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kingie chaser

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Everything posted by kingie chaser

  1. Great work @Restyle, hope you took the 72cm model home for a feed!
  2. Have you ever vatched one of those voyage type shows where the cameras are located say on a large ship & its travels its journey just showing the footage from different camera angles, well this video is a bit like that but way less boring. Not to much talking which is a good thing. I watched some of this yesterday & just finished watching the rest today. Some interesting things on Australian history & other facts in there I didn't know so was interesting. One comment cracked me up about the fake Loch ness monster(actually the loch ness monster is fake ๐Ÿ˜… ) some people put on a salt lake, such an aussies thing to do ๐Ÿ˜‚ Drone footage is pretty sweet as well. I'd like to do some trips like this eventually but not by train, by 4X4, still Id do the train if I wasn't in a hurry, slower than a plane but with way better views! If you get a chance watch it on the large screen, warning-goes for 3 hours, hence why I watched it over 2 days
  3. @NewbieBoatie, sounds like you read this but the rule you are referring to is actually- 'The operator of a vessel must not allow a vessel to be at anchor in any one place in NSW waters for more than 28 days in any calendar year.' https://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/maritime/safety-rules/occupation-of-waters-by-a-vessel.html You do not need to use a mooring if you are intending to sit somewhere for a few hours you can use an anchor but you just have to be in an area that's acceptable for safety so definitely not in a channel or something like a ferry route or an overhead or submarine cable(they are sign posted)& if at night you must display the appropriate lights, at an actual moorings lights are not required to be used. https://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/documents/maritime/safety-rules/publications/be-bright-safe-night.pdf If visiting any new port it would be advisable study the online RMS maps closely. If you plan to visit these places regularly it pays to have a paper copy of the map for reference! They have things of dangers marked out as well as general info like the public moorings at Sydney harbour for no more than 24hrs at one time. Which it does not state in the occupation of waters info! Also I really think you need to read this through a couple of times before heading to Sydney harbor- https://www.rms.nsw.gov.au/documents/maritime/licence/boating-handbook.pdf These are the people who make the rules, no google!
  4. I still think a sounder is a pretty important piece of equipment & wouldn't hurt to have from the onset.
  5. Welcome aboard James ๐Ÿ˜€
  6. Cant really help other than to say have you had a look through the pinned & other threads in the Yak topic section. could help or at least give you the people to direct questions to?
  7. except in a channel maybe ๐Ÿ˜ถ
  8. Did I miss something here
  9. NO! Do you have a NSW boating licence?? This is all part of the course to get you licence & reading through the material relating to this. There are free moorings all over the place & rules in place accordingly. You need to look at individual location RMS maps for some information on this. If at anchor at night there are rules for lighting after sunset if you caught the learning material. As for being anchored after sunset & between dawn then the regs are stated. Am I just being to harsh here?? Probably, maybe not ๐Ÿ˜ If your new to boating then you should know the rules, its no different to a car licence.
  10. Comes down to amp hours capacity of the battery & what the draw/output of what the motor is. There are plenty of calculators out their. Like in the recent VSR thread if your going to install a 12V motor then you need to have a Aux battery & charging system essential.
  11. Im not saying it is in all cases!! Im just saying its a second method of propulsion. If I was 10NM offshore I would not want to rely on an electric trolling motor. If I am in a bay or estuary then I am sure they are more than capable of getting you to a shore. Ive never had an electric so cant comment on performance but if I add one to my tinny I can then take the oars out ๐Ÿ˜
  12. Great work, fishing in a yak or the 460?
  13. Looks like a cracker of a trip Bruce
  14. Its still the law I believe to have a second means of propulsion(oars or motor) in vessels under 6mtrs, still Im not sure why nsw rms state vessels over 6mtrs should just consider it ๐Ÿคจ Would an electric motor be suitable here instead of a petrol motor?? That way you could fit something like a Minkota & use it for both fishing & meet the needs of the rules.
  15. 10 & a 1/2 years later they are still looking for it ๐Ÿ˜ I have no idea who that is but I will look it up.
  16. Have to agree with @chokpa, not a fan of crowds at the best of times, even more so when fishing. It might be worth more to try & find ideal land based areas other than jetties! @kaniSS look at this thread, this older map came up & is worth looking at as there are a lot of locations in Sydney harbour.
  17. It is what it is mate,. doesn't matter how we feel about it. We are provided the rules for an area & that's it. It can be taken up with the local member!
  18. Fishing is such a challenging pursuit for most of us. Cracking the code for your area is what you need to do. We all strive to read areas , try different tech's, but hey there is also some luck in there
  19. Change of tactics coming up for me. Cheers ๐Ÿ˜‰
  20. Im of the same opinion but it was actually pretty quite out there on Tuesday, could have been due to those storms the night before? Looks like @jenno64 is doing great in the same area with those live poddies so now I am going to make the effort to get some & not rely on bait like prawns & SP's. As they say, if what you are doing is not working try something else!
  21. I like the idea of the guide for not just the locations but the other things in it that will help you. If you do some homework you will more than likely find some land based locations up & down the coast by doing a forum search. Lake Macquarie Brisbane waters The Shoalhaven river Etc etc https://www.fishraider.com.au/topic/90444-land-based-trip/?tab=comments#comment-668260 https://www.fishraider.com.au/topic/90352-newbie-fishing-spots-sydney/?tab=comments#comment-667492
  22. https://australianmuseum.net.au/learn/animals/fishes/black-rabbitfish-siganus-fuscescens/ Doesn't mention it being dangerous but doesn't mean its not.
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