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Everything posted by Blackfish

  1. They have caught Jacks in there.
  2. Eastern Kelpfish. Have a look in Aquarium as they have come up a couple of times before. Not poisonous, eating wise, not sure as I don't know anyone who has eaten one. Mind you to get one big enough to eat would be a challenge.
  3. Thanks Dave, when you put up that suggestion I googled it (because I've never heard of that critter) and found it on the Australian Museum site. I didn't think it looked like the fish in question, but hey I'm happy to be wrong so the fish is positively ID'ed. All good mate, met Neville Coleman a few times in the 80's and have a few stories but that another time. Gordon.
  4. Howie I think it could be out of its area the Gulf Gurnard and it doesn't seem to have the spines or ridges on its head. Happy to be wrong though.
  5. If I had to have a guess and it was caught on the south coast of NSW. Common Gurnard Perch. Noesebastes scorpaenoides Guichenot.
  6. The Pearl perch is certainly not a common catch off Sydney to. Good effort Gordo.
  7. Well I hope that after all that good rain you've had it doesn't turn bad for you guys down that way. Looking forward to the reports after the opening Neil.
  8. Now there's a couple of great fish. The Bream Jon, is it a Black Bream. Thanks
  9. Gee, it seems there's a bit of water still flowing around your area there Neil. I suppose at the end of the day its for the better good. All the best in the upcoming Cod season, will look forward to the reports mate.
  10. That may be a FG Knot Recurve. That's what I use on my Gomoku, but only in realitive light leaders. Under 15 kg, just haven't tried them on heavier leaders.
  11. Yes Henry, Painted Grinner that one. A face only a mother could love.
  12. I'm with NaCHI20K9 Large Scale Saury. Sauria undosquamis. Has come up a couple of times before. http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=81429 http://www.fishraider.com.au/Invision/index.php?showtopic=75882
  13. It's a Flounder. Flounder have a tail where Sole don't. Flounder http://www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/content/fisheries/recreational/saltwater/sw-species/flounder Sole http://australianmuseum.net.au/image/black-sole-from-cudgera-creek
  14. Jon, I doubt it would as they are specific for a Coxswains grade 1, a HLTAID003 is very easy to get these days. Between you and I, to easy. A commercial provider would give you one in 5-6 hours and cost about $80- thats Sydney prices. Years ago I did a St Johns course over 2 days and it was far better ..... but time kills me these days. A specific Fishing one would be good to do for what I do.
  15. Does sound interesting, when and where is the issue for me.
  16. Only just read this, buggar. Do they have a "catch up" for this.
  17. I am led to believe, but I'm easily led. That's Bluefish point is called Bluefish point.. I got a Bluefish up at Winney Bay years ago fishing for Luderick but haven't caught a Zebra Fish.
  18. I'm going to take a punt and only a punt, as always I'm happy to be wrong. But could it be a Yellowbanded Wirrah Acanthistius cinctus. But with a certain phase in markings. Male,Female, Juvenile etc. Now the only reason I say this is I don't believe a Western Wirrah comes over this way.
  19. Bit of a explanation. http://www.theherald.com.au/story/116085/rare-yellow-blackfish-caught-near-swansea/
  20. That far out from most Sydney rocks you may have a problem with boat traffic running over you line.
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