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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. I have a 2500 reel, the only problem I had with mine was the bailarm came out of the pin that is part of the runner assembly. Maybe the screw was a bit lose not sure but once I put it back in it would continue to pop out of the groove it sits in. Maybe I could have gone for a warranty claim but I just ended up getting shimano to send me a new pin assembly. Cost me $15 Haven't had an issue since. No idea about the rod.
  2. I like people who can think outside the square & come up with DIY solutions I'd like to see a picture if you have one? During Covid lockdown & when I was out of work for a prolonged time I installed my own dual battery system in my 4x4, some of it was with things I bought like power control box & 1500w invertor but had to learn how about 12v power systems, wiring & put it all together. Pretty rewarding & probably saved me about $1500/2000.
  3. I have pretty much of answered your question as best I can from this side of the computer screen, find out hour many amps or watts all the items draw & use a calculator like one of these to determine. https://www.caravansplus.com.au/guides/calculating-how-big-your-battery-needs-to-be-a-44.html https://www.batterystuff.com/kb/tools/calculator-sizing-a-battery-to-a-load.html http://www.referencedesigner.com/cal/cal_54.php
  4. Who need kingies when you can catch Mako's instead BN, even more fun
  5. Electric ???? Thats the exact one I have, run time depends on the size/draw, you need to look at the draw of all the items being powered to work out how long you can get out of it but I would say I would get 3 or 4 four hour sessions out of mine. I still charge it after a couple of trips anyway, lead acid batteries dont like to be drawn down more than 50% otherwise they reduce their lifespan. If you look at that Garmin it runs on 2AA's, wont last that long, you would need to charge them every session. I have a Garmin handheld GPS that uses the same rechargable batteries, if they run low I just pop in some normal AA's into it.
  6. Pretty sure Garmin do a stiker verson of a similar thing to the HB as well except with just using 2xAA's https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Garmin-Striker-4-Portable-Bundle-3-5-CHIRP-Fishfinder-with-GPS-Portable-Kit-/172866750125 Again, not sure how available they are here but just look them up.
  7. The battery is just a 12V 7ah battery you can get anywhere like battery world or Jaycar, no idea about the housing, I double they sell them on their own?. Hummingbird still have the Piranhamax on their Aus website so maybe send them an inquiry https://humminbird.com.au/piranhamax-series/
  8. I had a Hummingbird Piranamax 160 which I still use the portable housing that has the 12V battery in it but have replaced the hummingbird screen & transducer for a Lowrance Not sure they do them here anymore?? https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/193919452595?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28 https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/303753824512?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28
  9. They do recalls on frozen imported berries from time to tome that have listeria etc. Anyway glad he is ok. Yes back to the Goby
  10. Holy c@#p, you would not be expecting that! After they die I'd imagine they would lose all their colouration & just blend in with the rest of the baby occy? I am suprised about the Aus gov dept, they will enforce food recalls on specific branded products pretty quickly usually if they have proof. Sorry for getting off track Scratchie!
  11. Just like the old days when there were no such devices except going outside & playing wasnt a punishment it was an everyday occurance 👍 Absolutely on the ofyour post, my standard spag bol recipe includes a thing calles a Soffritto of carrot, onion, celery & button mushrooms, the kids would never be able to tell they are eating vegies 😄. It is actually great to see some junior schools I have seen on TV being proactive in teaching kids about growing veg & seeing where good food comes from. I know Jamie Oliver did a lot of work on this in England, I think we need moreof the same approach here to.
  12. Nice effort & came home with a feed 👍
  13. Good to hear your back out on the water yowie & just as successful as usual
  14. Whats the saying, happy wife happy life 😄 Nice looking rig 👍
  15. I could be wrong as I am no weather/sea expert but to me swell increases as it approaches land mass so closer to the coast the swell will increase & tidal flow will also play a part, especially near heads/bay entrances. I think once you get further out then it can be more a factor of wind chop interacting with incoming swell that makes it uncomfortable I also use seabreese.
  16. I didnt think so until you made that last comment 🤣 That reminded me of the old buzzards next door either side when our cricket ball would end up in their front or back yard & we would jump the fence to collect it I think every street had a few! All those things are valid points Noel, todays life is a different pace for sure & so many more choices, menu log, Uber eats etc, both parent working doing different shifts etc to be able to pay the morgage I think the whole family sitting down at the table & having an evening meal together & talking about their day or week is becoming more a rarity unfortunately. And that last paragraph reminds me of a Seinfeld episode of course 😂
  17. Yep, I think every parent starts by saying "if you dont eat your greens you wont grow up big & strong" but where do you go from there? Eventually let them have their way?? I think being a chef now I could invent ways (another term for hide😂) to get them to eat them or at least introduce them to veg or things they dont like. I have made many a meal for people who said they dislike something & used the exact ingredient a different way & they love it, untill I tell them. Of course asking if they had any allergies 1st, I wasnt trying to kill them, just show them their dislike is just a figment of their imagination.
  18. When I was young if I didnt want eat what mum put in front of me or in my lunch box then dad would tell me if I dont eat it I can go hungry then. I remember once mum had made lamb chops with brussel sprout, I said I dont like those & wont eat them, dad sent me to my room & said dont come out till your ready to eat your sprouts, yep went hungry that night but not the next time which I think was broccoli. Maybe that is why as an adult I actually eat & enjoy every vegetable I can think of, also knowing how good they are for me helps. I think kids these days need to be reminded how lucky they are to be getting a a packed lunch & a hot meal put in front of them! Imo kids these days seem to run their parents life & rule the roost, dictating terms to the parents even. As you can tell I am not a parent but I certainly remember the tough at times life lessons that my parent taught me with many young & adolecents seem to lack these days, like respect & thanks & more. Oh & also just remind them the crusts makes your hair curly & that the curls get the girls maybe, or boys
  19. Well at least you know the boat is still there then 😁
  20. If its just for towing not sure why it needs to be attached to the boat? I think I'd rather have it on the back of the vehicle so I can actually see the boat & contents. But then I have a high vehicle in a 4x4 & would place the camera on top of the canopy. So depends on a few personal preference factors & what you want to see I guess. If it was specifically for reversing then yes, can see it being on the boat, maybe on the top of the cabin, that's if you have one?
  21. Im not sure what the law states as far as what your limit might be at a berth but at achor if your the captain the of course its .05 just like driving. I dont drink when I fish either, you can do that anytime is the way I see it. Again I think its like driving, if you know your going to be having something to drink then have someone on board who is licenced who can become the designated captain.
  22. Nice work on the Tuna Bill While maybe not as nice eating as say YF or BF still if looked after right dam good on the chew. Some great meals there
  23. Where is this tournament at anyway Scratchie? Have to admit tournaments don't really interest me but I'm sure other FR's would be keen. Besides kind of have my heart set on hitting the snaps or kings around Broughton. Just wish I had a big enough boat to get there myself. One day............
  24. Im sure it wasn't a pleasant experience noel, as beautiful as nature can be there certainly are some incredibly deadly small creatures around, especially here. A teenage boy just died a couple of days ago from a box jellyfish sting up north. Every day you wake up you just have to feel lucky right!
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