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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. Massive swell in Bate Bay, breaking half a km off the beach and Voodoo reef was insane!
  2. Great bag Crabstar! That big hood is a horse๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
  3. Great story Noel! Enjoy telling the story over a couple of thick fillets and a nice wine๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
  4. Awesome session Chris! You braved the swell and reaped the rewards!!!
  5. Great bagโ€ฆ.worth the tough trip in!
  6. Entertaining read Dave! Lucky the flatties saved the day and the shark episode sounded like good fun!
  7. Nice inkers! I once landed a flatty over 70 on a squid jigโ€ฆ it let go of it in the net!
  8. Great sesh Chris! Bad luck about the lost , sounded like a belter!
  9. Great to see you getting the kids onto kingsโ€ฆ..set that bar high๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
  10. What a trip! Congrats on amazing captures and some adventures to boot! definitely on my bucket list๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป
  11. Great day out Chris! Nice mixed bag and plenty of baits for later on! enjoy the squid rings!!!
  12. Great post and well done on the big catch. Iโ€™m like you โ€ฆlove providing a great feed for the family!!
  13. Rebel Great day out and some awesome catches with your boys in the hols! Take some photos when you can, you paint a good picture!!
  14. Great stuff Albert! Well deserved fish and great to see Raiders help each other out to get a great result!
  15. Great report Mike! Always good to take a travel rod and even better to get a few new species! That little GT would have gone hard:)
  16. Cracking Bass! They are on my bucket list for sure!!
  17. Great session Bob! Plenty of Dolly fillets and a cracking flatty! Nailed it again!
  18. Nice bag Yowie! I took my son out this arvo for a fish and we collected some poddies to troll slowly around some deep spots for not much joy. Highlight was a 25cm Soapy on a nipper! Wind up next couple of days so you did well!
  19. Had a long day on the water again yesterday but a bit slow on the return fish wise. Lost a few fish early on and then just as the tide started running hard back in at 3pm I landed a nice smaller jew that went 68cm, very fat and quickly released. Took one flatty about 50 home for a feed. Next outing will be with my son in the Hacking on Thursday....good conditions by the looks, fingers crossed!
  20. Thanks Rebel, Mrs Jenno always finds a fish! Thanks Dave, I've avoided the Hacking as it has been very busy and I know the Georges pretty well so it's often a safer bet for me! Thanks Neil, All I had eaten since 7am was a coffee and a hot cross bun! The picnic was devoured just after Mrs Jenno landed her fish!
  21. Great mixed bag Kobi! You must have been following Yowie, the king of the Hacking Seafood platter! Keep it up! New moon this week should bring good tides ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป
  22. That looks like fun and I bet it's addictive. Nice work!
  23. I waited out the windy week and planned to get back out there on Saturday to hunt another jew and some flatties. Collected some behemoth poddies on Friday afternoon ready for the next morning and sat back to watch the footy (Go Sharkies!). Launched into the Georges by 7am and headed out into the bay to drop a livie at one of my drop-off spots. Had a good hit and weight on for 15 seconds then the bait and hook was spat. Headed up river to drop 2 lines down on the run out drift and had a short screaming run on one line that came up empty then watch the other rod buckle over 10 seconds late. Up came my second jew for the week measuring at 93cm. A few happy snaps and back it went. I was ready with my phone for a release video but I was swimming the fish by the tail and one tail thump against the boat and it was gone! Pretty stoked with a good fish by 8am I tried a few more drifts then moved around a bit trolling poddies and dragging vibes and hard bodies. I waited for the tide to turn and headed back to where I landed the jew. On the same drift I had a thump on my second last bait and up came a solid flatty. It slipped through a large hole in the net so I had to lean over and lip grip it and bring the rod, net and fish over in one swing. Took a few picks one the lie detector @74cm then released the big girl. Got a call from Mrs Jenno about midday and invited her out to spend an hour or 2 as the conditions were still pretty calm. She jumped on board with a very welcome picnic basket to share:) I had one last bait so we headed back to the spot and dropped it down and I handed Mrs J a rod with a small soft vibe and told her to teabag it as we drifted along. 10 seconds late she was on and up came another good flatty. Mrs Jenno insisted she was taking this one home to eat and it was a PB so I obliged and dispatched it @ 65cm. Spent the next hour cruising right up to the end of the Wonny then back to the ramp a tad tired. Big day out but well worth the long hours:)
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