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Everything posted by Hoods

  1. They are such a good looking fish at that size. I love the purple hue on the top of their head. There's a reason they call them ghosts. Thanks for sharing.
  2. Well done BN. Keep up the good work. As for "sports" fish they make good target practice. On a side note the water out near the shelf last weekend was over 23 but the boys came home empty. I suspect lots of fish are in close cleaning up as the dirty water flushes out. I'm sure there are some big lizards, jew & red "deveils" waiting for your attention up here. If you tell us the details of your motor I'm sure there will be one lying about.
  3. Our fish bag is invalluable in our smaller boat & also in a mates 6.15m. We all have this issue so am interested in your solution. In regards to wear & tear the outside corners cop a hiding and we have insulated with gorilla tape or similar as the bags tend to slide around in the boat & everywhere else. Definitely recommend protecting the outside corners. Internally we have used glue & patches as the issue arises. Like your preventative approach. Keep us posted please.
  4. The best way to learn is to leave the other gear at home & then you have to make it work. Like when we were learning SP's for snapper. How do you go casting from a boat with the flyrod? - I am proposing to build a casting deck for the front of my tinny to help with casting SP's & flies etc outside.
  5. You have raised the bar Ben Hall... In 1994 I took the wand out & caught Dollies and Striped Tuna on the 5 weight but that Snapper of yours is a step up - Well Done. Don't stop there.
  6. What a way to start your Cod season Bigneil... Still think Yanco Creek would work especiially as it should connect to the Edwards then the Murray in this event. No reports up here - too much water mixed up with the fish!! Good luck to all, Hoods
  7. How good is that!! Head up the creek to the bridge for the start of the run out with your hard bodies etc. And show your kids the pressure wave at the start of the run in in back creek (I bet you cannot catch a bream in the lower section - they have Doctorates in Fishing!!). Tight lines H's
  8. In our day the limited information we could get was Gold. These days I tell the kids there is so much information available the key is to work out what is relevant. (And just because its on the web doesn't mean its True. Unfortunately for me the most useful tools for fishing now is Social Media - FB posts of fish just caught, Snapchats which show your locaion - worked a treat last year to show where the Mackeral were being caught!! No wonder they think we were wired back in the day.
  9. So much effort for precious information.. Now the kids just "google" it and watch it on youtube - which he did with me tonight on your link - thank you. LFMAO - "why do you guys all look so weird??" referring to the yutube vidz - he's never seen bell bottom pants, body shirts OR the ALL Aussie Terry towelling hat (bought one for the sister in law when she moved across the ditch) When I moved to the coast I watched those videos mentioned above (lots) - a big change from inland fishing. Got me hooked on fishing. BN would be horrified at my early circa 1974-86 fishing methods on the "Bidgee. On a side note ALL creeks & rivers from the Manning to Coffs Harbour are running a double cafe latte today. Moderate flood levels so anyone coming for a fish please beware. A good opportunity to chase some Jew on the run out or on the beaches. Limited reports outside indicate some good snapper & Pearlies pre dirty water. Current 2 weeks ago was 22 out at 150m. We need a southerly to bring it in closer. Still some good flathead & Jew in the river systems.
  10. Ron's video inspired us years ago & more recently the young fulla. It still fires but I hope you like lots of spinning - bring a long gaff as the ledge is a long slope to the water. Its still safer than a lot of other platforms. Early to late autumn usually but the seasons seem to be earlier now. And yes a nice walk from the car park either way. Take water.
  11. Jeez my spellig is shit - buy a good outfit & have fun (like buy as much technology as you can afford & get into it)
  12. Select a price range, Pick a brand, get a matched oufit and go have some fun. Remember the poor man always pays twice. A Saltist will do a similar good a job as the Saltiga but a cheap outfit will let you down when you need it most.. AND you wont hand it down to the kidz.
  13. Thanks Crusher - there's the callenge. Find Lucifer. The young fella found him in the Stewarts River - broke his rod running under the boat. I know they're around the wharfs in the lower Hastings. Waiting for Big Neil to show up to make our presence felt with the feindish freinds. The Manning has produced some school Jew so no pressure on the freezer atm. Bit of dirty water in the river and outside the blue water is geting closer to the coast.. attached some pics of Seal Rocks today...
  14. Thanks Dirvin - I've changed my plan to work this weekend and put the batteries on charge.
  15. I had the same real years ago. It did its job well. Used it outside for bottom bashing and light trolling & in the river for live baiting. it was a great reel for the kids outside. I would keep it. Hoods
  16. Congratulations Neil. Keep it up. Thanks for the post and hoping your weather gods play ball for you. Hoods
  17. Flathead definitely for Tassies. I was using pink one but a guy at Adaminaby last week said black & gold colours were the preferred colours for them. I would believe it as black & gold lures work well. Nice collection - I left some of mine in the dam.
  18. Hi Sam contact me closer to your visit. I will do some "research" for you in the meantime🐬
  19. NSW & Vic governments have spent a lot of money eradicating carp from waterways. Lakes in Victoria are nearing or at nil carp following an effort to sterilise males & tag & trap programs. I was always of the belief that it was illegal to return a carp to the waterway. We had thousands left in the irrigation channels & paddocsk in the MIA (griffith/Leeton) at the end of the irrigation (no natives). Neil the only reliable location for Redfion was Barrenbox swamp. The system has been "remanaged" and with poor water quality due to reduced cell size & the dreaded carp I suspect there are few left. In the big floods in the mid 80's I saw schools of Boney Bream in this area. In the late 70's the swamp had clear water & you could sight cast to schools of redfin. Charlie Carp fertiliser is their highest & best use. Now there are carp on the east coast rivers. They will cause the same environmental havoc as they have inland. I hope we don't get those jumping carp like they have in the USA
  20. Well done Isaac, don't forget the Wasabi (good for head colds & putting hair on your chest - or taking it off!!) and have a crack at doing sushi rolls with your fish.
  21. I am at a loss for words. Confirmation those charged with resposibility have no responsibilty at all. Seems to be inceasingly common lately. Please do not return this invasive species to the water
  22. Top water Bass And a cooking segment - Things he will never forget. Only judgement is the culinary skills!! Lets hope for a big Cicada season so he can really test his top water skills!! (Is that a single Malt in the background?? Nice touch....
  23. Great work and congraulations to you both (& the boat) on a fabulous run and community spirit. A timely reminder that we need to allow a lot more fuel to get home for changes in the weather. Especially if heading south. They should buy themselves and you lottery tickets On a lighter note the parents have arrived in Bermi following lockdown restrictions so I will let them know its all good for the 4 mile (Not). Please send picture of boat & motor. You should have taken the TruDee IV
  24. As a teenager I tried cooking carp. Mum made me cook it over a fire outside with a wire grill. I was not impresssed and that was as far as it went. A German couple, Ella and Ernie, down the south coast lived near my grandparents who were keen for us to take some carp down at Christmas. So we obliged with a couple of larger models every year and they loved their carp. Not for me though. Maybe these days we are much better at looking after our catch & more creative with secret herbs and spices the humble carp "might" be more appealing!!?? Still think they are more suited to fertiliser. And you are not allowed to release carp back into the water being a non native species - well done Neil for your fishing prowess.
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