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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Don't forget to log in & out with marine rescue either via radio or the app.
  2. If you got all that for free then you did score big time. If I got that for free & owned my own house then I would be calling the electrician to get it juiced up & ordering some fresh roasted Arabica coffee beans & for 2 x 10 minutes a day I would be in total bliss & forget what is happening in the rest of the world ๐Ÿ˜‰
  3. There are at least 23 species on the east coast of Aus https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/fish-species/species-list/trevallies#:~:text=At least 23 species of,the east coast of Australia. Imo its a GT. There are all sorts of more northern species being caught more south of their normal general location. Reportedly Jacks, Cobia, Sailfish/billfish etc recently caught in southern waters like Port hacking. Even mud crabs which I thought would never be this low on the map. Life is like a box of chocolates................................................๐Ÿ˜‰
  4. Thats a great story about the longevity of the forum & also just how important the connectivity & engagement between members is ๐Ÿ™‚ Its funny how life can move you in different directions with just the people or contacts you may have but you also have to be proactive & committed
  5. Nice report Jamo. To your question. I guess when you look at the facets of the fishing industry there are many branches(like aquaculture, charter & commercial fishing etc) , I guess you are looking a the retail side which obviously involves a knowledge base of all things fishing & including the tackle itself. So essentially people would be looking for someone with sales experience or at least the ability to learn that side of it & an idea of the equipment side of things. Its a hard thing to get into something without any experience but everyone has to start somewhere right! Sometimes a way to get into these types of jobs to try doing an internship, but usually you would be studying something, sometimes it through door knocking & sending out a CV or cover letter via email or post. My suggestion is write yourself up a cover, talk about your current knowledge, what your skills & experience is, being young what your future ambitions are ect so you can email it or even hand over to a store owner. If you are seen to be super keen you will be noticed!! I know myself having tried to get into other jobs that you have a limited skillset (especially when covid hit & I lost my job) thats its a very hard thing to do BUT you just have to keep plugging away. I was actually in a local a shop store at the start of covid & there was a notice on the counter that they were looking for someone to work in their fishing tackle department, I thought thats something I could do. In the end I didnt apply as I though nah, they arent going to hire me over someone who has retail store sales experience but I should have tried anyway. I did apply for jobs in places like Australia post & Bunnings, warehouse companies which again in jobs I am not trained at just to either get no response or got an email saying Im not what they are looking for which can be disheartening but you just have to keep at it & not let it get you down. So again, a well written cover letter & start sending it & dropping it off to the major stores & local stores as well & just keep trying & enquiring, being persistent & looking keen. https://www.grammarly.com/blog/write-cover-letter/?&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=10827645806&utm_targetid=dsa-1233402314764&gclid=Cj0KCQjw-LOEBhDCARIsABrC0Tm9AOGDxeGzvpQ-t9Hh7I4ZcZwtBBZg3G9kJ4oO2bA6--NFRLaRWKQaAqscEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds Oh & you could also send it to the Australian manufacturers & importers of the tackle, you know who they are ๐Ÿ˜‰ Good luck with it. https://www.seek.com.au/fishing-tackle-jobs https://au.jora.com/Fishing-jobs-in-Australia https://www.seek.com.au/fishing-jobs?page=2
  6. Nice small commercial machine for home! Would have probably been 4K+ new! Probably still worth 2K if its in good working order & it looks in pretty good nic!! Have to admit I've not seen a plug like that before myself but see the 15A all the time at work. 25A is a lot of pull & I imagine you would need an electrician to put in a properly rated power point & check the circuit under use otherwise you might fry your house wiring & or cause a fire, especially if you have older wiring & no circuit breaker!
  7. That's actually a great idea ๐Ÿ‘
  8. Must have been on the same rod I was using last time ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿ˜…
  9. Great to see you enjoying all your hard work in the build! Just catching one fish makes my day
  10. You can surely see why it was your quickest trip out & back with those conditions! Shame about the the lack of fish but looked like a great day to be out on the water. What was that in the top left corner of the screen? The Mako?? Hopefully the planets align for the next time ๐Ÿ™ Great vid, thanks for sharing.
  11. Looks like a great day to be out on the water
  12. I'll take the forge thanks Frank. Even if I dont get it running I recon it would be a great decorative piece for my future man cave
  13. Wow, thats cool, thank you for the offer Frank. So its a coal forge then by the sound of it? I would certainly like to check it out when I come over Cheers ๐Ÿ™‚
  14. One answer is be fluid & prepared to change your method & approach. And again there is no one answer to your question but generalisations but you have to be prepared to change your set up accordingly. At the end of the day they always say match the hatch. If your getting the tails taken off your plastics without hooking up then the plastics are to long & possibly the hook size to large
  15. That is interesting about your uncle, I wonder what he was producing?? I think to some degree smithing still goes on in only a few facets these days like in the horse racing industry plus maybe in the arts. There is a healthy resurgence in bladesmithing as well. Getting off track on this post but hey we are still talking all things diy.
  16. Thanks for the offer Frank, much appreciated. I will be out that way in the next week or two but not sure on a day so will give you a heads up prior. This is one of those things that most people cant imagine doing themselves as its now about just spending the money & putting one on order from the major or local manufacturers. Still if you have the facility, equipment & the gumption + determination you can do anything. I also really want to learn blacksmithing as well with the aim mainly to produce my own brand of knives, being a chef & all. Life is getting on a bit @ 53 but these things are still easily achievable goals & on the bucket list. We should always feel the need to constantly test ourselves, learn new skills & also appreciate & keep old skills alive.
  17. Looking great Frank Id love to come out & see how your doing the welding & get a lesson as I have always wanted to learn how to weld but unfortunately I am just to busy with work at the moment as I have just started a new fulltime job(or should I say fortunately after the last 12 months. I have always read that ally welding is a much harder process?? Will keep a watch as I am also interested in what axle & suspension you will use plus the process of getting it registered.
  18. I know nothing of welding although I would like to learn one day. From what I have read ally welding is always much harder but I guess its dependent on material thickness?? Neatness aside your still doing it Frank, thats all that counts ๐Ÿ˜‰
  19. Some good looking weather, great fish, lifetime memories & all covid safe. We are in the lucky country Good on you team Scratchie ๐Ÿ˜‰
  20. I think that's all mostly an understatement imo. One example is a FR member was told to move along no fishing allowed here when fishing at the botanical Gardens in Sydney harbour even thought there was no such signage to the contrary. So it's not as easy feel free to fish anywhere as your saying. But as you say, it is there in black & white but you do need to look at all the info from the respective regulatory body. And as I know you are well aware of our access & fishing right are under constant attack so we all need to be proactive in trying to protect what we currently have & protect future rights.
  21. Finding the answer to your question comes in 2 forms. The NSW DPI controls enforcement of fishing here so you can look on their website for marine reserve/park info https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/marine-protected-areas The DPI also controls size & bag limits & again enforcement with NSW fisheries on acceptable & prohibited methods of fishing which you will find on their site- https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/recreational/fishing-rules-and-regs The other form would be looking at maps that are put out by the RMS who controls the waterways but they have more detailed info in them re zoning. https://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/maritime/using-waterways/navigation-communication/maps.html Essentially before you drop a line into the water you need to look at all the information on location & know what & how you can & cant take. Put it this way, you cant plead ignorance as in "I didnt know officer" because it will get you nowhere & the fines are way bigger than for driving offences!! Usually about $500 & up per offence for say fishing in a sanctuary & per undersize fish, to the point where major offences can lead to confiscation of car, vessel, assets, prison time ๐Ÿ˜ฌ So its good you ask the question ๐Ÿ˜‰
  22. Great but can you now just put in an arrow & show me exactly where the fish are as well ๐Ÿ˜‚ Hey but with a day like that, catching a fish would just be a bonus We are very lucky to have this & much more as our back yard @Ryder ๐Ÿ˜‰
  23. I guess it all about how you fish, where you fish & how much coin you have. There is quite often discussion on here plenty about electric motors as well which I see as being a great solution but also an expensive solution, imo a drift chute is a poor mans partial solution, 20lt buckets well that the no name no brand solution I guess that I have heard being used but how effective it works with a large boat & how many buckets do will you need out?? The only time I have ever been a long way out was with @zmk1962 fishing in 500mtrs of water he was doing a similar thing on the day, more actually having the motor just sitting in forward idle to keep the baits fairly up & down with the wind & current working against us, but we were bottom fishing. It worked for sure but of course used fuel in the process. Ideally it would be great to get to a spot & hit spot lock on the electric or at least use it to work out a correct slow drift pattern.
  24. I think its a problem anywhere at times. I even use my drift chute inside botany bay when the wind starts getting over 15knts. Mine is rates to 21ft & using it on a 13ft tinny & its still not big enough at times. Could also be current in addition to the wind as well?
  25. Always good to have a project on the go & the next 1 or 2 backed up for when that one is completed. It's only a problem when you have 10 lined up & haven't touched the 1st one in 6 months ๐Ÿ˜… Those old quinies are nice solid boats though. Good luck with it
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