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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. What a day out! Amazing Post and the sight of the piercing made me shiver! Enjoy those fillets!!!
  2. Nice work Stewy, Healthy looking mullo is a bonus!
  3. On fire Chris! Great session on the kings and bonus squidlies for dinner!!
  4. I enjoy fishing livies, especially big ones but it’s also good to go back to lures and focus on different tactics and spots🙏🏻
  5. Sounds pretty weird Dave! Water is warm, there’s been some fresh here and there and I’ve seen plenty of surface action…maybe things will hot up as the big tides approach next week 🤷🏻‍♂️
  6. That's it, enough for a family feed! Yep the first one took a soft vibe and the other two smashed the big double clutch! Cheers! Bang on! That little one was only twice the size of the lure!
  7. Thanks, Little Flatty I used to take my son fishing on the front of my Hobie when he was 5 then all of a sudden he lost interest...too much screen time! It took him another 13 years to come to his senses!! Thanks Isaac, the flatty was my son's and he was pretty pumped. Cheers! Thanks Dave, I've lost a jig or two fishing light over the kelp....trying heavier leader landbased! Cheers Rebel! Thanks Restyle, he was very happy!
  8. Headed out about 6:30 this morning into the Georges hoping to catch some nice poddies for a troll. Tried a few spots for nadda and decided to make the morning a lure session. Got the first flatty on a soft vibe off a drop-off then headed up river. I hit a 1m deep spot and when the tide started to run in there was a bit of action and I picked up about 6 flatties but most undersized. You can see the size of one of the throw backs against a 120mm HB! Kept a few in the 40-50s alive in my livie tank and dispatched them back at the ramp. Not much to show but the fillets are in the fridge ready for a meal this week.
  9. You are firing Chris, you cracked the snapper code over winter and now you have to kings under control! Congrats, great bag of fish and that bigger king looks like it is very solid!
  10. Great work for a weekend day Mass, plenty of variety and fish!!
  11. That’s a cracker, looks in the 90s based on the shoe size! well done on the release👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
  12. Amazing work Ben i love catching the big girls on livies and I can only imagine how good it is to hook and land a croc on fly!
  13. Awesome fish, congrats! they are on my bucket list….especially if I retire up north🤪
  14. Finally got my boat back after my son in law helped me fit a live bait tank into the back decking a couple of weeks ago. I headed out on Friday to collect some poddies and caught some corkers around 150mm. My son wanted to fish land-based in the Hacking with his mate on Saturday so I dropped him off up river with his gear and some livies. I headed up river myself and had fun pumping nippers in chest deep water! Drifted around the flats for a while for a few whiting, a flounder on nippers and a 50+ flatty on a poddy (no pics) My son calls me around 10 am and sends me a pic of a croc he landed on a huge poddy. It went 87cm and was promptly released (excuse some faint expletives but it was a PB! The shot on the lie detector wasn't well positioned:) Kept an eye on the week's weather and headed down to the rocks at the entrance of the Hacking yesterday morning and got 3 small squid before sunrise. Only little fellas but enough for tonight's dinner!
  15. Great bag and in the warm water too!
  16. Great post Restyle Always rewards for the live bait and good one you for landing some keepers....bad luck about the lost brutes!
  17. Nice bag Dave! I was on the rocks near Bass and Filnders yesterday morning and got a few small squid before work about 6am. Were you near the marker?
  18. Hey Mass Nice work, was that you fighting the king just off Maiainbar flats about 6:30am? I was launching and dropped my son and his mate down to a landbased spot further upstream. I had live poddies and did one drift down the main channel with no joy:)
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