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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. WelI dont have access to the "cattledog" but sounds pretty close to the theory then Frank. Might be more like 95Ah? I am just trying to give an overall picture to others what I have learnt in this instance to AGM's. They can take it on board or not
  2. So going back to the Aldi batteries, are they AGM's or deep cycles?? Its like the old Tv ad, oils aint oils, well batteries are the same. The biggest thing I have learnt over the last 12 months is primarily battery weight will determine how many Ah they will be. Anyone can make claims but who is substantiating thier claims?? Along with solar panels, batteries are a pretty much unregulated & no one is really keeping tabs on what claims companies put out! It is said that a proper AGM battery should weigh 300gr per Ah, so if those 100Ah Aldi batteries are 30kg then I would say they would be close to 100Ah. For example I have seen a 170Ah AGM battery on ebay that weighs 31.3kg & another brand that also claims 170Ah to weigh 45kg. Here ia a comparison I did a little while ago- Giant 120Ah-27kg Giant 140Ah-32.2kg Century 125Ah-34kg Kings 138Ah-35.4kg Ebay(Mobi brand) 170Ah-31.2kg Kickass 120Ah-31kg Kickass 170Ah-45kg Bocsh 120Ah-32kg Power AGM 135Ah-34.6kg US Battery 155Ah-39kg Fullriver 120Ah-36.5kg Fullriver 140Ah-43.3kg Also the other reason why you may need dual batteries is that any battery should not be discharged below 50% of its available charge otherwise if over discharged the overall life of the battry is significantly reduced. Most people would think 50% of a 12V battery would be 6V, wrong! This is a state of charge chart Part of the reason you need a decent battery monitoring system! A lot of people I know are now moving to lithuim, for a couple of reasons. One, they weigh 1/3 of a regular AGM battery of the same output. Two, they are also able to use 80%(some even more) of thier usuable charge with no loss of life in the cycle over the 50% charge of an AGM. The only problem is lithiums are 3 or 4 times the price of AGM's at the moment but they will come down eventually.
  3. BN, these people do not conform to common sense! If they had their way we would all be eating vegan diets & heating our homes from our own methane ๐Ÿ˜ฌ They dont have any form of realism in their thinking, just an objective.
  4. Well as someone who recently did a fair bit of research when buliding my 4x4 dual battery system with solar input I can tell you that there is no real measure or regulation in what any company "states" as being what is accurately produced when it comes down to any numbers other than what you can prove post sale!! What is the type of battery & what is the battery weight?? Both of these actually can determine the amount of Ah capacity of a battery. There is a lot to it, its not simple as what you might think.
  5. If you do a forum search there is some info on here in conversations between all 3 most popular makes of electric motors, watersnake, Minnkota & motorguide. You also would need to look at what is involved between going 12V vs 24V in your boats set up.
  6. Looks pretty random to me with no official markings! Could mean something in some country, not here. Could be gross weight, beam, max # of occupants, max HP, but we cant see the whole boat so no idea??
  7. Well if you had a nice boat like that you could easily do some chartering work for Marlin, but that would be a pretty big pay cut although it would keep you out of prison ๐Ÿ˜
  8. Yeh nice set up hey, its amazing what drug money can buy I think you would keep getting pulled up for also look sus travelling around in that boat though ๐Ÿค” Without any fishing rods in the rod holders or rocket launchers..........................................๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿคฃ But in all seriousness I imagine it would come up eventually in the police auctions, you would probably know a bit about that? Only problem, it would most likely fetch near retail being so nice??
  9. Different sized motor of course but this might give you some insight into the thought & tech process in repowering
  10. https://www.news.com.au/national/nsw-act/crime/man-arrested-as-operation-poitiers-allegedly-snares-200kg-of-drugs-on-vessel-off-nsw-coast/news-story/8c5f45660fcd4e3a800b846b57af5626 https://www.9news.com.au/national/200-kgs-of-cocaine-hidden-inside-fishing-boat-seized-off-nsw-coast/87e4b603-86e3-4246-8e9c-f421650d73d8
  11. From memory looked into this when the trial started & madeup my mind not worth the effort. As usual with NSW DPI, so many rules & the possibility of big fines because you put one toe over the line. Why is someone going to spend money on equipment & time + effort to do someting where they tell you make once false move & your in for thousands of $$$ of fines ๐Ÿค” While it shouldnt be a free for all of course & yes you need rules like "dont shoot at aussie natives or wildlife" after that let people go for it. I also think their should be an accreditation process as well just like there is with other DPI activities.
  12. Pretty much what I have been saying, with the exception of the polarity which isa great point!
  13. Are you suprised the spanyard was caught on a snapper stick or just suprised to catch a spanyard this far down the coast because I am on the later ๐Ÿ˜ฒ Looks like a fun day out in Scratchie land
  14. Not sure but I think some schools now have a no nut policy because some kid might inhale the smell of one & go into anaphylactic shock
  15. IMHO, as someone who was fined once $500 for having a snapper in possession that was 29.5cm long in the eyes of the fisheries department if you are caught with undersized species as per the size & bag limit its a $500 per fish. Doesn't matter what anyone else is or isn't caught doing, if they catch you that's what to expect. As far as aquariums go, I would think they would have.a collectors licence/permit? Better to take something that is does not have the size limit.
  16. They could use that footage in the next baby shark dance video ๐Ÿคฃ
  17. As per my link & as you stated @bluefin A maximum of four rods or lines can be used by any one person at any one time. Further down the page- Line fishing You are not permitted to: Use, carry or possess rigged lines in excess of the maximum number of attended lines permitted is an offence and heavy penalties may apply. Spare lines should not be rigged e.g. should not have hooks or lures attached, and should be properly stowed. So the way I read it you you can carry as many rods as you like as long as only 4 are rigged. With so many varying & constantly changing rules its a wonder people dont just give up fishing altogether. But then thats thier idea anyway right ๐Ÿ™„.......................๐Ÿค
  18. I presume for Nsw? It's been discussed on here before lightly. I can't quite put my finger on the published info right now but think its along the lines of your not to carry an excessive amount of gear which is a bit ambiguous really. I recall saying I had 5 rods rigged ready to go once & someone said that's to many? Its in here somewhere https://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/fishing/recreational/fishing-rules-and-regs/perm-prohib-saltwater#:~:text=A maximum of four rods,person at any one time.
  19. It looks like there are spec stickers on the bottom of the batteries, can you take a closer picture of it & also a better picture of the charger spec panel.
  20. Change the knot to an FG or PR knot. I use an FG for my braid to mono connection.
  21. Where I'm from we'd call that for a triffecta ๐Ÿ‘ KA-CHING
  22. What you have to be concerned about is the the battery matches the chagers charging current & battery type & voltage?? Batterries have been know to explode when charged by either the wrong charger type or overcharged because the charger cannot sense the battery is fully charged because its not the same manifacture as the charger!
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