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Everything posted by Scratchie

  1. I’m really keen to enter but I think the commitments I already have might get in the way! 🥲
  2. Welcome to the team Mike! We all appreciate you putting your hand up and helping our great fishraider community 👏👏👏 cheers scratchie!!!
  3. No problems Rev! As I said, you haven’t picked the best weather to come fish up here. It certainly is the best time of year usually everything is on the cards. Hopefully later in the week the fishing improves! Just keep casting 🤙 cheers scratchie!!!
  4. Scratchie

    Members Boats.

    Good to see your still able to get out there and have a crack John. Nice boat 🤙
  5. Check the shallow areas in the front half of the bay from high tide and as it’s falling. Best time to target them.
  6. Hey Longy, I wouldn’t even bother going outside mate! I checked the ocean today and whilst it’s not as bad as predicted, it’s still pumping. Not worth the risk from my experience! Plenty of spots to try for Jew in the bay. Seems to be a few flatty around too! cheers scratchie!!!
  7. Great report Neil. I’m sure that session brought a big smile to your face! Well done 👍 cheers scratchie!!!
  8. Cracking report Donna. So good to see you both back on your travels. Fishing provides some fabulous destinations. I hope you both tick all of them! Great fish btw! cheers scratchie!!!
  9. Hey Steveo, Conditions outside will be very ordinary to say the least. I don’t see you venturing outside this week unfortunately. The bay will still be fishable at times. The water in the bay has a tan colour to it and will get worse with a bit more rain. Probably not the best week to come up! 🥲 cheers scratchie!!!
  10. Yewwwwwww! Good stuff Rummers! Reward always equals effort! You certainly have put some time in and that fish is a beauty! Well done 👍 cheers scratchie!!! ps. I think I’ve got that spot! 😂
  11. Nice work Bob! Although those banana photos make me cringe! 😂 cheers scratchie!!!
  12. Wahoooooooooooooo what a fabulous catch. The speedsters of the ocean. My mate and I got one just south of there a few years back. Never heard a reel scream that hard ever. Tastes bloody good too! Congrats 👏 cheers scratchie!!!
  13. My soft plastics range will depend on what I’m actually targeting. So you obviously need quite a few different ones! For me, being a predominantly lure based angler I go through a fair bit. However, I have been fortunate enough to be supplied with plenty of plastics and also been sent a lot to trial for different companies. In saying that, I still probably spend about $200-$300 per year because at the end of the day, YOU CAN NEVER HAVE ENOUGH LURES 😂😂😂 cheers scratchie!!!
  14. Better than a donut! Years ago I caught a solid Albacore tuna at north head! Made for some good eating too! Happy days 🤙 cheers scratchie!!!
  15. The old Mac tuna put up a good fight especially on that gear! Can’t say I use them for a table fish but that looks good. They haven’t turned up in Port Stephens yet. They were so thick last year, at one stage I thought I had a world record snapper on the line 😂 cheers scratchie!!!
  16. 💯 I fished with a lot of people and when I say just keep casting i mean it. That next cast might just send the reel screaming. It did today!
  17. And that’s the truth! Cheers Gordo! It’s a genetic deformity I believe Thanks Rebel 💯 Rob! I was so excited for him. His patience and skill were there to see. Definitely a better fisho than when we first went out together!
  18. No worries Rev! If ya need any info just send me a pm! 🤙 Hahahahhaha definitely both got rough heads! Absolute horse of a fish! It would be fun to watch 😂 😂😂😂 we don’t see many with knobs like that. Just the occasional one. Cheers Sam! Every time you go out you learn something new. Thanks Bob! Time on the water definitely equals fish. 🤙
  19. Cheers. If you keep casting then your always in game! 💪💪💪 It went 88cm and 8.91kg Cheers BIG Fish of a lifetime for sure! Caught on a 7inch white gulp Jerkshad Hahahahaaha would love to see you with that on a hand line 😂😂😂 Cheers! My mate is super stoked with that
  20. G’day raiders, For those of you that have fished with me or read my reports, my motto is “JUST KEEP CASTING”. I say it all the time for a reason. No matter what happens when your out there fishing whether it’s a quiet day or the fishing are turning it on, it only ever takes one screaming reel to change your day! Well today was one of those days for a good mate of mine @Rodeo We’ve been fishing together for some time now and whilst he’s done a fabulous job on the net and caught some decent fish, he was yet to break his PB. Most trips consisted of a few good fish and me usually getting a string puller. He’s questioned me a few times on what I think he’s doing wrong. But his technique is solid and I said “JUST KEEP CASTING” Today that all changed and that motto has proved correct. We managed a few pannies each and changed a few locations due to various reasons, then out of nowhere my mate hooks this monster! He played it perfectly and after a spirited fight onboard she comes! Yewwwwwwee. I was so stoked to see him finally land such a good fish after so many trips! We called it a day about 9am. No it’s not whiskers but still a thumping fish all the same! So when your out there and you think all hope is lost……… JUST KEEP CASTING! Thanks for reading, Cheers scratchie!!!
  21. Nice work on the fish and squid. The video definitely shows the difficulty of landing a fish on a ski. But you can get closer and tighter in a ski than a boat. Well done 👍 cheers scratchie!!!
  22. Hahahahahah if I was a millionaire I’d get a new boat every week! But I’m sometimes lucky to afford this one 😂
  23. Try reading this article I wrote. It explains a lot of your questions. If you have any further, please ask!
  24. Cheers mate! Yeah I’ve got a fair idea if the area. If you need any advice just ask! 🤙 Seems to be happening a lot more lately! 🥲 Thanks mate! It’s a great place to fish. Like anywhere, you just need to put in the effort!
  25. What a cracking catch! That just has effort written all of that report! Fish of a lifetime for sure! Congratulations 👏 cheers scratchie!!!
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