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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. No mate I didn't. I assume they'll disappear now with the colder water. Gotta get yourself to Broughton Baz! The snapper will be chewing!
  2. Not real sure. If I have to measure them, they go back! One sambo was pushing 70cm I think!
  3. Lol.....I was fishing solo, so could only take pics myself! Go a new iPhone so better photos!
  4. Nice effort mate! Not an easy task to land a good snapper off the stones! Well done cheers scratchie!!!
  5. G'day raiders, First day in quite sometime I had the chance to sleep in but I could hear a reel singing somewhere and a quick look from my balcony confirmed it was time to get up and go fishing! Went and picked up some pillies and made it down to my spot at first light. Rigged up and first cast bang, nice tailor! Proceeded to burley up and for the next 1hr and a half it was fish after fish! Mostly salmon and tailor as the baits never made it down far enough to find some snapper! It was a beautiful morning at sunrise with plenty of fishos lining the foreshore, whales breaching in the background and the fish coming to the party! Took two tailor home for the table and released a dozen or so other fish! Good luck out there raiders, Cheers scratchie!!!
  6. Great report Anthony! Totally different fishing up there! Congrats on your first Barra. Ive been to the top end twice and yet to tick that one! Well done cheers scratchie!!!
  7. Good luck Rick! There's a few about there, if not try the foreshore from fly point up to the breakwall.
  8. Really Baz? Mate good time for fishing this area at the moment. All species on the cards!
  9. Lol.....I make a mean Vegemite on toast Congrats jonno! Great first jewfish mate! Stewys a top mentor and knows the cooks like the back of his hand! Good to see him take the photo for a change! cheers scratchie!!!
  10. Good to see you had a whale of a time by yourself Jon
  11. I'll have to explain it to my therapist first! My worst nightmare in one video!
  12. Beautiful pics BN. Except for the ones in the plane! I don't fly well and they gave me vertigo! Good luck out there! cheers scratchie!!!
  13. Lol..... you've been fishing north rock too much...haha (sweep city) But rick is right, keep them close to your boat and cast out back 30m or so. Remember also that action creates action! Cheers scratchie!!!
  14. Fair bit of ground swell still around. Good to see you still managed a few rick! Was that spangle at the sisters? Ive been catching a few different species up there last few trips! cheers scratchie!!!
  15. Great little video Ojay! Kings are always fun no matter what size! Cheers scratchie!!!
  16. Cheers guys! Yep, got out my artistic side on that photo!
  17. Cheers guys! Ribs, I didn't take anything with me other than the rod and sp I had on it. All fish were released. I went and had a look at shoaly but it was the last of the runout and it was filthy and plenty of weed.
  18. Good on ya Krause! Not that cold just yet, haha! Looking forward to getting down there at some point this winter and having a go myself but not from a yak! cheers scratchie!!!
  19. Nice work yowie! Bloody peskie salmon. Great fish to fight but terrible on the plate! Cheers scratchie!!!
  20. Scratchie

    Ruined trip

    Lol Fab!!!! I would have just dragged the boat straight over that! ? Cheers scratchie!!!
  21. G'day raiders, Just a quick report from up here! I haven't really had a chance to fish lately for various reasons and after reading many of your reports, I found a two hour window this morning to go for a short flick! With the ground swell pumping the rocks were a no go zone, so I decided to grab the flatty stick and walk a few beaches in the bay! After casting for an hour with no luck, I forgot what a bite felt like! Anyway, I eventually found them and some gave a good account of themselves! Ended up with 5 in the next hour with a few dropsies in between. The first one really wanted that zman!!! Cheers scratchie!!!
  22. Most of the reefs I fish on up here are between 15-30m. We mainly drift and look for bait and structure! I also find that snapper spook easy so try not to motor over your drift! Generally as a rule we only fish sps as you find less unwanted bycatch or pickers! Once we set the drift we usually deploy a livie as well that will trail our boat because if there is bait in the area you never know what's chasing them! A very active way to fish and you often forget about the livie until you hear the drag singing! cheers scratchie!!!
  23. Great report Sam! Nothing wrong with a flatty drift to bring home a feed either! Keep working those shallower reefs with sps, that's were I find the bigger ones hang! cheers scratchie!!!
  24. Good luck mate! The swell has dropped right off this arvo! Looking good for a nice day tomorrow!!! Cheers scratchie!!!
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