ball? 50/50 on that one, it went QLDs way, but that said, QLD defence, the crowd, the pride, NSW lack of…well anything really, at Suncorp they were never going to win….in my opinion.

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Yep, Queensland, better coached, better tactics, team picked on form, overall, deserved winners.


NSW, team selection, has to now be looked at, I wont crucify the coach, there has to always be a loosing team.

Luai and Addo Carr, need to take a big rest from origin 3 and realize what origin is all about, and it's not about them, Addo's shoulder hit in the first game on Walsh while he was on the ground, and the piss week half punch/slap last night set the tone of his performance, Luai's showed similar, still butt hurting from a supposed hair pull incident,  the two of them were more concerned about teaching the new kid on the block a lesson on who was boss, rather than, plain and simply, doing there job for the rest of the team. Anyone that can possibly agree that those two should start for origin 3, can only be saying so out of loyalty to their respective clubs.

I don't mind a bit of biffo and extra effort in an origin game, but those two, who both had below par games, let their NSW team mates down last night, played poorly and both need time out of origin to re evaluate what it means to play for NSW and that Origin is bigger that the pair of them.

Felt guttered for Cook, an absolute stupid decision, even before kick off, that Cook was going to cover the two Centre positions, which came to be when turbo got injured, as I said, I felt guttered for Cook and he actually stepped up and gave it his all, being out sized and out of position, with what had been dumped on him. I think he would have made a difference coming in for minutes around the ruck, but it was not to be,,,,  again, bad tactics, bad team selection..

In my opinion, origin 3 will be Freddies last, I do hope that big changes are made for the run on squad, Some hard decisions need to made and it will be credit to him, if indeed some hard calls are made on the selections, but I'm picking that again, he will go with the " popular " picks and leave the hard calls to the next coach next year.

For me, it's a simple call, you now pick inform players, players that will play together as a team, and give there all for the NSW jersey, leave histrionics out of it, and drop the players that have simply not been up to it. It will be a great opportunity in Origin 3, to start the rebuilding of the NSW origin team before next year.  Not sure if that will happen or not, but this current squad, is plain and simply, not up to it. I sat there in total amazement with Freddies comments, during and after the match, he said that the Queensland defense was the difference, he said he was happy with his players efforts,, stumbling through his analysis of the game, he gave me no confidence in his ability to react and change things moving forward, did anyone else notice this ???

Anyways, this is just my opinion...... Harsh, maybe, yes, but warranted after that drubbing...

Sometimes great players, don't transition to great coaches.




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Gotta get away from this stupid thing of picking players because of loyalty , Cleary, teddy and turbo haven’t really impressed in the NRL this season - when they have been playing that is . Big stefano was chucked in at the deep end with a lead weight around his waist  - not the time to blood a new player . The difference between us and Queensland is when they pick players because of loyalty they genuinely take it as an honour and give their all for the team , the coach and their state - I don’t sense  this feeling from the blues . I wonder  if there is a coincidence that the Penrith players seem to get the loyalty from Freddy and brandy - both ex Penrith players  and maybe the same could be said for Tedesco as Freddy also played for and coached the chooks.

And Freddy - walking the players around on the grass bare foot won’t win games , time to drop the hippie approach and do things like a real coach .

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I'm a Teddy fan, always have been, but it's been noticeable this series, he's lost a yard in pace, looks a bit chunkier ?? or is that just me, BUT, he was just holding up an end, his explosiveness and unpredictable runs, seem to have diminished, and an explosive type player is needed there , maybe I should give him more credit, he had a few players in front of him, that quite simply, didn't pull there weight. Everyone was bemused by Walsh's selection in the beginning, declaring Ponga should have got the nod, well, in my opinion, Walsh was one of the key differences in the side, as I said a while back, he is a nightmare to defend against attacking in the line 30 out, he showed that last night again, he is the future for Queensland and still a kid, just turned 20.  I'd like to see, for origin 3, that they actually select, two specialist Centers !! a new halves combination and some more mobile second rowers, or even a prop maybe..  There's plenty of options in the NRL that they could go too, look how Queensland unknowns have now made people stand up and take notice..  Names and reputations, or from which champion club team you herald from, make absolutely no difference to a rooky opposition player wanting to prove himself at that next level, you gotta be in form and on your game when that blue shirt is pulled on,  there's no where to hide come origin night...

Jeez, I'm getting carried away here...😁

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