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Everything posted by jenno64

  1. Yesterday with low winds forecast I headed out in the yak where Georges River meets Botany Bay for an arvo mission. Took a mate in tow as he wanted to try some fishing techniques from his new paddle kayak. Collected some poddies on the last of the run in and headed up river with two baits down. My sounder was out of power but my mate kept me informed with the flash hatch-mounted sounder on his new Stealth Pro Fisha. The call came of soft bait balls and arches came as I hooked up on my trailing lure with a nice flatty in the low 60s coming in. As I was retrieving the lure, the biggest livey was smashed and drag was screaming off the reel and my new Daiwa TD Black rod. I was tangled in my other line so cut it free and started chasing the culprit. Up came a rat king which was quickly released. https://youtu.be/DDnbDi6qe48 https://youtu.be/uoCiIAaywB4 Lost a few poddies to lack of oxygen as my aerator ran low on battery so stopped off to catch a few more. All was quiet for a while then after waiting for the start of the run out I hooked a 60 cm soapy on the same hard body. Picked up a couple of other smaller fish on the pedal home but nice to get the trifecta again. Pleasant arvo out with a flatty to take home for dinner☺️ https://youtu.be/LxpPqJQD79E
  2. Great work, nice feed there and gotta love poddies:)
  3. Sounds like a plan Ribs go get '😉em!
  4. Yowie You certainly have pulled quite a few crocs so far this season! I've caught 5 in the 70s since November in 6 trips so pretty happy with the strike rate:) I usually get a few in the 80s up in the Georges but haven't fished it yet this season. Still waiting on getting over the line with the metery:) It's good to read about plenty being released and I'm looking forward to late january when the holiday crowds settle down - it's a circus atm!
  5. Frank I was thinking the same but I had my GoPro in my hand which I would normalyy lift the back of the fish. Will do next time:)
  6. Bob I usually get them at a number of sand flat spots on a morning rising tide before the wind comes up. Taren Point, St George Sailing club are worth a go.
  7. Headed out yesterday into Botany Bay on the yak amid a thousand jetskis and cruisers heading for the outer beaches and coves. Collected a few nippers the day before and a few poddies while I fished the nippers in the shallows. Caught a nice bream on an unweighted nipper and then put down a couple of livies in deeper water for the last hour of the run in. Came up tight on a nice trevally on a nipper drifting out the back and as I released it one of the liveys was smashed. Up came a solid croc which jumped out of the net twice before cooperating. Took a snap and put her back in good shape. Headed home happy and ready to get out there in the new year!
  8. Insane Kings!! Bet the noobs were happy:)
  9. Nice effort and a good bag....happy fillets!
  10. Great session Yowie and two crocs over 70 in on day is amazing by anyone's standards. Just as a matter of interest at what stage of the tide were the deep water crocs caught? I've been getting a few
  11. Congrats on a cracker of a PB, those those lures sure pin the fish! Merry Christmas!!
  12. Awesome report, looking forward to the pics!
  13. Merry Christmas Scratchie Here's me thinking I'm doing alright preparing tempura battered flathead for Christmas dinner ....imagine what you guys are having😉
  14. Great report and congrats on the new rig. You've had a great maiden voyage and sounds like plenty of good fish to come:)
  15. Nice work on the fish with the kids....that's a hood alright...legally speared from that part of the bay....not sure?
  16. Magic fish and well done on lip gripping it😬
  17. Had a cracking afternoon kayak session on Friday after an early launch on the lower Georges. Collected only a few poddies in the morning and trolled them around on the run in for a while heading upstream to a better bait spot. Loaded up a bag limit of nice sized poddies on the top of the tide and started fishing the flats for not much action. I waited for the tide to gather some momentum about two hours after high and fished the deeper water. First fish was a fiesty flatty around 65-70cm that slipped out of the lip grips and jumped out of the net with a spectacular vertical leap. I was thinking it wasn't going to be my day but I was wrong and in the next 90 minutes the action was insane. https://youtu.be/xSa46vNChqM Next fish was a king on my lighter rod that gave me some stick for a couple of minutes. Was stoked to measure it at legal! Following drift produced a double hook up with a 60cm mulloway and while I was releasing it another king smashed my bigger rod. Next up was a nice flatty just over 60cm and another rat king to follow that was released. Shortly after another double with a smaller flatty released whilst the heavier rod went off with another king. https://youtu.be/hGmceFCM804 With only a few dead poddies left I headed back to the ramp and had the bigger rod smashed by a 72cm flatty which I took into the shore to video the release. https://youtu.be/Gr_eFI-Qnmg A memorable session and all while I was being buzzed by huge cruisers and cowboys on jet skis. I'll post some links to my Youtube channel soon.
  18. Great bag over the two days....enjoy the feed:)
  19. Nice haul, they all look like siblings....same size!
  20. Great haul and very healthy looking fish:)
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