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Everything posted by campr

  1. If only using top half of braid, I don't replace it I just reverse the line and put bottom on top. Ron
  2. I dabblèd with sw fly and enjoyed it but had too many options going. At the time everybody recommended going 8 weight which I did. Managed flathead, mulet, luderick, salmon and slimies. Good fun but never really mastered the casting bit but it is great fun for the dedicated. Ron
  3. Not to Wilsons. There was a dirt and gravel road on the southern end of the Diggers day picnic area that went almost straight down to the beach where we launched the boat inside the reef on sth side of diggers beach. We took the boat down using an old kero tractor. At bottom of road a few meters south there is a fresh water spring where the father in law and I extended the spring with a rubber pipe hung from a tree so that swimmers could shower off on way home. There was always plenty of beach worms and pippies on all these beaches. Great memories. Ron
  4. My wifes family had a house at Diggers and I fished mostly from small boats launched from the beach before NP closed the road. Locals knew Bookram as Rocky Bay and father in law said was good for snapper and jew. The headland was good for tailor and jew. I had some success for jew and whiting from the beach that ran to Minni Waters. Ron
  5. I rarely fish with sinker sitting on the hook and pre-tie all other rigs. I rig swivel to trace to hook and roll rig up and store in tiny zip bags. This way I only need to put on sinker and tie one uni knot to attach pre tied rig. Ron
  6. With the weather as it is and the lack of reports, I am very disapointed. Where are the photos of the toads? Ron
  7. The 60inch is available on that big online site for $1890. PM me if you can't find it. Ron
  8. campr

    Bate Bay

    I hope to try in a few days. We will need a bit of size to make it worthwhile now the limit is reduced to 5 but a fresh feed of fish would be nice. Ron
  9. If its safe for home use it should suit most of us if you're like me and haven't had the boat out of the driveway for months. Ron
  10. I will only use squid for bait when fishing for jew between Tom Uglies and Como to avoid Pike Eels as they love oily fish baits. Since the heavy rains they have invaded the Bay at night and are a real pest. Ron
  11. I mostly fish from my boat and have no problem taking heaps of ice in 2 or 3 litre plastic bottles. I prefer bottled ice as it doesn't dilute the seawater in my fish box. Adding salt makes the ice colder and last longer but I don't as this removes option of drinking the water in an emergency. I also believe you shouldn't wash fish in fresh water and bring clean seawater back in a bucket in case I need to wash fillets. Ron
  12. My policy with nrma list cover on hull, motor and trailer separately. Ron
  13. I used 3 daiwa reels with 1000 and 1500 spools for a few years fishing ANSA comps with no problems catching numerous flatties over 70cm on 1kg pretest line including 2 almost identical 97cm ones that went over 5.6kg. Big flathead are no problem on little reels as long as you have a well kept drag that is set right and you keep your cool. Ron
  14. campr

    Where to sell?

    I have sold a heap of rods, 2 cars and a boat on facebook. Check if facebook has a local group as people like to deal with locals. You can be lucky sometimes as I made an add up for a 4.5m Quinnie to place on ebay and printed it and placed on Woolies buletin board. The buyer phone me before I got home. There seems to be a shortage of good boats at the moment but this is usually a bad time of year to sell, with beginning of summer being the best. Ron
  15. The black lining can cause an iodine taste to flesh if left in. Like blackfish, most fishos filet and skin drummer añd remove the whole ribcage when filleting. Ron
  16. If you just bought it and it doesn't work, it's a no brainer to take it back and they should replace it. Don't play with it in case you void any warranty. Ron
  17. If you have a spot for weed and cunji you probably have a drummer spot if its fishable. Burly with heaps of bread and give it a go. Ron
  18. You can get a good safe grip on tuna by grabbing their tail wrist, just be wary of hooks as they thrash around. Most tuna and live baits will calm down and be easier to handle if you hold them horisontally upside down. If gaffing, in the head is the best way to handle them. Ron
  19. I don't know the area, but common law states that if it is open to and accessable to the public, (not fenced or gated) it is a public thoroughfare. I wouldn't hesitate asking the local Council. They are usually very helpful in this type of matter but can be slow in providing the answer while they check the facts. Ron
  20. The boat show would be your best bet as the major brands have them set up for demos. You also can check out the latest models as there is nothing worse than making a purchase and finding out there was something else that suits you better. Ron
  21. campr


    I ran a 3ft salt water tank for about 5 years without a barrel filter but it made a lot of work due to green algie growth on the glass. I bought the odd fish but caught an unbelievable variety of species by running a fine net through the weed growing on the walls of Cronullas ocean pool. All went well untill I caught a 1 inch lion fish. Six months later I was the owner of only 1 fish, a six inch lion fish that would eat anybody added to the tank. I ended up selling him for $60. Some tips from experience. If water evaperates, top up with aged fresh water. Dont use bait prawns for food unless you can be assured that no preserves added. Every couple of months I used to swap out about half the water for fresh sea water. Before adding/changing water, keep in same room to equal temperature. Last but not least DONT mix lionfish with other species. Ron
  22. I went through this a few years ago with a 2001 quintrex. Had no problems registering boat but trailer was a different matter. Trailer had a little rust that had to be fixed as well as having to comply with current regs such as side reflectors etc. Good luck. Ron
  23. Pelican itch can be extremely painful. Many years ago I got a bad dose fishing the mangroves down at Currawong. I'm tall andI was red and inflamed from half way between my thigh and my knees to my toes and the itch nearly drove me insane. My poor mate is very short and had it just past his nuts and was in so much pain the hospital had to sedate him. We (me) can laugh about it now but he wasn't very impressed. Ron
  24. Salted prawns are ok if shelled and DeGradED when fresh. Tougher and you can referee leftovers if you have kept them cool. Ron
  25. Trailer can be encountered at any time of year. They can be a pain in botany bay around December and January at night taking Jew baits but averaging around 40cm end up a good source of bait in themselves. Ron
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