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Everything posted by KingsRule

  1. Hey guys, spied these in a catalogue recently, has anyone used them? Im looking at stocking up for the upcomming kingy season, wondering how they rate against the likes of owner and gammakatsu. Rob
  2. Very nice! Is that a mix of arrows and southerns in the esky? Rob
  3. Might just as a question in here insted of making a new post. I have a spare 5l jerry can that we carry with us when we are out, its pre mixed with 2stroke oil and i think its been in there for about 2 or 3 months now, my question is how long will it last like that, or should i replace the contents now. Rob
  4. Yes it is legal to fish from both balmoral and cliftol gardens wharf's Just remember to fish light and you will catch alot more fish, unweighted baits in a burly trail will catch you pretty much everything , we have caught lizards upto 56cm right at our feet.
  5. Nice fish Ryan Never thought they would still be around in the bays/harbours at this time of year
  6. Hmmm....out all the kings i caught over summer (maybe 60 or 70) i only caught 3 over 65cm... But, it will improve the size rates in the long term so there is a good side to it.
  7. Hey roberta im suprised you didnt get any blackies! Every time im there (2~3 times a week) i see them everywhere!, some thumpers amongst them too.
  8. Thanks, nah i dont keep much really. Squid , frigates, bonnito and the odd kingy is all i will take.
  9. Nice fish mate Something about winter kings is just special!
  10. I have a brooker 410 safari, and for my 1st boat couldnt be happier. The welds seem fine to me, although i am no expert. It is painted and easy as buggery to keep clean. Im sure huey will be able to help out here
  11. Well done! Cant believe your still getting into them, have heard a few reports of them from the hacking, would have thought the water was to cold!
  12. Havn't heard of any being caught yet..Anyone seen or caught any? I remeber last year i lost one at the boat in November... Rob
  13. Ah ok! Yeah i agree, for that size reel they are abit $$
  14. I like the look of them!!!!! Hope they bring em out here one day. Just out of curiosity did an ebay search came up with there - http://cgi.ebay.com/Shimano-Tyrnos-TYR-16-...VQQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.com/Shimano-Tyrnos-16-Two-...VQQcmdZViewItem
  15. That whiting is hillarious! Nice feed of flatties though
  16. Awsome catch mate Never knew you could catch samsons in winter, learn something new everyday!
  17. Yea, thats what it said when i check,although i only turned it on once breifly I have not callibrated it properly though, according to the instuction manual it may be out by 2 or 3 degrees before callibration , which may be why i was getttin a higher temp.
  18. Shame about the lost fin james!, at least you got stuck into one ay Seasickness has gotta be the worst feeling in the world, makes you wanna jump overboard
  19. Thanks Pete will keep an eye out for them. never knew they were in there
  20. nice fish, i have caught small blakies in narra lakes on bread , no size to them though.. If you ordered and anchovie pizza , looks like you got more than you bargained for
  21. Well done guys , just wondering what paper this column is normally in? Rob
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