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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. Wow, and I thought some of us had collection issues! Nice catch too! 👍 cheers scratchie!!!
  2. This has been brought up and while the idea of spending two weeks on a boat is appealing to some, it is not reality for others.
  3. Gday Fishraiders, With recent happenings of world events, there is certainly going to be members here on this site that are adversely affected by this pandemic of Coronavirus. Whilst the majority of us will not be directly affected ourselves by the virus, there will be plenty that will be indirectly affected via, loss of income, isolation, family members being ill, Members businesses affected etc etc. For such reasons I would asked that any posting related to this virus, either in jest or specific not be posted. This site can be used as a very good escape from the chaotic scenes of late and let’s try and keep it that way. Stay safe and best of luck to all fishraider members. Regards scratchie mod team
  4. I always get livies and always drift one behind me as I cast in front. It is another option and the last year has proven to be successful. I scored 25 snapper, a few kings, and a mako whilst using this method. A slimie fillet or head on a jig can be deadly. Just be sure to set the hook hard when you get a bite!
  5. If that situation kept occurring, I’d put a slimie fillet on a jig head, work it the same way as a plastic and see what happens. Sometimes they’ll respond to plastics and other times bait. It pays to be versatile. But sometimes they just don’t want to eat. That is when I change locations and will come back to that area just before a tide change!
  6. Sometimes you will see the arches on the sounder, that will generally mean you have missed them and drifted over them. Although, it does mean the area is productive. The presence of bait will mean the predators/target will be either, under, surrounding or following the bait school. This is why you cast ahead of the boat!
  7. So how important is the sounder? Well, first you need to know your intended target area. Use your first drift to watch the sounder and find what side of the structure the bait is gathered. This will generally repeat itself over the entire area and what depth the bait is holding. This will allow you to get more casts in the right areas, using the right weight to your jig and by keeping the lure in the strike zone for longer then you are more of a chance of being productive! It narrows down your target area, rather than drifting on a baron waste land. It also lets you know when to pull lines in and start the next drift. The sounder is one thing but your drift plotter/gps is another handy tool that goes hand in hand with your sounder. Knowing how to set a drift now that you’ve found your intended area is a real key component. It allows you to work a small area for a prolonged period of time providing you haven’t driven over your drift. If you constantly keep one eye on it whilst fishing and record when you get a bite, a pattern will start to emerge on what’s working! Anyway, that’s a brief breakdown on what goes through my head whilst using them. Sure, it’s a lot to process but after time it becomes a lot easier and only requires a glimpse. Most important thing, “just keep casting” cheers scratchie!!!
  8. Gees Mick, no pressure 😬 I’m sure if you got up here we’d find something!
  9. I’m no where near as old as Rick lol 😝
  10. @wcurrall 100% what @rickmarlin62 says! He kills it up there too! Although he fishes a different method, he still knows what to look for. We often communicate on conditions, spots and what’s working! I’d just wish he’d leave my snapper alone! Haha 😂
  11. As I’ve tried to explain in the snapper article I wrote, sometimes taking that one more drift is the key. (A little wider, a little closer, maybe a little longer). The real key is the presence of bait and NOT driving over your drift. Then the other variables of current, tide, wind, moon phase, setup and lure etc etc come into play! So if you can line all them up, you should be more successful. “Just keep casting”
  12. @garfield28 Thanks for your report and your honesty. Hopefully that honesty may help someone else reading this post! There’s lots of key points in this thread to look at! cheers scratchie!!!
  13. Unlucky Rick. At least you had a go! From reports I got, Coffs was firing on Friday and Saturday. Might have been worth an hour drive further north. I feel sorry for the fish next time you get to Broughton haha! cheers scratchie!!!
  14. Sounds like a nice day on the water. Just a shame about the loss of gear. cheers scratchie!!!
  15. Haha thanks mate! But seriously, the key to fishing Broughton is when to stay and when to move. I fish all the same areas as everyone else and they are all well known. I just know what to look for in those areas that show me they have the ability on the day to produce!
  16. Haha! Well get yourself up here Jon and I’m sure I could cure that itch!
  17. SWR is always a hit or miss affair. Broughton is usually a hit! 👍
  18. It’s not actually canceled, it’s postponed. Tony Poole the owner of the tournament wouldn’t have made this decision lightly. There are plenty of charities that rely on this tournament so stay posted for future updates! Anyone still heading up here, then hit me up if want a decky!!! cheers scratchie!!!
  19. I take Monday’s off for a reason 👍👍👍
  20. Cheers Baz. Yes mate Broughton it was. Launched 530 Bait until 6 Broughton 630 Lines up 820 Ramp 845. 👍 Sashimi was delicious 😋 forgot to take photo as I was to busy eating. Dinner tonight of fish and chips. My sons mate has never eaten fresh fish! Lol 😝 I was thinking of feeding him an I & J fillet but I’ve never bought them 🤣🤣
  21. Cheers mate Cheers Dieter. Just had to get out before that southerly. The weather sites were right for a change! Haha Good to hear Ray is still hitting those ledges on the central coast. Next time tell him I said “Hi”. Champion bloke! Thanks mate! Good fun. Gotta take what you can get! 👍 Thanks yowie! Had one eye on the line and the other on the weather!
  22. Gday raiders, Just a quick report from this morning. As I think this is the only weekend left for 6 months without sport, I just had to get out there. Took out the 2nd eldest and his mate. Got on the water at 530, loaded up with bait and hit our mark by 630. Flicked the area for about an hour. The boys got a few pennies that were returned and I managed a decent fella and a pannie. Changed locations to see some birds working bait schools and trolled a livie through it, bang it goes off! Hoping it was a longtail but eventually brought in a legal kingy! Then we decided to keep at it, trolling baits and the boys ended up with two each. Two more legal but we had enough so returned. I must say there were heaps of boats. I hate fishing weekends. None of them realised we were working schools, should have been obvious! Anyway, did that for an hour and headed home. Back at the ramp 8:45 before this southerly blows up! Another beautiful morning in Port Stephens. cheers scratchie!!!
  23. Thanks guys! Yes very embarrassing, thanks Matt! There is no better feeling than teaching someone to fish or target a species and become successful at it. That’s what this forum is for and why I love it so much. It provides like minded people a platform to converse, learn and meet up and share their common passion of fishing! cheers scratchie!!!
  24. Nice work yet again yowie!
  25. Good stuff Adrian. Gummy sharks are beautiful on the plate and you did a fine job of making it look good too! cheers scratchie!!!
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