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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Looks like the swordy's are having a cracker of a time. Love the social distancing image. I know I can zhuzh my dishes up probably to much some times but sometimes you have to just use the KISS method. Nothing better than some fresh prawns, crisp shredded iceberg lettuce, some tangy home made cocktail sauce on a nice soft milk bun with lots of butter 😊 So no I wouldn't be doing to much different than you have done with the yabbies. If I was at work then that's a different story. The only thing I would add is a nice frosty cold beer or a glass of Riesling 😁 Enjoy.
  2. Great work & you have the photo forever to prove it Looks like a simple Halco twisty type of metal. It just goes to show you never know what they are going to take on the day!
  3. They are like bloody Piranha's sometimes, almost as bad as the jackets
  4. Nice work 😊 Looks like you were on a pier so lucky you didn't get wrapped up
  5. Sounds like Mr. Mitchell had a bit of a problem! These kinds of vessels are all over the place in Sydney water way, just sitting there rusting away accumulating seagull sh*te. Should be more of it, like as soon as police /council see a vehicle on the side of the road unregistered they throw a notice on it! Take your POS away or it will be scrapped! Been a few towed away from the front of my place, should be the same on the water!!
  6. In finishing off knots once pulled & stretched I've seen where some people cut the tag end closeish on the fluoro/mono leader & then do multiple 1/2 hitches over the end to protect the leader material from hanging up on guides. I don't think its a bad idea as long as it doesn't create any bulk points.
  7. In the end you have to separate wheat from chaff in anything & take what you see as the best for you
  8. Welcome aboard @JahmonW, Im sure you'll have a great gap year over here. Good on you Derek & Mike
  9. Well said scratchie, while some people may not be affected right now but everyone will be affected in some way. While its all well & good to have a sense of humor in a whole the situation should not be trivialised either! Checked your superfund balance lately?? Apart from just losing all my work, I just lost $30,000 out of my super fund. 10's of thousands of casual workers will be out of work, many businesses & entire industries will close their doors. Airlines are going to fold, tourism losses will force many destination towns to become ghost town . All this has a roll on effect into many different industries! People will just stop spending money where they don't have to!! Saying you have a lot of sick leave means SFA when the boss walks in & says your redundant! I had 130 sick leave days when I was made redundant 2 years ago so that does nothing for you if your not employed. Anyway Im off the Centrelink this morning to work out how I can get some government support & how I am going to pay my rent & bills as all of hospitality is in the same boat 🤐 By the way anyone looking for a qualified chef with 36 years experience? I also have a forklift licence, white card, RSA & am pretty handy on the tools as well
  10. I was using a combination of the vid I posted before & also this one where I had the line looped in one hand Personally I think you have to have tension on the line otherwise the braid strands will not form a tight patter. Not that I have the FG assistant 2.0 it is fairly similar to what this young bloke is doing with the loop in his hand except you just hold the tool. For me it take the awkwardness out of having to hold the line in your hand & you just hold the tool. Nice DIY Zoran Just need to make it a tighter fit in the holder so it doesn't move around as much for me. That's when you know your tying good knots, when you get a line failure before the knot fails! Love the FG 👍
  11. Looks like a very diverse & orderly collection. I recon some of those old lures would still catch plenty of fish
  12. @JonD, so I read this article(read quite a few before ), & it doesn't actually say mono is better than fluoro, just there differences between the 2 & it also states that fluoro has advantages over mono in different situations! Less UV degridation Better sink rate(3 x that of mono) do to being more dense More sensitivity Closer refraction rate to water than mono Less water absorbtion Mono has its advantages to- Better knot strength Will stretch & then go back to original length Lighter than fluoro So to say that one is better than the other would be totally false, they are different & both have there own advantages! Is fluoro worth the extra coin? Use whatever you like, its your money 😁
  13. Very true, I've only had mine since Xmas & think it's fantastic.
  14. This is interesting https://getfishing.com.au/lake-macquarie-hot-water-outlet-closures/
  15. Surely a Honda dealer/servicer would be able to give you the operating specs? Do you have a manual? Tried the internet?
  16. Yes I understand this now that I watched a youtube on how to debone them. If I ever get one again well do the job the right way. I did kill it straight away but considering I didn't bleed & gut it, I didn't notice ammonia taste. It was gutted & cleaned within a couple of hours of being caught though!
  17. That could be said for anything we buy! Anyone with anything to sell makes claims regarding their product. A brand of motor performs this way or a rod performs that way bla bla bla. Every company pushed their own product. Are they all liars or is their some degree of truth in the product?
  18. Looks like a nice 'mixed grill' you have there Bruce. There's quite a few nice meals there. Enjoy
  19. You bring some good points to the table @DerekD I think there are pro's & cons for both materials if you look into both of them close enough. Light refraction/visibility, stretch, strength etc are only applicable to what & where you are fishing. While the abrasion resistance may not match mono that does not mean mono is better in all situations. An exert from a Berkley page. In the end its about what works for you, preference & confidence in a product. They all want to sell it to you but you be the judge! Benefits Of Fluoro Low Visibility—One of fluorocarbon's biggest benefits is it's nearly invisible underwater. This is because it doesn't appreciably distort light passing through the line (it has nearly the same refractive index as water), and it's a huge factor in clear water and when targeting skittish fish. Abrasion Resistance—Fluorocarbon's low visibility characteristics allow anglers to use stouter pound test lines in situations such as heavy cover tactics for bass. As an added benefit it also has incredible abrasion resistance and as such has quickly become a top choice of the pros when fishing the thickest cover or dragging baits along the bottom. Sensitivity—Fluoro's tightly packed molecules transmit more energy than mono, better telegraphing information from the other end of the line, such as light bites or your lure ticking bottom. Also boosting sensitivity, fluoro sinks faster than mono, resulting in less slack or bow between the lure and rodtip. Toughness—Fluorocarbon is more abrasion resistant than standard nylon monofilament of the same diameter. Plus, while the sun's harsh ultraviolet rays weaken nylon over time, fluorocarbon shrugs off UV with no ill-effects. Waterproof—Unlike mono and some superlines, fluoro doesn't absorb water. This means it has the same strength, sensitivity and handling below the surface as it does when dry. It feels and acts the same on your first cast as it does on your last. Hooking Power—Lacking the low-end stretch of nylon mono, fluorocarbon delivers more solid hooksets, even at long distances. If you need to drive the hook home at the end of a long cast, this is a key consideration.
  20. Looking at that tool it does show how easy you could make something very similar for just a few $$. Not knocking it at all as it looks like it works for the application but at $44 I would be looking for some free scrap wood, a couple of plastic rods, spools etc. That tool would cost all of $10 to make at the most. Im a big fan of DIY & wish I had have seen this video before I spent $60 on my fancy Japanese tool!
  21. Short & sweet, Im with you on the weekend thing, to many people with little etiquette. Nice plate of sashimi & bbq fish coming up for Saturday dinner & Sunday lunch. Nice Baz, if the misses isn't home just don't tell her you've gone! You could be out there & back before she even realizes 😁
  22. I'd have to politely disagree with that statement BN. There are plenty of examples where were fish are spawned, go away from the breeding grounds maybe 1000's of km away & return to the exact same spot to breed themselves. We probably all know northern salmon to be one & this is something I posted in another thread the other day- https://www.centennialparklands.com.au/stories/2019/journey-to-new-caledonia If that's not an internal GPS I don't know what is? Plenty of fish(including sharks) also have migratory paths they travel each season, of course they might alter their route slightly from time to time based on currents, ocean temps etc. And then some fish might just get lost...…………….just like humans can 🤣
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