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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. Thanks Bob, The cuts and bruises will heal but the memory of a good fish lasts:)
  2. Most of the time I release them but occasionally I’ll freeze dead ones for a cut bait.
  3. I used to have 2 paternoster rigs on my kayak in rod holders and hold one rod with a jig straight through. Quite effective when fishing steady depth of 5m or more. Had a few triple hook ups when they are on!
  4. Great stuff Derek! that many top water fish is a fabulous session, no wonder your mate was quiet!
  5. Great post and a good spread of lures doing the damage! 3lb would be heart stopping on a fish over 50 or 60!
  6. That’s a birthday to remember!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  7. Great job Kobi! The next 2 weeks will be full of PBS by the looks of that catch!
  8. Yep, rookie error….I’m usually careful and take my things off but today brought me undone! Didn’t feel any pain bringing the Jew in! Yep, the bleeding probably helped in the long run, I only had my balaclava to keep pressure on and I kept rinsing my hand so it’s all good now. Thanks! Cuts are ok but my shoulder and arm are beaten up today! Thanks Larkin! I keep a fix it kit in the boat but my wife is making me a first aid kit now too!🤪
  9. Nice work Kantong! Thats a good bag of trumpeter whiting, I’ve only ever caught one or two, happy filleting!
  10. Haven't been out much in the last couple of weeks but glad to be on hols for the next fortnight:) Collected some poddies yesterday arvo ready for a trip up the Georges today. Wind was blowing south west ....... not agreeing with the forecast! Started the day with a slip and fall on the boat ramp...thongs and low tide don't mix and ended up chopping up my fingers on oysters which bled for 2-3 hrs! Out on the water and things were slow and I dropped livies at a few of my spots without any joy. As the tide started rolling in I picked up a nice salmon and a couple of flatties all released. Went back to one of my deeper spots mid tide and had a good take and the rod had some weight but the bait was dropped and came up crushed. Same mangled livie went out the back and off screams the line. I used my electric to motor out of structure and up came a nice jew after a few minutes. Got it on board and took a few snaps then thought I still have a few cutlets from my last good fish so off he/she went back to play again some other time. Called it a day when the southerly hit.
  11. Great stuff Isaac! trolling and casting giving you some wins!!
  12. What session! they must have been schooled up….what bait did the damage and what depth🤷🏻‍♂️
  13. At least you got a Good Friday feed Yowie! Winds are up for a couple of days so it will be tough going on the water over Easter. What bait and rig do you use for the reds in the deep🤷🏻‍♂️if you don’t mind sharing🙏🏻
  14. Cracking bag Chris and good to see them dispatched into ice…..they look ready for the fish markets 🤪 enjoy the Easter fillets!
  15. Great trip Yellowfin! plenty of fillets and nice sized flatties too. Whiting too🤷🏻‍♂️
  16. Nice work as usual Chris! interesting about the lack of flatties, maybe they are like the duskies, more aggressive when the tide is moving!
  17. Very nice bag Dave, you could cook a 4 course degustation menu with that lot! The crab alone looks like a nice entree for 2!
  18. Crackers….time for a nice whippy lud rod👏🏻👏🏻
  19. Short, sweet and productive Rebel👌
  20. Cracking Red Jeff and plenty of dolly fillets too, nice work!
  21. Great sesh Rick ....good luck on the luds!
  22. Amazing day out Bob....great numbers and a cracker of a flatty to top it off:)
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