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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Great bit of history there. Dad was a hardcore black fisherman mainly up at the breakwall at Nelson bay. I can still remember the times there would be 30+ blokes fishing along the old shorter wall all vying for position. I was at that age I wasn't overly interested so never learn the right techniques unfortunately. I have tried a couple of times since(at probably the wrong time of year) with no success. I might have to ask @LandBasedKeith to give me a masterclass one day as he is pretty local to me & seems to do pretty well at it.
  2. Great work @Maniac & young bloke You just have to keep plugging away with the belief that one day it will be your turn. Well at least that's what I tell myself anyway 😁
  3. I think your blessed mate. Most blokes take up all that stuff usually to get away from their wives
  4. Correct worked that one out a long long time ago 😉
  5. 8. Dunkirk 1. Forest gump That's all I've got for now. Long shots- 3. Poltergeist? 6. Teen wolf? 2. Halloween? 5. No idea but im looking forward to seeing who is behind that bikini 🤣
  6. @bluefin there are 10's of thousands of products out there in the world today which when people sell them they make these things all sound like they are going to save your life! But wait there's more...…………………………….we will throw in a set of steak knives I have been burnt a few times on buying some cheap gear but learnt from my mistakes, the best thing anyone can do is research an item, look at as many reviews as possible to try & get an overall performance report. So far I haven't been taken by those glasses they sell that give you supermans xray vision 🙄 In saying that I have bought a bit of cheap items that did what they advertised but due to the build quality didn't last very long, that's the risk you take! @Milt, there is no real substitutes when it comes to night vision but as I was saying it all depends on the location & what other sources of lighting is around as to what will be effective for that application. Just to show what actual night vision is like I took these 2 pictures tonight from my digital NV camera over my neighbors roof. One with the IR torch off which is what your eye would see & the other with the IR torch on. A big difference right. There is lots of tech out there now but if someone is advertising something that sounds to good to be true, it is 99.9% of the time!
  7. I don't know about a symptom of Covid 19 but this is the results of 3 weeks of taking the governments advice about not going outside.
  8. Well there you go, always learning something new from the people on this site
  9. What a feast Thought it would be to late for crabs!
  10. It happens, I may have caught one of these in Botany Bay but then again it could have been a grinner. I will have to pay more attention in the future myself.
  11. Is that fibro roofing Frank?? Could be full of asbestos?? Just checking.
  12. That's a cracka, well done young bloke
  13. So that means to have to kill it & not return it then?
  14. Glad you made a decision. Have you been fishing with it?? If you have maybe you could add it to the brag mat or fishing reports!
  15. Mmmm, im no builder but I would have in something of that size. Even though it may not be load bearing if it crack for any reason there is nothing holding it together. Anyway what is done is done, good luck with the rest of the project 😀
  16. You might get something out of reading through this-
  17. Well you already had celebrity status here scratchie, now its out there in the wider community
  18. Nice, gotta keep busy in this time. Did you put reo in before you laid the concrete slab?
  19. Sure, its a bit of entertainment Doing the numbering this was a bit harder to do on mobile.
  20. In no order. Mrs doubtfire Police academy Shawshank redemption School of rock Starship troopers That's all I got for now
  21. Well I must admit times are tough at the moment in a number of fronts but when all this Covid thing broke loose I was at the start of an upgrade for my obsolete sounder in the tinny & in the middle of trying to get my dual battery system for my 4x4 completed...……..1st world problems I know 🙄 Still while I am out of work & pretty much trying to comply with the directions of government & health authorities I am still trying to move forward with what I can do with what I have gathering in the bits & pieces needed to finish both jobs. I had purchased a 'on sale' Lowrance Hook2-4 GPS sounder to replace my old portable 160 Hummingbird PiranhaMax. The old unit was old school grey scale, no gps etc so its nice to be coming into the modern era, well sort of anyway. The new Hook2 4 is GPS & colour screen 😁 I was thinking where to mount this new bigger model not really wanting to start drilling into the seats, where I was going to put the battery & how I am going to put a cover over it being in the tinny. And the I had an epiphany, use the same portable Hummingbird set up which I can leave as is with the plastic body & zip up cover(not shown) but just change the transducer/mount which I am now going with the suggestion of @Green Hornet of the sliding mount on the transom. Not a big deal really but at the moment small things are keeping me amused & sane in these testing times The 4x4 dual battery system need a lot more $$ to finish but I am getting the basics ready like the power board which is going in the tray. Just trying to pass the time of day & keep the mind occupied
  22. Nailed 9 out of 10 in that last one 😁 Might have taken me 10 minutes though 😴🤣
  23. Been there, done that allover the world. Worked in the NSW ski industry for 14 years Its why I don't own my own house
  24. You mean the Cruiser has a 145lt tank as standard 😲. Im still building up my Triton for the ultimate Aussie trip, unless your an ABN holder & have to take the funds out of your own pocket it takes a fair while to get all the gear you need for a trip like that. I was just getting my dual battery system ready to set up & then this Covid 19 thing hit. Now I have a lot of bits & pieces & the plan ready but have to wait now to be earning funds again before getting the rest of what I want. The 2 best money pits- Boating & 4x4ing 🤪. But when its done I know I can be anywhere (on the land anyway) & be pretty self sufficient.
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