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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. Yeah mate, cracking weather! It helps living by the water! I forgot to post but I went out Sunday with the kids and landed 20 whiting in the bay. The day was so nice that I was worried about Monday but could not have picked better conditions. Then the snapper turned on big time! Sad to say we left them biting! 😥
  2. Thanks Sam! All year round snapper up here mate! Still trying to work it out but the big bruts seem to be September-October. With the winter months more plentiful. Then summer comes along and you start with snapper early morning, then chase marlin and mahi mahi during the day, then snapper and kings late arvo! Oh the struggle! Haha 😂
  3. Baz, we’ll take you out one day as long as you promise you don’t break anything!!!
  4. That’s great! Always nice to come home with a feed of snapper. We pretty much bagged out but let a heap go! Landed between 40-50 fish for the day and managed 6 around 70 plus. Biggest of the day went to woodsy with a thumping 82cm model but fat as weighing 8kg whole!
  5. That’s the goal mate! At least I timed the weather to perfection yesterday.
  6. Headed out yesterday with @Woodsy1 and step son! Smacking day out there!
  7. My target is snapper! Not jackets. Sorry but we don’t seem to have them in plague proportions up here! Cheers scratchie!!!
  8. What a trip and half basil. Some amazing photos and fish there mate! Congrats 👏👏👏👏👏 I’m sure there would have been some good stories on the trip back home! Cheers scratchie!!!
  9. All I’ve heard today was that the current is roaring out there between 3-4 knots! Sorry but that’s all the info I have! Cheers scratchie!!!
  10. Good stuff! That’s a nice red there indeed. Good to see that you managed one on plastics too! Conditions look pretty nice as well. Cheers scratchie!!!
  11. Good stuff Trav! Sounds like a nice morning on the water! Cheers scratchie!!!
  12. Oh ok, I’ve got the spot now! 👍 Yes mate, I never touch the drag! I don’t see any advantage of adjusting it the closer it gets to the boat. If anything, you give the fish a second chance by releasing pressure.
  13. Well done mate! That’s a fantastic report and a great fish too! The only thing that I would say, never touch your drag during the fight. Always use a tight/firm drag and this sets the tone for the battle, so just play it out! Broughton? That looks like Broughton in the background? Cheers scratchie!!!
  14. Haha, good stuff Rick! I was talking more snapper than cephalopods but at least you wet a line! Nice catch 👍 cheers scratchie!!!
  15. I believe you wholeheartedly Baz 😂😂😂
  16. Top shelf effort! Nice fish too! Well done 👍 cheers scratchie
  17. Awesome basil. Now that’s some good karma there! Nice work on the flatties! Cheers scratchie
  18. A few snaps??? I was hoping to see snapper Jon! Lol. Sorry mate, hate pelicans! Too many on the water and at the boat ramp! 😂😂😂 Great photos though! Cheers scratchie!!!
  19. Most people would struggle to reach their bag limit based on knowledge and angling ability. The ones that do, generally will release more fish than most rec fishos catch! (Snapper) That is my experience of my area Port Stephens! The question is........... What impact does, commercial and recreational fishos have on the snapper population???? IMO, we’ll never know unless we could drain the oceans and do a proper count! If bag and size limits are set by authorities, then that is all we have to go on! We can argue and debate all we want but that is the law! If you enjoy your angling, then abide by the rules set by the DPI and get out there and enjoy yourself! Cheers scratchie!!!
  20. That’s great to see that at the young age of 81yo she still enjoys fishing! I’m sure she would have been excited by that mixed bag! Well done 👍 cheers scratchie
  21. G’day raiders, Firstly, these type of incidents are more common than we care to imagine. They are not isolated to any one race and point blank they are breaking the law! The only thing we can do is lead by example and report any illegal activity to the appropriate authorities! Thanks for your input. This thread is now locked. Regards scratchie mod team
  22. About 5 years ago I remember a good run on trevally and haven’t encountered them since! Good point!
  23. Quite an interesting topic! I have found that this snapper season to be one of the best in years! Almost every trip has been in the double digits and two weeks ago we had the best trip I’ve ever encountered with approximately 100 fish boated. I’ve never seen them so thick in this area! We still have trawlers, fish traps and probably more rec anglers than ever before! I’m at a loss to explain why! But let’s hope the great fishing continues 👍 cheers scratchie
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