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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. If it's at Port Maquarie I think he is there now. I'm up at PS at the moment & wanted to meet up be he said he had to go to a tournament in PM Could be the one?
  2. While I don't think anyone could disagree that we need mining but lining pockets seems to to always out trump environmental protection. To me it's like Adani trying to put a mine in a place that could spell disaster for Australian greatest natural beauty, I can't believe the government would even consider it but $$$$ talks. Just look at the cold seam debacle, do you ever even own your own home/land when these idiots essentially have the authority to come in & take over your land. Like I said in my original post, how did they go from proposed introducing of marine parks all up the nsw coast the then possibly approving a gas mine that could affect such sanctuaries?? Surely there are better options?
  3. Nice effort Rev, hope you get a feed of squid to. What jigs/colours did the damage?
  4. So why remove it then? Maybe a stick on moustache, a fake nose, some sunglass & a top gun cap next time in the pic & we will have no idea who Mark is .
  5. While I agree it can be confronting when seeing such a sign it doesnt have much affect on behavour. I think I said it in the other thread where on particular roads throughout the country there are similarly numbered/statistic signs & the number just increase year to year so what effect is a sign having..........none! When your talking about on road the only real difference made imo is when you have constant police presence. No one likes it because you either get booked or have to slow down & that is a major inconvenience to a lot of people(& we all see them!!). So the only was I see any difference going forward to curb the death toll for this particular spot is if laws are introduced that can be policed, but again people wont like it because its an inconvenience & wont suit them. But if your a family thats left to pick up the pieces Im sure they are wondering how its allowed to happen & what can be done to save the next family from the same pain. Just for a fish.........................we love it but its not worth a life.
  6. The point is the bag limit in possesion is the bag limit, doesnt matter whether its for food or bait, the DPI dont differentiate between the two!! The other point was make sure when your collecting its in a zone that its allowed in.
  7. Nah, I only bite once. Besides I don't want to start sounding like a mad hatter like Pete Evans as well as a raving ranter like Gordon Ramsey 😁
  8. Just be careful where you get the pipi's from! https://www.portstephensexaminer.com.au/story/6094198/penalties-for-illegally-taken-beach-pipis/ Plenty of snactuary & no collection zones in PS! I remember squishing my feet around at Bagnals as a kid finding plenty of Sydney cockles & pumping for nippers. Cant do that anymore!
  9. Great effort on the whiting, they look like crackers 🙂 Thats gold 😂 To answer your question some whiting tempura maybe. But then that would wilt the flowers 🤣
  10. From misfortune come experience, knowledge & lessons learnt. If the same thing was to happen again then nothing came from the 1st mishap or mistake. Such is life but no doubt it hurts more when it cost you money!
  11. And possibly dsstabilize the dam foundations or surrounds, cant see that ever happening but then again governments do let some stupid things go ahead.
  12. Never seen those before & they do look great. Im up for a new pair of boat shoes soon, think I just found the next pair. Cheers Waza
  13. Well done, with persistance come reward I like to say. Private Fad, never heard than one before??
  14. Plenty of council areas have enforced this already & I would be suprised to hear that Illawara have not made it manditory but then it also wouldnt suprise me if they hadn't for fear of back lash. https://www.illawarramercury.com.au/story/5341008/mayors-spooked-by-cost-of-rock-fishing-lifejacket-laws/ Im sure they can pass enforcible laws for specific areas within the LGA?
  15. Not any more. Not sure on the cost, not my concern anymore, in this position anyway 😉
  16. You watch a lot of those vids from the same place & there are kids travelling in the bow & the adults as well & no one is wearing a lifejacket. They must be invoking thier 1st, 2nd, 5th or whatever right/ammendment it pertains to be be reckless & not care about thier passangers/family 🤐
  17. Petition email sent. While they might be fads there would always be a pretty big exclusion zone so not sure what effect it would have? Beside, they want to close down fishing & introduce marine parks all the way uop the coast but mining is ok because it wil line companies pockets
  18. How often is it the case that the few spoil it for the many 😒
  19. That Haulover bar is pretty savage but the guys that know it usually just power through it, although it's usually in some 30+footer with 3 or 4 x 300hp motors on the back.
  20. We had some events coming up needing smoked brisket so set up the work smoker yesterday with 12 x 10kg Wagyu 7+ score brisket with our own rub mix. Set for 22 hours @85*c Did the same again today for a total of approx 240kg net weight in 2 days. This buffet dish gets served with pickled red cabbage, grain mustard jus & Yorkshire pudding. We also use the same meat for sliders to when required. Obviously we can smoke anything using the same principles but just change the temp & time..
  21. Unfortunately other people risk their own lives to save these twits!
  22. If it's that dangerous & by all account by the death toll it is just ban fishing on the site! Anyone disobeying will be prosecuted & install cams & motion sensors. Problem solved.
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