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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. What is? The fact my opinion is I don't want a like button?
  2. Good to see you back safely Yowie! I'm sure your freezer could do with some much needed filling up! The fish in the hacking have had there holiday too! Time to stock up my friend! cheers scratchie!!!
  3. Nice work! I could sit there and catch kings all day regardless of size! They're heaps of fun! Well done cheers scratchie!!!
  4. We as fisherman/woman are always after feedback. That is how we collect knowledge and are able to apply that new found information wether it be great or small. My personal belief is a "like" button on this site would be offensive! Cheers scratchie!!!
  5. Mate, it happens to us all. I find that whilst chasing fish in winter using lures to slow your action down. Lighter jigs and a lot more drift is needed. Cheers scratchie!!!
  6. Good to see someone out catching something! Well done lads! cheers scratchie!!!
  7. As long as the weather plays ball! This weekends looking crap mate! Typical, I have fri-mon off! Grrrrr
  8. Nice! That'll get you to Broughton quicker!
  9. Nice work on the hairtail. Most have struggled this year as they don't seem to be there in the numbers they usually are. Well done cheers scratchie!!!
  10. Hey Jon, congrats to your daughters. But is it Austrian geographic or Australian geographic? Happy to change the title for you! Cheers scratchie!!!
  11. It might be a climate indicator on the unseasonal warmer weather we've been having???
  12. Just seen it on the news! That was a massive rock fall. Your a lucky man! Apperantly there was a 1.8 magnitude earthquake that caused it. You are Luckyfil, literally! cheers scratchie!!!
  13. For sure mate! 90 horsies is plenty!
  14. Yep, to get to the good spots
  15. Awesome Stan! Heading up your way in a few weeks might have to hit you up! Cheers scratchie!!!
  16. Nice trip Dave! Gotta love fishing NT. It's so diverse and always very active! Thanks for sharing! Cheers scratchie!!!
  17. Cheers mate. It was more to test the boat out but the boys had fun and we managed a feed!
  18. Seas were quite calm last week. Different story this week though. It should stir things up a bit.
  19. Nice work Luke! Ive never had much luck there but I generally only go there for tubing! Beautiful spot though and nice to spend some time with the family! Congrats to your brother! cheers scratchie!!!
  20. I assume so! The size limit applies to NSW. I know they find them in the hacking, not sure throughout Sydney though!
  21. Trumpeter whiting are nicknamed winter whiting. They have no size limit and are in real numbers throughout the bay! Sans whiting are predominantly in the summer months and have a legal size limit of 27cm. All in all they taste the same!!! Cheers scratchie!!!
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