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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Mate I am a firm believer in each to their own, we all like what we like & yeh it is a matter of convenience to. While a do buy a few frozen things at times, like peas because I cant be bothered shelling fresh, fries because at times I cant be bothered peeling & cutting potatoes & its convenient, Chinese BBQ pork buns & dumplings because I am lazy, I don't really buy pre prepared frozen protein products for myself. Mind you we use a heap of frozen fish products in the food service game to cut down on labour, some of them are excellent, some are more crumbs that fish but you just have to filter through samples to get what is a decent product.
  2. 1.Jojo Rabbit 2.Joker 3.Grease 4.The excersist 5. American Beauty 6.Field of dreams 7.Tron legacy 8.Good morning Vietnam Next ๐Ÿ˜
  3. I wont throw rocks, I will let the emoji's do the talking noel ....................................โ€ฆ...โ€ฆ...
  4. I guess it depends on your personal preference & that is a hotly debated question but the traditional tortilla is made from Masa Harina (Corn masa flour). Wheat flour is something that didn't exist in Mexica until it was brought in from other countries. https://www.mexicanplease.com/what-is-masa-harina/ Then using a press to form the tortilla
  5. Dont know, they both like ginger & shallots ๐Ÿคฃ
  6. I haven't seen it but think I'll have to now ๐Ÿ˜‚
  7. Yum, looks great Zoran & bet it tastes even better All the toppings are a personal thing really, I love my coriander so I would have to add a bit of that to mine. I also love charred corn salsa & guacamole as well I have, the mix is pretty basic & the presses are cheap. Its easy really, unless you have to churn out 500 or so.
  8. Back in the day, although just getting out of bed & walking around now is classes as weight training for me ๐Ÿ˜‚ Ive been meaning to start again, I got my weights out from under the bed a while back, dusted then of & left them in the open so I would start, then about 4 weeks later I was tripping over them so in the end put them away ๐Ÿ˜ The thing with any training is you have to have the right motivation & mental determination to want to do it. I used to train heavily, weights & different dry land drills to get ready for the snow seasons I did & before going overseas skiing in the summer. After giving it all away the training went by the wayside unfortunately.
  9. Depends when in the tide they are fishing?? If it was me, in those kind of places I would not be fishing more than an hour on each side of either tide otherwise you need to much weight. You can of course cast forward into the tide direction giving it a chance to get deeper before it lines up with you & travels past. But if its in the middle of the run even a 2oz lead isn't going to make a difference imo.
  10. Looks great GH. Not sure about being dustless though, its like stainless steel, it just stains less ๐Ÿ˜…
  11. Sarcasm right Perfect size for a feed, well done
  12. Think about the work invovled & the yield you get out of a whole fish & that's what your paying for! But yes for a bread & butter fish if your not out trying to catch your own your missing out on something that is pretty abundant & fun to fish for.
  13. Thanks for the tips but yeh not totally applicable to the bay, the bait tends to hide in corners & nooks & crannies, except for slimies but they are rare, the main schooling fish in the bay busting up baitfish are Taylor. If you don't anchor up your into the tugs or walls in no time. I can see what you are talking about working in open/deeper water. Your right about the sabiki's though, some of them are very light, I think I will try & find some heavier ones.
  14. @Joeyd, try doing a forum search, you will find more information that way than waiting for people to respond.
  15. Sounds like a nice day out. Good looking feed there to Zoran, squeeze of lemon...โ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆโ€ฆ......nice
  16. Ages ago I bought 10 packets of sabiki's cheap @ $1.20ea which Ive been splitting the 6 hook rig into 1/2 & making 2 out of it, mainly because the 6 hook rig is just to long & tangles easy. I think I'm going to go back to making my own after they run out, probably still stick to 3 hooks but its a personal choice really. I do like the feathered hooks on the Sabiki though, I might have to try & find some. I have snapper flashers but they are to big of course, those sabiki hooks are like #8 down to #16 so pretty tiny.
  17. Yeh I recon the slimies are the better choice of you can get them & use them slab or live, Ive been trolling live scad around molly point getting nothing while the people using live squid were getting all the hits, not even sure if live SM will tempt them if they want to just eat squid?? Still if SM are higher on the kings pecking order than scad then I might be in with a chance if I cant get any live SQ. Yep that's the one. The bottom there is fine as long as your not to close to the wall, I just use my sand pic there & not had any problems. I tell what I did see that was interesting the last couple of times I was there was several people using a small burley bomb being used as a sinker under their rig obviously as an attractor. I was just throwing burley into the water & I got like 3 YK's in 45 minutes, these guys got heaps in half the time. I was going to make a DIY version but then I found one online & bought it but haven't tried it yet. Its small but should still work. Might have to upgrade the nylon though. I also bought another cheapy version of ebay for a few $$ but still waiting for it
  18. Bush seagulls is what I call them!
  19. Its been a very tough time for most of us in this Covid 19 time & has hit many people in different ways but we still have so much to be grateful for! Its going to be a very different Anzac day for all of us but I know I will be up at 5am to give thanks to those who have fought & died to give us what we have today. I hope you will join me whether its in your driveway's or on balconies at 5am to remember those who have given so much to ensure the freedom's & life we enjoy today, followed by the National Commemorative Service broadcast at 5.30am. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-04-24/how-to-commemorate-anzac-day-from-home-driveway-services/12174808 LEST WE FORGET I'll probably will still have to many beers & not sure how I am going to go throwing double headers & betting against myself but will still enjoy the day & appreciate all that is Australia ๐Ÿ™‚
  20. 1.Batman 2.Once upon a time in Hollywood 3.Sister act??? 4.Terminator 5.Rosemary's baby 6. NO IDEA? 7.Dumb and dumber 8.Gladiator
  21. kingie chaser


    Well firstly its a reasonable excuse to be outside & secondly who drinks instant coffee anymore ๐Ÿคจ Besides if you think about it, it is keeping someone in a job!! Im building my 4x4's dual battery system so I can take my Nespresso machine on the road with me ๐Ÿ˜ Its for other things as well of course!
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